General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Why do guns look cool when they are held sideways?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 21st, 2009

why does it look so cool when guns are held sideways, and why do you feel soooo awesome when you hold it sideways?

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4 Answers

Grisaille's avatar

I don’t. It’s terribly inaccurate, puts more strain on your joints and looks fucking retarded.

Efficiency > Gangstaism

gailcalled's avatar

When someone uses “gun,” “awesome” and “soooo cool” in the same sentence, I become tongue-tied.

drdoombot's avatar

I’ve tried shooting an airsoft gun sideways. It’s retarded. Makes your aim even worse than it already is.

On the other hand, thank goodness gangstas shoot sideways! Otherwise, there’s be even more senseless deaths in the ghetto.

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