General Question

Bri_L's avatar

Is there a way to have iCal automatically duplicate my entry for one calander into my google calander?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) August 20th, 2009

I don’t want to just enter it into my Google calender in case there are issues with the internet.

So I would like to enter things into my iCal calender and have it, via some method, duplicate it into my Google calender.

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3 Answers

lefteh's avatar

Yes! Download Calaboration, a Google utility. It will guide you through the setup process. It’s very easy.

Bri_L's avatar

Bammo! Thanks!

Inofaith's avatar

Cool this is so helpfull. Was looking for this for ages.
I love “dragging” around events in iCal. and would like to duplicate it to google for school/work and to invite people.
I’m gonna try it out.

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