Can everyone pause a moment and send prayers, positive energy and love to cak?
“From CAK’s Facebook page: Chris is in ICU. She has had serious complications. It’s pretty touch and go right now. Thank you for all the positive thoughts. Around 6:15 PM EST on Saturday 8/22/09”
@tedibear39 posted this update tonight in this thread.
cak has been a much-loved, deeply inspirational, fun member of Fluther since she joined us.
Can we use Fluther power right now and pause in whatever we are doing and in whatever way is most meaningful way for us personally to send her positive energy, love or prayers or all of the above as she battles once again.
I know we can make a difference.
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207 Answers
my thoughts are with cak and her family during this difficult time. i hope she comes through.
Be well, Cak. Get better. And strength to your family.
I just reminded God that he has to look over her and her family.
More love coming your way.
Lots of love for cak and her family.
Thank you @Marina for posting this, and @tedibear39 for keeping us informed.
Cak has been on my mind a lot for the past couple of days. I hope she knows we are all pulling for her and her wonderful family.
Thank you, everyone who has posted. Within the framework of Fluther, this was the only way to spread the news. If you want to answer, great. If not, just take the moment and send the thoughts.
I am holding my GAs for Chris when we hear word of improvement. (No disrepect to any given so far. As I said in another thread, I know it is a means of connection for us.)
Absolutely yes. Solemn, intense, serious thoughts of wellness arrowing straight to her.
My best wishes and hope it makes a difference.
cak is one of the finest Jellies to ever grace the pages of Fluther, may her recovery be swift, her health be strong, and her family be blessed with her continued presence for many years to come.
I won’t pray because Evelyn abhors it, but the many breasted deity sends best wishes.
My love & prayers have surrounded her for many months & will to continue to do so. May God watch over her & give her strength.
Thinking of her and sending my strongest get well vibes.
Much love and prayers for love and health for Cak and family.
Praying for Awesome healing. Praying that she will be out of the ICU. Praying for strength and praying that angels are around her family bringing peace and love.
May there soon be a good update. We need our dear CAK back healthy and happy.
I don’t have her facebook name but greatly desire to follow her recovery. Could anyone commit to keeping me posted? Thanks.
Even tho it may be repeated, if I hear anything new over there, I’ll also post it here.
@cdwccrn Several of us are on facebook and have her as a friend over there. @tedibear39 has been doing a good job of getting here before I do with news, but as some of us like @jbfletcherfan check in, we’ll continue to post the updates. You can generally find new info here.
Much wuvs to cak.
Love love love love love love love
There’s no doubt in my mind she WILL pull through. She always does. She’s a trooper.
More love and good thoughts your way, Chris. <3
It’s hard to keep the times straight, I think that message from her husband must have been posted about 6 hours ago, is that correct?
Serious complications and touch and go are terrifying phrases!
@rooeytoo Yes. That is correct. No updates since then.
I’m new to fluther and I don’t know who cak is or what’s going on with her, but I love this community and eveyone with in it…so I send my prays and get wells and hope she pulls throught!!! be strong!!!
I’m pulling for you Cak and sending lots of love and prayers.
You’ve been in my thoughts all day. I’m sending you good thoughts.
Oh come on. I hope you guys don’t think prayers will do ANYTHING.
Get well soon!
Thinking positive thoughts for you, cak.
oh cak, sending love and luck and wishes and positive vibes and prayers to every deity i can imagine. <3333333333333333
Good thoughts for you, Cak, Get better!
I have thought of Chris all day. All my prayers and love are with her and her family. There is no brighter light on this community than Chris.
We look forward to having you back, Chris! You and your family are in my prayers.
Chris, my loving thoughts are with you and your family at this moment. Know that all of us in the collective are sending you all our best wishes for your recovery.
Much Lurve and positive vibes for Cak! Be strong ((((hugs))))
Been praying for Chris and her family often today. My biggest prayer is for Peace in the face of what must feel like panic. Love and hope to you my friend Chris!
