General Question

Ailia's avatar

How can I celebrate my last two days before high school starts?

Asked by Ailia (1363points) August 22nd, 2009

I just finished all my summer assignments and basically I haven’t had a vacation this whole summer(summer school on top of it). Does anyone have ideas on how to spend my last two days of freedom before loads of homework and the pressures of high school?

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16 Answers

kyanblue's avatar

Get together with a group of friends and spend the whole day doing something together. During the school year, I’m often too busy to take a day to visit a local arts festival or explore a large city (do some shopping, try great food, walk around and take silly pictures), or maybe just go to an amusement park or the beach.

There’s an arts festival this weekend I was hoping to go to, but unfortunately I’m swamped with work. Seize the free time! Do something extraordinary!

Find out some creative & fun project that will take approximately two days and try that. You can redecorate your room, & cut out interesting magazine clippings to tack to a corkboard or something. Write a story. Learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube if you haven’t yet. People are easily impressed if you can solve one.

Kiev749's avatar

if your 18, skydive.

PupnTaco's avatar

Sharpen your pencils, get that backpack cleaned out, and lay out your clothes for the first day. Gets lots of sleep and be ready to learn! Woo-hoo!

Jeruba's avatar

Go someplace that is as wide open as you can find—the ocean, the mountains, a beautiful landscape. Allow your mind to be as spacious and free as the place you are in. Enjoy quiet, restful, centered time. Don’t fill it with activity. Do the opposite. Let yourself have a place of stillness before you enter the fray.

marinelife's avatar

Do something so you feel that you had some summer. Go to a beach if there is one nearby.

Eat at an outside cafe.

eponymoushipster's avatar

kill a drifter.

take yourself out for a nice dinner.

(and or)

Sarcasm's avatar

Eponymous, that’s heartless.
Take a drifter out to dinner with you, then kill him/her.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Sarcasm you’re right. but you have to take the drifter’s feelings into consideration. he maybe never finished high school…

DrBill's avatar

I spent that time having sex, then you can go back to school without the stress.

MissAusten's avatar

Do something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time/chance. Take a risk, and be spontaneous. I don’t know where you live or if your parents would let you, but maybe there’s someplace within easy driving distance where you and a couple of friends could go for a short road trip? You can find out if any fairs are going on in surrounding areas, head out, eat some cotton candy, act like a kid, stare at the carnies, go on all the rides, win a stuffed animal.

Whatever you do, live it up! And if you decide to go with @eponymoushipster ‘s idea about killing a drifter, first read this informative article on how to get rid of a dead body.

Jeruba's avatar

Argh, @MissAusten, that link led to my sitting for nearly 5 minutes in front of a hypnotic ad for McDonald’s in Polish.

MissAusten's avatar

Isn’t the Internet wonderful?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Bonfire at the beach with your pals! And a guitar! Call me a corny goofball, but singalongs at the beach with your friends on a late summer’s evening is fun.

Ailia's avatar

Thanks guys for all the ideas. Although I don’t see how killing a drifter is a good way to celebrate, but I take it your just joking. And I’m kind of sad now that so many people suggested beach-related ideas. I live on the plains and my old home calls to me all the time(California). But I am getting together with friends today so I should have fun. Thanks again to everyone who contributed! :)

Kiev749's avatar

go out to a field and just relax and look at the stars. thats what i did last night and it was amazing.

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