Whats a common misconception that drives you crazy?
Tell the misconception, the truth, and provide links with evidence
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119 Answers
That men are from Mars.
While, really, they are from Earth.
“Humans are distributed worldwide, with significant populations inhabiting most land areas of Earth.” link
Don’t know about women, though.
That these have the deadliest venom of any spider, but since they don’t have fangs, they can’t bite you. But if they did, you’d die in a matter of minutes, and nothing could save you.
So many people believe that myth that it’ll be a hundred thousand years before I can convince them all that it is false. Link to the facts.
That blind people are somehow heroic if they accomplish quotidian tasks.
The truth is that blindness is largely an inconvenience, and is ill-understood in this country where the blind are unnecessarily coddled and treated with the disguised bigotry of low expectations.
As a citation I refer you to my blind fiancee who is an MSW (Columbia College, NYC), a psychotherapist, a competition sailor, a horsewoman, a skier, a pianist, a composer and a singer.
@pdworkin a lot of people feel that those who are disabled are somehow at a disadvantage. I know disabled people who would seriously wonder why other so-called ‘normal’ people pity them.
that evolution is “just a theory”.
makes me rage every time.
how about a nice hot cup of rage, everyone?
@ragingloli does that come with sugar and creamer, or simply black? =)
That turning an infant forward facing at 1 years and 20 pounds is a good idea. Yes, it is the law, but it is the bare minimum. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to do just the bare minimum when it comes to safety for my child.
The AAP has not officially changed their stance, not sure why. I thought they had. But they DO recommend that children should be rear facing until they are 2 years old. (unofficially)
here’s the regular guidelines they provide, http://www.aap.org/family/Carseatguide.htm with a lot of information on convertible carseats, which can go up to 33lbs rear facing. My son just turned 2 in July and we recently turned him forward facing.
In our society, we just blindly follow the law without realizing that our safety is at risk. And some parents look forward to it, and yes I was looking forward to the convenience but I’m still a nervous wreck now. 5 Point harnesses are the safest way to be secured in a car.
not sure if this is a misconception, but I was sick to death of all the comments I got for ERF my son
Misconception: “Titanic” was a good movie
Fact: What’s so great about wasting 3 hours and 14 minutes just to see a ship go down?
it comes with a double dose of high blood pressure and two tablespoons of gnashing teeth.
That we only use 15% of our brain. C’mon people. Really.
That we lose 25% of our body heat through our heads. That would mean going out without a hat would be as cold as going out without pants…
That “history” has something to do with “his” and that there is also a “herstory”. No wonder women were not allowed in universities for so many centuries.
That gender and sex are the same thing. Ahhh…........
That every mother on food stamps is a lazy no good sponge who feeds her children M&M’s and HoHo’s for every meal.
That abortion is an easy choice for a woman.
(To piggyback on what @pdworkin said) That all disabled people are somehow intellectually lacking. My genius of a fiance who happens to be quadriplegic proves this one wrong every single second.
that we really understand anything in the universe.
That being an atheist means having no purpose in life. Just because someone doesn’t believe in heaven doesn’t mean he spends his hours wandering around aimlessly being an asshole.
That one person can speak for an entire group of people. Grrrr! No, I don’t know what other people who have a passing resemblance to me think about anything, thank you very much!
It bothers me when people think that peace isn’t a realistic goal.
That taxes should exist for any reason other than paying for government expenses.
That not listening to conservative talk radio makes one an expert as to what its purpose is.
That not owning, using, or understanding firearms makes one qualified to legislate against them.
HTML is programming. HTML is fairly flat; it’s more of a ‘show this on the page’, than decision-making like ‘show this on the page if and only if x = 3’. HTML is coding, people.
But this doesn’t actually make me too upset. What does is the idea that all designers do is make stuff pretty. Um, no.
Designers make stuff pretty for the right audience so they can use or understand it without being confused, and so those people get the right impression of a company, product, or website. Design is part communication, part psychology, and part aesthetics. This is the first link I could dig up on things web designers need to consider before starting work for a client, and this is essentially what any professional designer would have to know in order to do a decent job.
…these are actually not that common, my brain is just stuck on this one topic right now.
That owning a firearm makes you safer.
That flying in an airplane is dangerous.
That marijuana is the gateway drug for heroin.
That terrorism is something to be afraid of.
That there are “logical” and “creative” cerebral hemispheres. Yes, the duties of the hemispheres are often distributed to one side more heavily than the other but rarely to any greater an extent than (to estimate off-hand) 60/40. It is extraordinarily unlikely that any person is specifically right or left brained regardless of their talents or the hand they typically use to write. I study neuropsychology and all of its related disciplines vigorously and with enthusiasm and can assure you that this concept is likely the biggest (and in my opinion the worst) misconception that ‘popular psychology’ has bestowed upon modern society.