Thinking of you Chris, we all miss you here, hope you are with us again soon :)
Sending prayers, strength, hope, and serenity your way, Cak. Hoping the very best for a quick recovery and a fast return to Fluther. Blessings to you in abundance.
Hugs, love and positive energy to you and yours, Chris. We are with you.
Sending positive thoughts your way CAK…
I haven’t been here long enough to know cak or what is happening but I admire the love shown here and really really hope she is ok. Are there any updates?
Best wishes Cak. You can fight through this.
Good Morning CAK. May today bring great strides toward your recovery. We miss you!
You’ll pull through, cak!
I shall hold you in Light.
… and this too shall pass.
I just checked her facebook. No new updates.
Here’s hoping that all this positive energy finds you well, cak. We’re all on pins and needles waiting for some good news! Can’t wait to have you back. Much love.
You are in my heart, CAK. Hope to see you here soon!
Cancer affects so many of us and our families – I know to some extent what her family’s going through and she, herself…I am saddened and scared about this question…hits all too close to home and I hope truly she will be home soon
We love you cak. Just remember that you’re way too stubborn to let anything hold you down for long. Here’s to seeing you back here very, very, soon.
Sigh. I was hoping for an update, but I know it’s probably not the first things on their mind right now. I hope she knows we all love and care about her, and wish her all the best.
my thought’s are with you and your family cak. keep strong.
Love and hugs and happy thoughts to you and your family, cak. We’re thinking of you!
Your freaking great Cak and your always in my thoughts! Wish you luck! Please come back! I miss you!! :(
I’ll be sending some cupcakes on your way!!!
<- Orange for Cak. I am on the iPhone and will get a more suitable orange soon.
<- Ditto. <3 to chris and her family.
Hey CAK, You’ve got a lot of people missing you. We’re thinking of you.
Did we ever throw Cak a 10k party? I didn’t see it.
Apparently there were too many Cak questions according to one mod, though others were on the question without an issue. Whatever!
Orange for Cak:
On Askville there’s a tradition of going orange in support of Cak. According to one member, “In healing work, orange is used to raise energy levels, increase immunity… [many other things]”
I’ve changed my avatar to orange to show my support for Cak in this very hard time. Will you join me?
<— Orange! Still thinking of you, and sending healing thoughts your way!
<———- Orange for cak. Hurry back giraffe.
<———Orange for CAK. Nothing but good thoughts coming your way.
Look at cak’s profile, at the people who have her in their fluthers, and you’ll see lots of orange. Nice.
I’m sending many positive thoughts her way and hope that she makes a quick recovery.
Orange for Cak. Please get well soon, we all miss you.
<—- An orange mouse for Cak! Heal up, lots of prayers and love, and positive energy are coming your way!
Sending love and positive thoughts to you and your family Chris.
<—— Changed to Orange Jacket
I feel dumb, but I don’t know how to make my avatar orange :(
I put my orange haired grandson on there because I’m on my iPhone and I already had that pic uploaded. Baby Jude wishes Cak a speedy recovery too!
@casheroo I just went to my orange jellyfish with some text (orange for CAk) I added in Paint.
@Jack79, I just checked facebook no updates in the last 24 hours. I thought I already posted this but it appears my posts are delaying for some reason. Sorry if this is a repeat. It’s 3:15 pacific time now.
Nothing new yet. 6:15PM Eastern Sunday
@casheroo Don’t feel like the only one that can’t figure out how to change to orange. I had to find a new one.
oops! Sorry. Just saw Judi’s post.
Quagmire is orange for cak!
I even have a pink ribbon on! (need a magifying glass, I know)
@AstroChuck Nicely done. I tried to give ol’ Jeff an orange hairdo, but the result was a bit frightening. I’ll stick with this.
the sexy monkey goes orange.
