Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

How about a "Gays only"-military?

Asked by ragingloli (52399points) August 21st, 2009

It made the Spartans the greatest fighting force in the world, why wouldn’t it work today?

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26 Answers

syz's avatar

Why? We already know that “separate, but equal” doesn’t work.

ragingloli's avatar

no what i meant was, let only homosexuals serve in the military. hetero’s have to stay out

syz's avatar

That would still be segregation

Since most research shows that the incidence of gays in the population is anywhere from 5–10%, I think you would also have great difficulty in filling the ranks.

Additionally, that decision could be construed as “they’re disposable, send the gays in to war to be killed”.

ragingloli's avatar

it could also be construed as “gays are the real men, they fight for freedom”

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Haha. All-gay military. Gee… Guys aren’t horny enough, now you wanna put a ton of military guys with testosterone pumping all together? They’d be spending too much time in the bunks than out there.

Also, the Spartans weren’t gay, in the sense we know the word. It was pederasty, which had a different purpose than homosexuality as we know it today. Also, according to wiki, only the chaste form of pederasty was allowed in Sparta, which then renders your evidence somewhat hollow.

But to relate it to today, why should we? It definitely isn’t a step towards acceptance of gays. It would then just lead to more stereotyping wouldn’t it?

dee1313's avatar

That’s discrimination.

I’m married to a Marine, and I support LGBT people, but I don’t fully understand the military’s stance on it. My husband just says “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Makes me mad, but I wouldn’t know what to do about it.

rebbel's avatar

@Saturated_Brain SInce i’m not gay myself (and i don’t know the truth about it), but isn’t it also a stereotype that gays are always horny and have sex with whoever they come across?
Sincerely asking.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@rebbel Hahaha good question. Nah, this isn’t a stereotype about gays. This is a stereotype about guys.

rebbel's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Shoot, i think you might be right there.

marinelife's avatar

I say the military should be fully integrated so that gays may serve openly. There is no reason not to. Being gay is not contagious.

dee1313's avatar

@Marina The only complication I can think of is their living quarters. Many guys would not want to room with a gay guy.

I’m pretty sure the Marines keep males and females separate during boot camp, so you’d have to re-think that set up too.

You’d also have to question if a person is saying their gay so they can room with the opposite sex or whatever.

Then they’d have to address bisexual people.

Like I said, I don’t really know their current stance. I’d have to figure out why things are the way they are now to determine how they’d be changed to accommodate gay people. Or even if you’d have to do anything to change it. I just don’t know enough about it.

Nially_Bob's avatar

The Spartans, as has previously been mentioned, were not typically homosexual but regularly practiced pederasty. However even if this were so it is a gross miscalculation on the part of the perceiver to claim that one trait in a culture dedicated to warfare (arguably the most dedicated to such in human history) is what made the populants capable warriors.
With pedancy aside, a solely homosexual militairy would be under-populated and the entire concept is counter-productive to the pursuit of democratic ideals.
“it could also be construed as “gays are the real men, they fight for freedom” – Not particularly given that, in this scenario, heterosexual men wouldn’t be granted a choice in the matter but to abstain from joining the militairy. What Syz stated is a more realistic outlook as it could seem to some as though the political system is attempting to ‘dispose’ of homosexuals by only allowing them to join the militairy.

marinelife's avatar

@dee1313 A gay roommate would no more hit on a straight guy than a straight guy would hit on a gay guy.

cheebdragon's avatar

Segregation only makes things worse….history has proven that.

doggywuv's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Why would you think that homosexuals are more sexually aroused that heterosexuals?

dee1313's avatar

@Marina I know a couple of guys who would be uncomfortable rooming with a gay guy. Might be worried that the gay guy was thinking about them or something. I don’t know why. They wouldn’t care that the guy is gay, they just wouldn’t want to be rooming with them.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@doggywuv I thought that someone would ask me that sooner or later. Okay, let me put it in this way. I’m sure that it’s agreed that guys tend to be more sexual than women. And in straight relationships, you’ve always got the grounding factor of the woman to take you away from those sexual dreams. But put to gay guys together, and that beacon of “sanity” is gone. You’ve just got two guys who, by nature, are hornier than their female counterparts. And as such, there’ll be a higher chance of hanky panky going on.

dee1313's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Guys aren’t necessarily always hornier than girls. Men are in their prime in their early 20s, so that probably contributes to it (whereas women are in their prime a little later in life). I know I usually want sex way more than my husband wants it.

I am a bit confused on the ‘grounding factor’ you’re talking about. Maybe I’m misreading what you wrote, though.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@dee1313 I was always under the impression that girls are the saner version of their male counterparts. At least where matters of the genitalia are concerned, am I right?

alive's avatar

@ragingloli although you have good intentions with this theory, it seems to me like it could be twisted in many negative ways… some which have already been stated like sending the gays to die, or discriminating against straights.

If I may just alter your theory a bit to stay true to the Spartans, I think it was more like they could not have a relationship with a female lover/ wife while enlisted.

(quoted from wiki “Men were encouraged to marry at age twenty but could not live with their families until they left their active military service at age thirty.”

So gay or straight, it seems that the Spartans actually thought that any relationship that “distracted” a soldier from his duty was deemed detrimental to the Spartan military.

@dee1313, and anyone else who is interested in the military, and the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy – take a look over at this question, i think you might find it interesting.

FrancisRude's avatar

Don’t ask don’t tell. Go navy :)

dee1313's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Hmm. I wouldn’t necessarily say saner, but I think I can see what you’re trying to say. I think many women may be that way because of society (it is more unacceptable for a woman to sleep with many different people than it is for a man to do that, and it tends to look worse on a woman to have sex at a young age than a man) and because for a lot of women, sex is a mental as well as physical thing.

Smashley's avatar

So only people who openly identify as “gay” are allowed to join the military… okay… besides the problem that you’d be short on recruitment for your needs, and besides the fact that you’ve grossly misrepresented Spartan culture, the problem here is every bit as deep as the “straight only” policy.

To begin, what are you saying? That only people who engage in homosexual activity are eligible for military service, or that only people who identify as gay can join? Does occasional, incidental, or frequent heterosexual sex disqualify a gay person? Is it the sexual acts that a person regularly performs or ever has performed that make them “gay” in your eyes, or is it the self-ascribed label of “gay”?

I am a male, and I have had boyfriends. Can I join?

Oh wait… I currently have a girlfriend… am I out?

But the last person I had a sexual encounter with was a man… am I back in?

Oh… but he wasn’t “born” a man, and though he looks and acts in the style of men in our culture, he has a vagina. Am I in or out?

Sexuality and gender are way more complicated and nuanced than anyone here has acknowledged. People simply do not fit into tiny boxes, and policies that act as if they do are asinine.

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