What do you look for in a significant other?
Just thought it’d be interesting to ask haha :]] and be honest :]
What I look for in my d00dz is HUMOR, height, not hit in the face, smoker in bother cigarettes and weed, motivation to do something in life, optimism, tattoos/piercings, respect, know what they want and kindness :)
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24 Answers
I always said I had three requirements: Have a job, good hygiene, and a great sense of humor.
They pretty much still stand, except the first one. I changed that to “not a scrub” since my boyfriend doesn’t have a job, but because he’s still in college. lol
I insist that she have the appropriate “bits.”
She has to be alive. I mean, literally. She should be breathing and have SOME degree of a heartbeat. When I go on a blind date, I usually bring a stethoscope. You never know.
@AlyxCaitlin Not hit in the face? But he can hit you anywhere else?
Physical attraction and a personality I find intriguing.
sense of humor that works with mine…and someone not abrasive or arrogant…helps if they are a bit taller than me
Kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, ethics, and a bit of a twinkle in the eye helps too.
Well, one does not just go out in search of a significant other. First you must have a girl friend or boy friend that you like and feel attracted to for any number of reasons. Then through communications and actions you usually become exclusive, then you establish trust and intimacy. And if neither of you fuck any of that up and you can stand living together and don’t fuck that up, well in a matter of time, voila….you have a significant other, which you can maintain provided communication remains open, nobody violates trust and there is no game playing or idiocy added to the equation. And trying to skip any of the steps will usually lead to failure. See ya….Gary aka wtf
I’ve always hated this question because I’ve only ever been asked it by retards hitting on me. “So what do you look for in a man?” Ugh.
The truth is, I’ve never really “looked for” anything in particular. I don’t ever meet a guy, pull out my check list, and determine if he qualifies to be my boyfriend. I’m willing to be caught off guard and let something play out. When I’ve fallen for guys, it has just kind of happened.
However, if something were to really work out in the long run, he would technically have to meet the following qualifications (in no particular order):
– love cats (he’s gonna have to live with lots of them and I’m heavily involved in animal rescue…I’d hope he’d want to participate with me)
– be able to make me laugh, hard (duh!)
– have excellent grammar and spelling (it’d make my skin crawl to see emails from my love that contained errors)
– be child-free (sorry, not into being a part of his previous, failed family)
– truly connect with me… have that special something that sets him apart that I can absolutely adore, and love me and understand me for everything I am now and ever was before
– be a great conversationalist; be knowledgeable on many topics and engage me in debates over complex issues
– enjoy the same types of things that I consider fun (going out to restaurants, bars, and parties, like the same TV shows, go to the theatre with me to see plays, go away with me for weekend getaways)
– be willing to move with me wherever my job takes me; I am going to require several more moves throughout my career to places I cannot begin to predict. They could be anywhere in the world. He has to be willing to move with me wherever that may be
– have a great family that adores him and gets along amazingly with my family
– desire to adopt one female child with me and have no biological children
– have a solid career that he enjoys because the work makes him happy, not just because it provides income
– have a college degree (I just value education too much to be willing to date someone without this minimal requirement…my first boyfriend didn’t have one, but I was 17 at the time)
– never ever ever lie to me!
– be attractive (sorry)
– be not fat (sorry)
– be sexually compatible with me
Clumsy, witty, cheeky, horny, funny, honoust, naive (every now and again), true, lively, etcetery.
And happy.
It is all about that VIBE.
Ya either feel it or you do not.
And, you should always avoid letting the “other parts” distract you. All is good.
If it’s someone else’s SO, I look for a propensity for infidelity.
Smart, relatively sane, good heart, and sense of humor (huge).
Similar policies, morals, and goals for life: we’d have to agree on key areas of politics, religion (or lack of), a drive for knowledge (because I’m semi-academically focused). I guess the person would have to have a college degree, and preferably interested in pursuing an MBA/master’s/PhD, because my family leans towards being overeducated. Oh yeah, and spending habits.
We don’t need the same interests, just overlapping ones. And if the guy didn’t read or hated to read that would be a major issue, because I will probably die because I suffocated in a stack of books. I can’t not read. It’s like eating, but less time-sensitive.
Humor, and if it’s a sarcastic brand of humor preferably not in an offensive/grating way. Someone I could feasibly talk to for hours on end without thinking, “hey, it’s getting kinda late and I’m going to miss a doctor’s appointment”. Someone incredibly interesting to know and chat with.
Slightly geeky so I can make geeky jokes or discuss semi-obscure topics. ;D This is not negotiable.
Preferably generally cheerful/happy/chill, because I can’t deal with people constantly in a crisis or very moody.
Plays tennis, or is willing to learn, or is willing to teach me to become a better pool player, or can help me in my quest for hand-eye coordination and play videogames with me.
Will not laugh at my massive crush on ampersands.
And cute. ;)
@kyanblue Liked your answer. Welcome to Fluther!
Someone who challenges me intellectually without making me feel dumb, who makes me laugh and I can laugh with, who accepts my quirks, who is generous with money, time, and emotions, who is physically attractive to me, someone with a good sense of play, and someone with integrity.
I need the person to be intelligent, confident, sexy, good in bed, a good parent, have ambition, love to read, have a passion or three, have goals, dreams, provide me with growth and new journeys, humor, love for animals, spontaneous, not materialistic, and very open-minded, very progressive, into polyamory/non-monogamy, into tattoos/piercings/bod mod, and they have to be someone that make me feel beautiful all the time and their beauty has to shine through their eyes…wow, I’m really lucky
I have a really long list but he’s got to be passionate and quite a little bit quirky
A college degree that “shows,” patience, self confidence, not overbearing or bossy, open minded, good hygiene, even tempered, past or present occupational success and conservative values.
Body mass index is of very little importance but true obesity is a no-no. Neither spouse had or has all of these qualities.
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