How to tell people about Fluther?
I love Fluther. I know plenty of people who don’t know about it yet and would love it, have great experiences to offer, and could really benefit from the outlet and advice machine it provides. But so far I have only shared it with Capt_Bloth, because we are so close that it doesn’t matter. I hesitate to show the site to even my close friends and family, because I like to be pretty frank here. But I’d love it if they just found out about it somehow, through my efforts or not, and didn’t know who I was – the site seems to be growing enough so that this might actually be a possibility.
It’s a conundrum. Has anyone here dealt with this issue?
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33 Answers
Well, I plan on sending people from Yahoo answers here to Fluther because it’s that much better. By far. I guess to get your friends involved, just make a mention about it, but don’t tell them your username on here.
Hay buddy did i tell you about this great website i know of ? No well its come join us .!
Or you could advertise it in your blogs social sites or even on msn
You guys are my secret friends. ~
I only told a few people I know about it so I can post what I like when I like, and about them if I want to! I have a co worker who uses the site, and my daughter. You can tell them you found a cool place to be, and don’t give your user name.
They do have the badges you can put on myspace and facebook.
But wouldn’t the next question be, what’s your username?
haha I’m sick of yahoo answers. You’re right, we don’t need to attract those people. At least people on fluther have some decency
If they ask your user name you could say guess , or i would rather not say . You could also say to know my username is pointless, i would rather you acknowledged me in the site for insightful answers not based on friendship .
Well, does anyone actually share fluther, other than scamp?
I have told *Many people about this site , its up to them if they wanna come here .
Whenever anyone asks you an interesting Q, tell them you’ve a heard of a good Q&A site with a great community – Fluther. Suggest that they give it a shot. Don’t say anything more. If they ask you how you know about this, just say you read an article about it in NYTimes (there really is such a article on NYT) and leave it at that. If they ask whether you are a member, thennnn it is up to you. If a tiny white lie doesn’t bother you, you can say that you haven’t gotten around to joining it but plan to. Or say “Yes, Gotta go. Bye. Talk in a few months!” Or just say “I do, but I won’t tell you my user name because I don’t want you stalking my answers!”
I’ve tried. No one I know is interested in learning.
Well, early next Saturday morning, I can put on a nice dress and a hat, and print out some pages and visit all my neighbors and tell them all about us! :D
What d’ya reckon, eh? D’ya think they’ll go for it?~
I’ve only shared this site with one person, I’ve told others about it but as @Grisaille said, others aren’t interested. So I gave up, it’s their loss!
I say, “Hey! You should check out this site called Fluther.”
Only problem there is I will not direct them to my profile. Do not want to expose my inner self to my friends. Might be to heavy for (some of) them.
I share it with people all the time. I am fortunate enough to have lots of amazingly brilliant friends, so I often send them questions I think they’d like to answer. (Then again, not everyone loves answering questions as much as I do. Strange.)
instead of a tip at a restaurant, i usually just leave a business card with on it.~
just say you know about the site, you don’t have to say you have an actual profile or anything….
@wildpotato just tell them your usename is evelyns_pet_zebra, that’s bound to confuse them. :^)
I keep you all in the closet… I’m greedy like that.
@aprilsimnel you could probably sell me a punch in the crotch if you came to my door in a nice dress april ;)
I’ve told a bunch of people about it, but (besides my kids) only two people even checked it out. One stayed. :)
i resist the urge to tell people about it, even if i think they’d like it.
i would feel pretty uncomfortable with all the people i know being in ‘my’ space. it would be kind of along the lines of them reading my journal or something. except not really, because i don’t really have a journal, and if i did, i probably wouldn’t debate with myself about religion and gay marriage and twilight.
but if you want to share, get that snazzy dr.j shirt! when someone mentions it, be like ‘, my good buddy’. look a little shady when you say it, that’ll definitely lure them in. or just mention something awesome you learned here. and be like, ‘yeah, someone on mentioned it. you know, it’s a pretty cool site, now that i think of it, you should sign up…’
I’ve told bunches of people about it, but they simply give that look of a cow at a passing train. Their loss, I guess.
I’ve told a couple of people in a general way, but I don’t give them a name. Anyone who has read a few of my comments will know why.
Thanks, everyone! I’m going to try this on my brother first. Everyone I know is so suspicious and busy…I think I’ll do the Facebook badge too, and order the shirt if it’s small enough. Does anyone own the women’s small? Is it tiny enough to look good on someone who is 5’,less than 100 lb, with minimal boobage? “Baby” tees are what I usually go for in this silkscreened/printed sorta stuff.
I just noticed the “Send to a Friend” thing. Thats. Awesome.
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