General Question

keong's avatar

Is it so easy to get pregnant ?

Asked by keong (1points) August 20th, 2009

i have sex with my girlfriend, when i pull out my penis it spread 2 times sperm. Is possible when i haven’t pull out already spread the 1st time inside ?

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45 Answers

Likeradar's avatar

What do you mean “spread”?

Some people get pregnant really, really easily. Some try and try and try and can’t.

Is she on birth control? Are you saying you are only using the pull-out method of birth control? If so, that’s pretty foolish. If she’s at a normal level of fertility, you’re pretty much asking for pregnancy.

eambos's avatar

You accidentally the whole thing?

Is this how babby is formed?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m with Likeradar. I don’t get the ‘spread’ thing. Even by pulling out before you ejaculate, you’re playing with fire. Semen can come out before you get to that point. DO NOT rely on this method.

casheroo's avatar

It’s easy when you don’t want it.

I’m lost on the “spread” thing as well.

ShanEnri's avatar

It can happen when you pull out! I think by “spreading” he means the gravitational pull of it moving towards the female entrance! Mean “leak” some and a woman can be impregnated this way, so pulling out is not birth control! Use a condom or she should be on birth control, then it’s not so easy to get pregnant, but is still possible though only slightly!

Grisaille's avatar

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

keong's avatar

what you mean by level of fertility ? er….. her period time changes a lot of times already… but i leak on her body only i got feel releasing~

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I am SO lost on this whole question & thread!!! It’s NOT April 1, is it?

jonsblond's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I am too. I need more coffee!

Likeradar's avatar

@keong Let’s make it very simple.

What you’re doing often = pregnancy.

Use a condom. Encourage her to use birth control. Have a chat with your doctor or health teacher or dad.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jonsblond LOLLLLLL, I’ve had about 4 cups & I STILL don’t understand it! ’-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes, @keong, it’s easy and possible for a woman to get pregnant that way; sperm can get into the vagina and swim to the cervix even if you pull out. Also, there is a tiny bit of semen that comes out of your penis even before you feel the first “surge” and there’s enough sperm in that for her to get pregnant.

Wear a condom.

Jack79's avatar

I’m pretty sure I understand the question. I’m not that sure you’ll understand the answer.

1) Yes, it’s possible.
2) You should remember whether sperm “spread” inside your girlfriend or not. Even if you didn’t, there is always still a little bit of sperm that drops inside, even before you finish.
3) An important factor, which affects if your girlfriend is pregnant or not, is the time of month. The statistical possibility of her being pregnant is different, and it’s higher 14 days before the next period.

syz's avatar

@keong – I’m guessing that English is not your first language, but even with the communication problems, I think it’s pretty obvious that what you’re asking about could indeed cause pregnancy. The safe (and easy and inexpensive) thing to do is to wear a condom.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

After much debating and deciphering, I believe when he said spread, he meant sprayed.

Wrap it up dude.

dynamicduo's avatar

You are having unprotected sex. Your semen is entering her vagina, even if you pull out before ejaculation semen has already leaked out a bit and she can get pregnant.

You need to use condoms if you stand ANY chance of not making a child. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of time. You’ll probably get her pregnant within a few months.

patg7590's avatar

All your base…

sandystrachan's avatar

Stay away from the belly button , this is the worst place to cum make many baby that way .
Damn you troll you ate my pizza again :@

gailcalled's avatar

Ι have a family member who got pregnant even though her husband had had a vasectomy. All it takes is one uber-sperm.

Maybe we should be charitable and assume that English is not Keong’s first language. Or not.

Sarcasm's avatar


evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’ve tried for years to get pregnant. Never happened, not even once. I guess being male and having anal sex is the best way to avoid getting knocked up.

PapaLeo's avatar

Why are these undecipherable, yet oddly stimulating, questions always from posters with only 1 lurve to their name? I smell mod manipulation.

Or am I knocking on a door that shouldn’t be opened?

Likeradar's avatar

@PapaLeo Mod manipulation? What’s that? I usually think they’re 2nd accounts from established members who want a giggle, or new people with a question.

casheroo's avatar

@Likeradar That thought never crossed my mind, established members looking for a giggle…hmm. That’s be so strange. I always thought it was lost souls of the internet.

sandystrachan's avatar

I always thought it were the act of trolls . Surely established members wouldn’t sully the fluther name .

patg7590's avatar

…are belong to us

mea05key's avatar


I believe your meaning of “spread” can be interpreted as “ejeculated”. Even if you retract your penis in time before you ejaculate in her vagina, there’s still chance of sperm getting through.

“kenot do that lahhhh ah keong, got to use condom lahhh ”

Grisaille's avatar

Listen. To my fellow gentlemen.

Throughout intercourse, you will leak something called “precum” without you feeling it. That little amount is enough to get a girl pregnant.

So, your penis acts as a game of basketball. Remember: you always dribble before you shoot.

pikipupiba's avatar

@keong Butter that roll boy!!!

Allibaby808's avatar

In Soviet Russia girl impregnates you.

Blondesjon's avatar

It’s easy as fuck.

pikipupiba's avatar

@Blondesjon Knowledge from experience?

Blondesjon's avatar

@pikipupiba . . .You’re goddam right! I’ve had more babies than you can shake a stick at.

In fact, I’ve gotten pregnant by having a stick shook at me.

Blondesjon's avatar

@pikipupiba . . .Same stick.

Sarcasm's avatar

That’d be strange if it was the same daddy, different stick.

gailcalled's avatar

Anyone remember @pathfinder? He was a master of torturing the English language, although I think he did it on purpose.

Sarcasm's avatar

@gailcalled He was clearly just finding his own path in life. Don’t be hatin’!

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled I remember Pathfinder. bless his heart

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Yes, it’s really easy and especially for people who don’t want to be or are using birth control. Work on that.

fundevogel's avatar

unless girls are very surefooted they often trip and fall on penises.

Sarcasm's avatar

Most of the women here in San Diego are quite surefooted. Where can I find some that aren’t so well-balanced?

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