Social Question

Why do SOME people feel the need to convert me to their religion when they realize I am not affiliated with any religion?
I say SOME because I know not every religious person is this way, but I also know that a lot of them are. I just recently came back into contact with an estranged aunt I hadn’t spoken to since childhood. When she found out that I didn’t want to ever be married, she immediately was troubled by this. I explained to her that for me, a monogamous relationship built on trust and communication is good enough. I’ve been with the same person for three years. I don’t need the legal contract, nor do I want it. She proceeds to tell me that I need to at least marry in the eyes of god. What??? Yeah, I had to cut that conversation short, because I had a feeling the conversation would elevate to disaster with hurt feelings and continued estrangement. Then there are the people I that I meet, whether it’s through school or the workplace, etc. who feel the pressing need for me to join their church even though I’ve expressly stated I have no desire or interest. It seems this just makes their efforts more eager.
Now, I’m not trying to say that I’m not open to learning about other religions. On the contrary, I am; but this is mainly for educational purposes. Nevertheless, I rather do so without having to partake in actual religious practices, ceremonies, or having to attend a house of worship. I’m all for learning through reading and discussion. In the past I had ventured to learn through experience by attending a few times to a few different places, but that just seemed to get messy as those who would invite me to worship felt compelled to pressure me into getting saved or something of the like. I guess I’m really just seeking enlightenment, as some of the ideas offered by various religions are thought provoking. But as far as some of the rules in how one should live their life or the way that some religions (or the interpretation by its followers) discount and demonize others who don’t follow the same dogma for whatever reason is extremely unappealing to me. Because they refuse to accept this explanation on my approach, the missionary spirit of some of these people I encounter bothers me.
Growing up in Chicago, I never had this problem. No one even cared if I believed in God or not. After moving to the south, I feel inundated by people who are trying to get me to join their church, and I’m not just talking about harmless and polite invites. I’m talking about people hounding and irritating me with religious dogma, pamphlets, and insulting comments about the salvation of my soul especially when they don’t know or care to understand the first thing about my beliefs or whether I have a relationship with god. What gives?