Additionally there’s the misconception I have heard increasingly less of which is that we use only X% of our brains. If you use any less than 100% of your brain it’s either endured considerable damage or you have a serious neurological issue.
@Facade : Lack of money is the root of all evil.
@jca That seems to fit too huh :)
That people who hunt and kill animals for food are psychopaths and that men who own guns do so because a gun is how they overcompensate for having a small penis.
Stay at home parents have a wealthy spouse. Many families cannot afford to have the other spouse work.
Women would rather shop or get their nails done than watch football. I’ll take a game over salon gossip any day
That its good for the US just because thats how they do it in Europe.
That liberaism is about protecting choice.
That the purpose of school taxes is to pay for one’s children to go to school.
that ufology is only populated by nutjobs and that there are no serious researchers.
@PerryDolia: Yeah, no one in their right mind would consider 911 something to be afraid of.
@evelyns_pet_zebra: I had a Harvestman crawling on me while i was in rural New Hampshire. I just relaxed and watched it as i sipped my beer.
That any amount of polls, studies, soundbites, insults, guilt, calling me an anti- intellectual or anti- progressive, insisting that its worked elsewhere, telling me im not thinking of the children, the ‘working poor’, ‘minorities’, the uninsured, that im a warmonger, that im anti- gay, anti- environment, or anti- choice will convince me to anbandon my instincts, experience, morality, and ability to think and decide for myself.
That because I am an atheist, I have no moral compass and by definition cannot be a good person, since “all morality comes from the bible.”
That we can’t prove a negative.
Thinking that my good argument proving your argument makes your argument good.
That FDR’s presidency was good for the United States.
That there is a fine for killing preying mantises
People assuming there aren’t any other facets to ones life or personality online once people see one is a political conservative.
That college will make you smart.
Lol I’m early into it & most of the adults don’t even know as much as high school kids.
No offense, it’s true. Probably cuz they haven’t been in school for awhile..
The link/proof is in most college classes lol
That illegal aliens should be treated differently than any other person that breaks the law.
I agree, @Noel_S_Leitmotiv we should start leaving those poor people alone, and welcome them to our country because we need their help and the diversity they provide. I’m glad we agree. We so seldom do.
what i think she means is that she believes that undocumented immigrants somehow get preferential treatment when prosecuted for a crime.
Really? I made an error? Wow!
The very act of illegal aliens being here is a crime, yet for some reason we just look the other way.
But if I Ihold up the Chinese take out next door something would be done about it. WTF!!!!!
Yeah. Those motherfuckers. Trying to improve life for yourself and your family is a lot like armed robbery.
So you don’t believe in the rule of law, okay.
Let’s say I rob and come to have millions as a result, could I not argue that I had improved life for me and my family?
The United States came to be to escape a tyranical government. Mexicans come here because their government is so corrupt. What, are they to good to have their own revolution?
Okay @tinyfaery: Explain how I’m completely wrong.
@tinyfaery , don’t you believe in education and redemption? Or do you think he’s such an idiot that he’s a lost cause?
give america back to the natives and get out
@pdworkin Not over the internet. But that’s me. Knock yourself out. More power to you.
ok. amurka stole texas and california from mexico, so any mexican that comes to either of those states is there legally, and any american in there is an illegal occupant, part of an invasion force, and should be shot on sight.
going further back, you stole all of the continent from the natives, so everyone of you is an illegal immigrant and should be deported back to europe, even though no one wants you here
theft, murder, damage of private property, vandalism.
also no need to put invasion in parenthesises.
@ragingloli: There were laws written by a government regarding these charges at the time?
@pdworkin: Ranting? Try harder babe. Unless you can prove I have no argument I still do.
lol @Noel_S_Leitmotiv you get mad about breaking immigration law but you don’t care that early U.S. colonists killed, stole from, and forcibly relocated an entire continent of people just because they didn’t write down a law that says they shouldn’t
that makes sense…
Again, were laws broken when America was colonized?
lol because laws are important but destroying a centuries old civilization isn’t a big deal.
Do you believe that laws are just there for the sake of it? Most people agree that laws are based on some kind of value system that extends beyond a certain legal codes jurisdiction.
do you disagree?
American law is based on English law witch is based on Roman law, those invading savages…
i don’t know what that’s supposed to mean
That’s OK, neither does Noel.
Aww, just tell me that illegal immagration is legal and i’ll drop it.
I can tell you that “illegal” immigration is salutary for our nation, and should be legalized. It is the very engine of our economy, and a font of creativity, diversity and experimentation.
Tell me, what other illegal acts should be legalized?
And explain how setting up a situation based on an illegal act can ever be legitimate.
anything involving marijuana, drinking at 18
Victimless crime, smoking and growing marijuana, any residual Blue Laws, anything that restricts a person’s freedom of choice and happiness in terms of Gender or sexual orientation, I could think of more, but you don’t really care, and you are not sophisticated enough to understand why I’m right.
