What song always makes you feel?
It can be a song that makes you sad, happy, pissed off etc. The song that makes me feel most comfortable and happy is “Lua” by Bright Eyes. You can share why too :]
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55 Answers
“My Ding-A-Ling” by Chuck Berry. It brings out a number of emotions in me! ;)
I am not happy about the sappy songs that always make me feel. Guaranteed to get tears out of me so that by the end I am burbling along instead of singing along are:
Leader of the Band by Dan Fogelberg
Mr. Bojangles (sung by anybody)
“konstantine” by something corporate makes me cry EVERY time. emotional lyrics + piano equals a weepy me.
Gettin’ in Tune by The Who gets me every single time! Walking on the Sun* by Smashmouth and Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows always make me smile.
* This one makes me smile even though I know it was written about the LA Riots in 1992. I think it is the beat that gets me.
I“f you leave me now” – Chicago
Teleports me back to the first girl I kissed.
Hallowed be thy name by Maiden always get me, because at first it’s like “Oh shit, I’m scared to die!” then later it’s like “Aah, fuck it, kill me already”
Redneck stomp by Obituary, it’s the last song me and my friends played when we were jamming out. I don’t think we’ll ever jam again
“The Way We Were”
Memories, may be beautiful and yet
Whats too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So its the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember…
The way we were…
What’s the matter you HEY
Why you look so sad
It’s a not so bad
it’s a nice a place
Ah shutupayaface!!!
And All That Could Have Been – NIN
(Yes, to those that pay attention to my posts, I’m aware I say this all the goddamn time. Shush.)
This is a fan video (scenes are from Requiem for a Dream), and doesn’t quite relate to my personal feelings of the song, but it still is grand nonetheless.
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd-When my mom had cancer and was always drugged to keep the pain at bay, this song always made me think of her at that time.
Where I Stood by Missy Higgins makes me pretty emotional and quiet.
It makes me question my own ability to love and if I’m really getting what I want out of life.
Desperado by the Eagles. Reminds me of the first girl I ever had a serious relationship with.
Vincent (aka Starry Starry Night) by Don McLean. The lyrics just get to me every time.
Angel by Sarah McLachlan. It was a popular song back when my Mother in Law lay dying. It still makes me cry.
And just to help you to realize I am not a sad sack, there is one song that makes me happy and turns me on all at the same time. Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall. Her voice could turn me on just reading the phone book. This is one song I welcome as an ‘ear worm.’
Jim Croce’s Operator.
Operator, oh could you help me place this call
‘Cause I can’t read the number that you just gave me
There’s something in my eye’s
You know it happens every time
I think about the love that I thought would save me
Yes, I did think the love i had with a girlfriend would save me. It didn’t, and I was more shattered than before.
You cant have Desperado by the Eagles.
Thats Elaine’s boyfriend Brett’s song.
It gives away my true generation, but Adam’s Song by blink-182 is one of the few songs I can’t get through without welling up.
“Please tell mom this is not her fault” is the line that gets me going.
@AlyxCaitlin Isn’t that song about anorexia?
But yes, Bright Eyes has a place in my heart.
One of my favorites is “A Song To Pass The Time”. Especially these lyrics.
I wait for a letter that is coming to me.
She sends me pictures of the ocean in an envelope.
So there still is hope.
Yes, I can be healed.
There is someone looking for what I concealed
in my secret drawer,
in my pockets deep,
you will find the reasons that I can’t sleep
and you will still want me.
you will still want me
@evelyns_pet_zebra I love that song! (Black Horse and the Cherry Tree). I don’t even know why, but I find it very appealing.
@filmfann Wow, you are even sappier than me, and that’s saying a lot! : )
@filmfann Love Operator it reminds me so much of my mother. GA for that one!!
@Marina It’s embarassing. I cry at sentimental moments in movies.
@filmfann Mo too. My nephews (who were maybe 11 at the time) convulsed with laughter when I cried during the scene in the claymation film Chicken Run when Henrietta was taken off to the chicken pot pie house. They elbowed each other and whispered loudly to their mother (my sister), “Aunt Marien’s crying, Mom, and it’s a cartoon!
Mine would have to be “The Drugs Don’t Work” Ben Harper and “Yellow Ledbetter” Pearl Jam.
I always start tearing up on “The Drugs Don’t Work” When Ben says
But I know I’m on a losing streak
‘Cause I passed down by old street
And if you wanna show, just let me know
And I’ll sing in your ear again
If heaven calls, I’m coming too
Just like you said you leave my life, I’m better off dead
@Sampson I’m not so sure, it could. But this guy I used to like played it for me because he likes the song so much. When I hear the song I can hear him singing it with his foot stomping in rhythm :]
“Wake Up” by Arcade Fire always hits me. It’s in the trailer for “Where the Wild Things Are” right now, and it just sends chills up my spine.
