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Quagmire's avatar

Why is my system doing this? See details.

Asked by Quagmire (2088points) August 19th, 2009

Using Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I just bought a battery backup a few days ago into which I put the computer and the monitor. When the computer is idle, it goes into some sort of sleep. The screen is black. Moving the mouse gets no response. Hitting keys gets no response. I have to press the power button on the tower then the monitor will show that the system is assigned to me, locked (which is fine). This only started since I bought the battery.

Any ideas?

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6 Answers

MrGV's avatar

OK it’s most likely hibernation check your settings

mrentropy's avatar

That seems like normal sleep (or standby or S3) behavior to me, especially if the power button light is pulsing.

Could also be hibernation (or S4) if the power light is off and the computer goes through the usual boot up routine until it gets to Vista.

MrGV's avatar

@mrentropy if it was standby it would have turned on if he pressed his keys

mrentropy's avatar

@MrGeneVan Not necessarily; it depends on how the computer is set up. None of my computers (home or work) are set to wake up on a key press. Some can be set to wake up on mouse movement, but I don’t use that, either.

jeffpetersen's avatar

Did you install some related software when you installed the UPS?

Quagmire's avatar

@jeffpetersen, yes.

And may I add, that I don’t have to press the tower’s power button all the way down to wake things.

Now, this may be relevant: When another user is using their account on the computer, when I go back to MY account, there’s a message about the USB cab’e to the battery is not plugged in (but it IS). A few seconds later, it goes away and the software shows that it’a recognizing the battery.

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