I must admit that I’ve been in a funk all weekend worrying about Chris but all this orange is lifting my spirits. All this love has got to help!
<—————- So psyched I found an orange(ish) mantis, just for CAK. Thanks @avvooooooo for finding something good from AV to carry over to Fluther. ;)
Don’t know how to go orange, but sending healing prayers for CAK anyway.
Debating going to the standard orange jelly till I get back to my computer in Calfornia.
Cak- you have been in our prayers and hearts. I hope you can feel the love.
@casheroo – Don’t feel dumb! I just made asked johnpowell to change my avatar.
This squirrel just got a dye job just for Chris. :-)
<———Orange for you Cak!!! X) I miss you and I want you to come back!! :( Please please come back.:(
@PnL Funny! I was going to beg JP to make my usual dog orange and upload it but chickened out .:)
If anyone wants an orange avatar, send me a PM and I’ll help out if I’m around…
You can go to Google and click the “Images” tab and find “orange ______.” It works with just about anything, I’ve found!
You can also just use good ol’ paint. Nice and easy.
I like this. Its one of the most interesting that I’ve seen when screwing around with Google and “orange.”
By George, I’m got it! I’m orange for Chris.
Update from Facebook:
Chris has had 4 seizures since surgery. She fell out of bed the second time it happened, that’s how they discovered her. She lost a lot of blood and has received her second transfusion. She’s still in ICU but was more aware of things today. She also had a mini stroke the night after surgery. Thank you for your thoughts. I told her you went orange, I think she understood.
@avvooooooo thank you for the update – it sounds terrible, especially the falling…and I know transfusions are hard too and a stroke – for fuck’s sake, this is all bad.
@avvooooooo Thank you for the update. My gosh how scary. She is still in my thoughts, and I’m working on the orange for her!
That was posted literally one minute ago, at 10:00 EST, according to my clock.
This has got to be so rough. Hugs for all her family as well as Chris.
Been thinking about her all day. Praying for you, girl..
I finally got what ‘going orange’ means and went there
Sending orange vibes and praying that the seizures are gone for good.
I’m confident that Chris will be well.
I’m thinking orange thoughts. Be well.
Town Dog is wearing orange bows in her ears and now has an orange background. Jeez a stroke and she fell out of bed, what the hell is going on, how could that happen in ICU???
Hospitals are terrifying places.
@avvooooooo Thank you very much for updating us. We are many and strong for Chris. Sending love and healing energy.
How can one person be expected to deal with all that she has?!? It’s just so damned unfair. Still sending positive vibes. (Orange ones, thanks to Jeruba!)
I think I need more orange….
Still sending positive, healing thoughts to you Chris.
Good morning Cak. May today be restful and healing.
Sending best wishes for a healing day!
I woke up with Chris in my heart and on my mind. @Dog said it best, may today be restful and healing. Lots or prayers and positive energy are coming your way.
@SuperMouse I, too, woke up thinking of her & wondering what was going on. I’m very saddened to read this latest development. If anyone can over come this, tho, it’s Chris. She’s strong. If I know her, she’s cussing a blue streak in her head.
Still thinking of you Cak.
I miss you Cak,I really wanna talk to you. I hope your fine….I’m still thinking about you. please be ok…..
In your time of need, you have a lot of love and support from all of us here at Fluther. We’re pulling for you and we know that you’re going to beat this thing just fine. Be strong, keep the faith, fight hard, and return to us very soon. You’re first class and God bless you always.
I’ve been thinking of you cak.
I can’t go orange from my iPhone but my thoughts for you are orange. xoxo
Thinking orange for Chris!
Wow, I’ve been offline for awhile due to travel and so sorry I missed this.
Cak, you are in my thoughts and prayers for rest and healing for you today.
As soon as I can figure out how to get an orange background on an iPhone I’ll do it. For now beige (sort of a muted shade of orange) will have to do.
New facebook update. I’m on my iPhone so I can’t cut and paste real well.
