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nebule's avatar

Why do I feel the urge to go to the floor?

Asked by nebule (16472points) August 20th, 2009

In reassessing my surroundings as an expression of my soul and inner life I feel like I need to be close to the floor in the physical world.

I was just thinking about my bedroom to start with. My bed and furniture are currently quite high and tall and it just doesn’t feel right. As a teenager I used to sleep just on a mattress on the floor (and I don’t know why I did that then either…) so could it be my sub-conscious wanting to get back to that? But why did I feel like that in the first place?

I want everything to be around about half a metre in height…It’s definitely a really strong physical urge to want to be near the ground… Any ideas??

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19 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I can’t really help with why you feel that way. But I can tell you I am the same way. You are not alone.

I hate having my bed on a frame. And when I am in the living room I will sleep on the hardwood floor before I will sleep on the couch. I’m skinny too. The floor isn’t comfortable but I prefer it.

marinelife's avatar

When I first did movement work, it was the first time I learned of the concept of grounding. I still find it very helpful.

At that time, my twin nephews were still in between infant and toddler. One night when I was babysitting them, one of them became frustrated and angry. Of course, he started to cry. I was amazed when at the height of the storm he threw himself on the ground. Then he began to quiet. I realized that he was instinctively and naturally grounding his emotions. I was awed.

Thus, I think that especially when we are feeling overwhelmed or just for a sense of security, we seek to be close to the ground, which when you think about it, is the anchor of our world.

tramnineteen's avatar

I think it’s comforting normally. You have just gotten a little hung up on the idea maybe. I like mattresses on the floor. It seems inviting and comforting to me too. I have a waist high bed though, I keep it because it’s a nice bed and it was a gift so I would feel ungrateful if I didn’t use it.

You probably had a mattress on the ground so that no one had to pay for a bed.

AstroChuck's avatar

To go what on the floor?

nebule's avatar

just be close to the floor

loser's avatar

I got like that when I was really depressed. It’s comforting somehow.

dee1313's avatar

I remember reading that people should be closer to the floor more often to get in touch with their inner child. Something like that. It was a while ago.

I imagine that since we were closer to the floor in our childhood, that maybe (assuming you had a good childhood) its more of a comfort thing. We grew up that way, maybe that’s why it does feel right.

I want to lay on the floor now. :P

Also, you might think of how you’re positioned on the floor. All I can think of is curling up, crouching, etc. Positions that bring you in, closer to yourself. Sounds like a comfort thing.

Get a bean bag chair. There are adult (expensive) ones at

lloydbird's avatar

More ‘Down to Earth’?

Jess's avatar

I think the floor is totally more natural, I’m drawn to it too. I sleep on the floor in a room with two empty beds. I also dabble in meditation/yoga/stretching and the floor is the way to go!

Our modern world strives for “comfort” but I really think that’s the reason we’ve slumped into laziness as a whole. I also play guitar and it’s hard to find something the right height and surface to comfortably practice for hours…..the world is not set up with your soul in mind…

mea05key's avatar

Seems like you are turning into asian way of living eg Japanese

mea05key's avatar

Im bored with chairs.

charliecompany34's avatar

spiritually, lying prostrate on the floor is a demonstration of openess to what God has to say to you during prayer. i doubt this is where you were going with the question, but the position is closer spiritually than the usual “kneeling.”

perhaps you just enjoy the hard surface as opposed to that soft mattress, i don’t know. but, hey, say a prayer while you’re down there. it is humble submission in the spiritual realm.

Quagmire's avatar

I never had any desire to sleep on the floor.

Garebo's avatar

Mother Earth is beckoning you.

Darwin's avatar

Well, I know our dogs love it when we get down on the floor, but even they prefer to sleep on the couch.

However, I would say that if you are more comfortable down low, then rearrange your furniture appropriately.

nebule's avatar

I lurve all your answers thank you… I am so going to arrange my furniture accordingly..although that might take some time being on a budget… but how does a little mouse eat a big elephant?!

Quagmire's avatar

To get to the other side?

nebule's avatar


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