“1812 Overture” always makes me think of sex (I know! I know!! – It does for everybody)!
The song that make me think, is Memories from the hit Broadway musical Cats by Andrew Llyod Webber. I love musicals, and most of the music to me depending on which musical can be very insperational.
I think I’ve answered different shades of this question (‘what song makes you cry?’ etc) but this morning I heard a song that totally, totally bummed me out. I’m glad this question popped up!
Vincent (aka Starry, Starry Night) by Don McLean. Jesus. Not only are the lyrics horribly depressing but the actual music is a bummer too. I heard it in a pharmacy, while this poor elderly woman hobbled up to the counter for her meds. That was the soundtrack. Ugh.
I think I need to go to the aquarium and watch some baby sea otters flail around to shake this feeling off.
::edit:: Just saw that Evelyn’s Pet Zebra mentioned it above, too…
There is a huge list but here are some f them:
No One by Alicia Keys – this song gives me hope
Somewhere Down The Road by Barry Manilow – the lyrics identify with a difficult time in my life
Couldn’t Have Said it Better by Meat Loaf and Patti Russo – reminds me of a very happy moment in my life
No One Will Do – Mary J Blige – makes me think of my man :)
The Only Love by The BeeGees – it’s one of my dads favourite songs and when I was little he used to dance to this song with me in his arms (I still joke about it with him)
Diamonds and Rust by Joan Biaz – another one that reminds me of my daddy
@photographcrash I love Konstantine…
@Sampson agreed. Bright Eyes is my favorite band. Poison Oak often gets to me.
It’s pretty lame, but lately the song “Fifteen” by Taylor Swift makes me tear up. I wish someone was there to give me the advice from that song when I entered high school.
I might have to say No that we’re done by Metro Station! It is a sad song about a breakup and it really means a lot.
The way i loved you by Taylor Swift it’s another great breakup song!
I like wanted by Jesse James,it’s kinda like how this girl really likes a guy and Welcome to the World by Kevin Rudolf is great about a breakup and it’s like hello? Listen up!
@le inferno I love that song!
X Japan- Crucify my love ironic…
Tears (might be a little loud) by the same band
AndKilling me softly
The first two get to me because of my bouts bouts of loneliness, the third, I don’t know, they all just speak to me.
People are strange – the Doors
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I used to have a shirt with some lyrics from that song on it… I got made fun of :(
@Quagmire – I love that song and I love Chuck Berry!
Some songs that make me feel happy and comfortable include
Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show
Time of Your Song by Matisyahu
You Never Can Tell by Chuck Berry
The first two I mentioned, though, while they usually make me happy, can make me feel really upset if I listen to them while I’m in an exceptionally bad or sad mood. Its weird.
Anything from Buckethead’s album coma makes me feel. Not sad but just very content, and happy.
Things like MSTRKRFT or Justice make me just want to dance, and feel so excited to be alive. Just wanna have fun.
white shoes by conor oberst & the mystic valley band gives me butterflies – at least, that’s the most accurate term i can think of haha.
@AlyxCaitlin lua?! haha that song makes me cry like a baby. have you ever watched him perform it at coachella? it’s beautiful.
well, whenever im making a virus, writing a batch script or inventing i listen to “Clubbed To Death”, the matrix theme. very good song to hack to.
@Sampson i had that same shirt i bet. or well, mine was black. and had jim on a stage on the front. i liked it, but no one else did lol
Oh yeah I forgot one “In My Life” The Beatles I could cry like a baby everytime I hear it.
Another night another dream but ALWAYS YOU!!!! by the MC sar and the real mccoy. or at least thats who i have as singing it. i love this song. you can listen to it any time of day and dance.
This (Antony from Antony and the Johnson’s – The Antony part in the Leonard Cohen documentary – I’m your Man).
There is such a long list of songs that make me feel, and for all different reasons. A few:
Just Like Heaven – The Cure
Sometimes – James
Ceremony – New Order
Graceland – Paul Simon
The entire Hazards of Love album, start to finish – Decemberists
Wonder – Colin Meloy
Fire and Rain – Neil Diamond
First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes
Cath – Death Cab for Cutie
I Will Follow You (Into the Dark) – Death Cab for Cutie
A Minor Incident – Badly Drawn Boy
@Likeradar Where I Stood makes me cry every time, and for some reason I have to listen to it on repeat
Thought of another one Oh Comely- Neutral Milk Hotel. It always makes me depressed when I hear it but I love it.
“Gardenhead/Leave Me Alone” by Neutral Milk Hotel.
And all the songs Spencer writes me and sings to me on MARTA. :)
EVERY time I listen to Hide & Seek, I feel like my body isn’t sure of it self & my heart forgets how to pump. I’m pretty sure if I was to listen to this song more than once a day – my heart would just stop altogether.
Any songs by Shpongle make me go to another place in time and space, it makes me very disconnected while also being very connected to everything. It is great for meditating.
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