She ate some broth and kept it down but refused yellow jello (who wouldn’t ?) Her BP and temp are down and the pain meds seem to be working but making her feel sick. I am open to correction since I’m reporting this from memory.
Yeah, she seems to be on the mend!
here’s the full update that @Judi refers to:
as of 1:50pm EST 8/24/2009:
Big improvement today! Temp is normal, bp is normal and she had broth and it stayed down. The pain meds seem to be helping more, but they make her feel a bit sick. She refused to eat the jello. It was yellow.
Oh, thank goodness for that! Even if it’s too soon to say she’s turned a corner—no doubt there are many corners ahead—this is great news. We’re pulling for you, Chris!
Wonderful news! @Judi and @eponymoushipster- Thanks so much for sharing it. Still a long road ahead. Keep fighting, Chris!
Seems like the orange might be working. Hang in there Cak!
Hooray for Cak!! The prayers and love are still flowing!
So glad that Chris is improving.
For those of you who don’t know, she despises yellow jello. It’s kind of a joke any more, and she makes fun of it as much as anyone else.
@all updaters Thank you again. I am thrilled to hear the news. Let’s all keep up the orange and whatever energy thoughts or prayers we have been sending! You go, Chris! Love to you and family.
Big sigh of relief – I’m so glad to hear she’s doing better. Now, get her some orange jello, and she’ll be all better in no time!
what if we all send her boxes of orange jello, once we get an address?
Seems the worst part is over, glad to hear she’s getting better. Hope she’ll be back here soon.
Best wishes CAK, take care and get back to us.
Bravo for baby steps!! This update made my day!
That is very good news. Very positive thoughts to you CAK.
@ubersiren Apparently, she doesn’t… she’ll tolerate red jello, if she has to.
This just made me so friggin’ happy! :D
@ubersiren heh, true. if not, we’ll send shots. ;)
We should think of something to send her that she will like. Preferrably something legal to send via mail. :)
@Dog we’ll just wrap it really tight. i bet she’d enjoy it.
wasn’t sure how to change my avatar to orange so I just found an orange picture, hope it’s ok. Glad to hear she seems to be on the mend! still thinking of her xoxoxoxox
@Jack79 You can send orange jello, but she might mix it up and throw it back at you. Ever had a jello fight? :D
@eponymoushipster I OD on jello if I have to eat it for more than two days. Cak has had to deal with them bringing it to her for many, many days in a row! No wonder she’s jello jaded! :D I had my tonsils out in May and after a week of jello I was more than a little starting to see where she was coming from.
Cookies, however… Cookies are great. And we all know that her cookie level is low right now. I like to keep my cookie level high since I’m convinced it helps me… somehow. It just might help keep me from freezing to death quickly just in case I’m ever in a situation like that, but its good to be prepared with some cookie padding just in case. I’m willing to share some of my cookie hoard when Cak gets home. ;)
@avvooooooo I think you meant to direct that last comment towards eponymoushipster :)
But I gotta ask: What is jello? I always assumed it was american for “jelly”, you know, half-transparent, fruit-tasting watery sweet thing. That’s not that bad, is it? I make it at home all the time, especially in summer, with fruit bits in it and everything. Kids love it. So you guys got me thinking perhaps I got it wrong and it was some sort of hospital food I don’t know about? Why wouldn’t cak eat it?
@Jack79 In the US, Jello is a desert thing, thicker and firmer than jelly, which is a breakfast/lunch type of thing to spread on toast or make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
you mean like marmalade or jam? looks more or less the same to me. I guess I’d have to taste it. Is it really that horrid?
@Jack79 Not like jelly or jam…it’s a gelatin, so it stays on one shape when molded Images of jello!
@Jack79 You were on the right track before. Jello in America is what the English call jelly. It is served at school lunches, ladies’ teas, for kids and a lot in hospitals, which is probably why CAK hates it.