Yeah your’re right, I’m unsophisticated, duuuuuuurrrrrrrrr….
Fluther demands that we abide by certain rules, immigrants shouldn’t do the same?
Yes. Immigrants should demand that you abide by certain rules.
Fluther offers no mercy to illegal immigrants who don’t abide by the rules of fluther. they are treated just the same
Oh how open minded of you all. Anyone want to join me in illegally occupying another country?
Nobody wants to join you, but I, for one, do wish you would go.
Aww, go where?
Did you really think you wouldn’t encounter someone with a differing opinion on the internet?
No really, feel free to explain how your perspective is so much more valid than mine.
I don’t care that you say you want stricter treatment for illegal immigrants that’s a reasonable view. i don’t happen to agree with you but it’s nothing I would call ridiculous. But when you claim what European colonists did to Native Americans wasn’t wrong because there was no law you sound idiotic. If there were no law against pulling the limbs off an infant would you mind if I partook?
What’s to be gained by pulling the limbs off an infant?
I can certainly list what was gained by North America being colonized.
You can either pull limbs off or infant, and that’s final. You may not do both.
Ok its a gameshow and if i pull the limbs off an infant I win a million dollars. remember theres no rule against it. what should i do?
Purely hypotheitical and irrelevant.
lol the bottom line is that written rules aren’t the only reason we do (or dont) do things.
would you disagree?
I would agree, what greater good came to be as the result of pulling the limbs off an infant?
i would get a million dollars, cuz it’s a gameshow remember?
I would profit greatly at the great detriment of the infant.
much like the europeans (eventually being us) profited greatly at the catastrophic loss of the native americans
@jaketheripper Haven’t you discovered that he doesn’t respond to reason, ratiocination or empirical data? He just twitches when the Right Wing Volta stimulates his muscles with a tired old meme.
I don’t know about you but I have the ability to determine that gaining a million dollars isn’t worth tearing the limbs off an infant.
You want me to engage in your guilt over being a comfortable American, I just don’t fall for it.
@pdworkin: Ohh, you’re on to me! I’m a thrall for the right wing.
Oh but you liberals, you aren’t sheep at all..
I don’t feel bad personally. I wasn’t responsible but I think it is unimaginable to believe that there was nothing wrong with the way europeans treated native americans. I’m not falling for anything. Europeans killed many native americans, exploited them, lied to them, and took their homes. These are facts. I’m not even sure if you are disputing them or just saying you don’t care. btw I’m not a liberal “sheep” at all. I am a conservative and even I recognize that you’re just towing the company line…
Agreed, these are the facts. Dwelling on it in modern times accomplishes what?
Have you ever heard the name George Santayana?
thats weird you don’t get my reference, I had you pegged as a big reader…
she has stated a couple of times on airow that she doesn’t inform herself on issues.
our former debating site that went down at the beginning of the year.
Shame on me for drawing my own conclusions.
Is all history irrelevant or just the stuff that shines a negative light on the u.s.?
It’s not about what really did or did not happen, it’s about just how productive is it to obsess over the past today.
Am I the only progressive here? Am I the only one looking forward?
your right. now that i think of it, the holocaust didn’t happen either.
on a less argumentative note, isn’t progressive a liberal term?
Last I checked the holocaust happened. Are you trying to equate the holocaust with America’s colonization?
As far as I’m concerned the liberal agenda doesn’t represent progress.
I’m saying the holocaust was bad. AND I’m saying the way the Americas were colonized was also bad. Maybe I’m wrong but you seem to disagree with the latter.
Well, I’m a little biased as I’m enjoying the results of American colonization, right here, right now.
If my dad was on a gameshow where he tore the limbs off a baby for a million dollars then died leaving it all to me, I would enjoy the results but i would still say pulling the limbs off babies was wrong
Okay, so what’s your solution?
What native American tribe would have invented the internet?
that is like saying “who would have built the autobahn” to justify the holocaust.
Well there’s not really a way to fix the problem since the acts were committed over 200 years ago but maybe acknowledging the truth could be a start. And as to your second remark i gotta be honest thats disgusting. People are people even if they aren’t as technologically advanced. Why don’t we go kill the people on polynesian Islands and make factories there it’s not like they were going to do anything that benefits us…
You’re missing my point.
I just find it curious when people rail against certain parts of history while exploiting the results for their convenience.
and in any case, the solution would have been peaceful coexistence, exchange of culture and values, that would have resulted in a much healthier, both physically and mentally, society than you have now, instead of going the route of forcing an entire continent’s native population to the brink of extinction.
psssst you guys should stop feeding z troll.
maybe noel isnt trolling though, but i find it hard to believe anyone is this dense…
That “kids will be kids” and there’s not much you can do about their bad behavior.
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