Would you die like a hero or live with the guilt?
Asked by
kheredia (
August 19th, 2009
Inspired by this question.
If you were caught in a situation where you could save the lives of a group of people by sacrificing your own, or save yourself but lose the others what would you do?
Would you die like a hero, saving the lives of a group of strangers? Or would you chose to live even if it meant that you had to live with the guilt?
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22 Answers
id save them and die like a hero. 10 ppls lives are better then 1. whats worse 10 familys losing someone they loved or one family (not to say that its ok for anyone to lose someone). you should live your life to help others, not be selfish, and do what ever you can to make this f***ed up world we live in a better place.
#1 – I’m a coward and afraid to die. #2 – I have a family which depends on me and I’d feel as though I victimized my own family by putting the needs of others I don’t even know over their needs. #3 – I have no way of knowing if these people were meant to die, or for that matter if they deserved to die…perhaps they were all hanging out together en route to a serial killer convention or a child molester convention. Bottom line, I’d have to know enough to know that the saving of the 10 was with 100% certainty a better option than going my own way, perhaps my continued existence would in some way some day impact the world in a way that the continued existence of those 10 never could have. If I had some way of knowing that dying was the right thing to do, I’d surely try, but I could never bring myself to make a snap life or death decision based on an assumption.
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I would not die like a hero, but I would live with no guilt at all. I value myself more than I value “a group of people”. Not even my mother in the group would make me sacrifice myself. Not even ensuring world peace, because this is silly and outright impossible to do.
@Inked_up_chic – but your answer presumes a belief in fate, I have no belief that anyone is “chosen” to be somewhere at a particular time and place with a purpose of doing or preventing something. I believe in a random world, and so I would need to see evidence to the contrary which made my path clear. Anything else would be an assumption and again, I can’t take life or death action based solely on assumption. Just couldn’t do it, I’d let them die and I doubt I would feel guilty about it unless I was in some way informed that this was my destiny, this was what was expected of me…if I knowingly violated an imperative to do something and that resulted in the death of innocents, then I would have a hard time with the guilt. But I’m not a leap of faith kind of person so to me it is not clear that just because I am in a position to do something that I’m “meant” to do it, perhaps if I’m meant to do anything, it’s provide for my family, or perhaps I’m meant to be the person there because whatever fate is deciding these things wants or needs these people to die, and I may have been chosen because this fate knows I won’t act.
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touche!!! i have to admit that that is prob the best response i could have ever hoped to hear!!! to each their own!!!
I think I’m too self centered to have a guilty conscience, to be honest with you.
Only if that group of people had my kids in it. Otherwise, I’m with @dalepetrie .
Philosophically, I would give up my life to save 10 people, probably pretty much any 10 people as long as they weren’t Nazis or terrorists. Practically, though, I tend to freeze in dangerous situations so I doubt I would have the presence of mind to act in time to save anyone. And yes, I probably would have survivor’s guilt.
I need a hero
I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I think I tend to agree with @dalepetrie on this one. I like to believe that if I saw someone or a group of people in trouble I would do what I could to help them, but to the point of sacrificing my own life? I honestly don’t think so.
There are people that depend on me living and, because of that, I wouldn’t CHOOSE something that would make me die. I love them.
Yeah, you could save them at the cost of your own life. But what if it turned out those you sacrificed for are in fact all from the sinister Royal Canadian Nazi Party? Now what have you done?
I agree with @dalepetrie his answer is the best logical decision.
Honestly, could not give you a correct answer unless in that situation.
I would like to believe I would.
Talk is cheep. Especially when your life is involved.
I have to agree with the people who didn’t say they agree with me, there’s no “correct” answer, only the one that’s right for you. But yes, mine does tend to follow logic with a modicum of fear
Only a certainty if my daughter was part of the group. Other family members would be a possibility and I would have to make that split second decision at the time.
Since when is dying heroic? How do I know others are even worth dying for? Maybe the 10 people are a bunch of racist, murderers.
Given any greater than ten minutes to contemplate the matter I would almost definitely choose my own life over the lives of others. I believe It would take approximately that length of time to convince myself that I am more deserving of life than the other people in question, likely through sophistry.
If I were to have only, for example, thirty seconds to decide I would probably act on my impulse emotions. What conclusion such would lead to is difficult for me to deduce for which I apologise.
My Papaw told me all those years ago: “GO DOWN PROUD IF YOU MUST FALL.” I do believe in destiny, that somehow I was supposed to be somewhere at a certain point in time. I don’t want to have to stand before God, and explain why I didn’t at least try to save those people. But what would really be a fuck up the ass, is explaining to my kids and grandkids why I didn’t try to save those people. That is something I could never live with.
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