Well let’s just hope she gets better, and I’ll eat all of her jello/y if that helps :)
You can make 100 different salads & desserts with Jello. It’s good. :-)
Aussies call jello “jelly” and they call jelly “jam.”
It gets very confusing sometimes for a bloody yank in oz.
i prefer my jell-o in the context of wrestling. :)
@Jack79 Oops, orange gets confusing sometimes!
Cak has spent quite a lot of time in the hospital where jello is the favored dessert to try to force on people. It comes in various types of yuck with bits of random unidentifiable fruit stuck in it sometimes (though that’s more common, or used to be, in grade schools).
Yeah, the one with the horns coming out of her head. It’s a classic, I tell you. LOL
Um – a little off topic guys, n’est ce pas? ^^
Just popping in to wish Cak a restful night.
Goodnight Cak!
@jbfletcherfan Not the horns one, the fig leaf bikini. Though the horns express my true nature… ;D
They’re talking about wrapping me up in bubble wrap and duct taping it on. Let you know if it works for klutziness. Did you know klutziness is a real word??? Spell check recognized it!
just found out about this today… sending much love and positive vibrations your way, cak!
7:15 a.m. central time
Here is a Facebook update that was posted within in the hour: She is being moved to a regular room later today and might have access to her computer. I’m not sure if she will feel up to typing yet or not. She’s had swelling in her arms. She hasn’t been able to see the kids since surgery, so she…‘s getting antsy about seeing them. I know she’s trying to fight, but seeing her this down is hard. She is the rock of the family. She’s getting there.
Keep fighting, we’re all pulling for you!
Hooray for moving to a regular room! We’re all still thinking about you, cak – sending lots of love and happy thoughts your way!
It’s a step in the right direction and that is good news. She is obviously a strong and determined woman. Good on ya ChrisCak!
WONDERFUL news about being moved out of ICU. Thanks, Super Mouse.
Continuing to send out love and healing vibes for you Cak and a few prayers thrown in for good measure.
Great to hear the positive news.
So great to hear the good news this morning, out of ICU is a great big step!
Seems things are getting better and she’s on her way to full recovery.
@cak No hurries about getting a computer, we’ll still be here waiting whenever you feel better. Sorry to hear there were this many complications in what would normally be a fairly routine procedure. Glad it’s finally over (or the worst part of it, anyway). Keeping the orange avatar for good luck until you start walking :)
I’m with @Jack79 : Keeping the orange until cak says she doesn’t need it anymore. :) I’m so happy to hear that she’s making progress.
I hope you get to see those beautiful children of yours today cak. I’m still sending positive thoughts your way. We miss you!
Prayers going your way, cak.
Think positive. I am. We are here waiting for you.
Yay! Thank you for the update supermouse!
It is an honor being orange.
Just say no to yellow Jello!
Proudly orange for Cak since 2008
<——-Also staying orange till Chris is back. Positive vibes.
<—- will remain an orange, sexy monkey, until cak returns in good condition. then i revert back to regular b+w sexy monkey.
<—-My sky will remain orange until cak is well again. :) Every little bit helps.
We’re here as long as you need us, cak.
If you get on the computer before you’re ready, we will invade your house and replace all your clothes with yellow blouses from the 99 cent store. We’ll leave you a nice sparkly black one from Kohl’s for something like weddings, but while they’ll be really nice blouses and better quality than you might think you can find at the 99 cent store, they will still be 99 cent store yellow blouses. Like this one and this one. And don’t forget this one. Or this one. As for bottoms, we’ll leave you some stretchy black pants. You can have a bumblebee theme!
But we’ll only do this if you aren’t being good and doing what you need to do to get better! :D
awesome…feel better and better and better
We have all gathered on this thread to send good wishes and get well thoughts to @cak. All updates can be found there as well.
@eponymoushipster You are sexy in orange too.
glad we are now all posting on the other thread THANKS EP!
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