Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

Should the link "Ask a question" be direct?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 23rd, 2009

I’m sure many of you are familiar with your mini-profile on the side of the page, and the “ask a question” button. What irritates me slightly is that it just redirects you to the home page, and i find it irritating that i have to press 2 links instead of 1. Is there anyone here who thinks it should take you directly to the start of asking a question/ starting a discussion? It just seems illogical to have it take you to the home page, when there are already 2 other links to do this.

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7 Answers

lefteh's avatar

I just emailed this suggestion to Andrew yesterday, actually. We’ll see if he and Ben agree!
Also, the reason why it does this: not too long ago, to ask a question you filled out a form that was on the home page itself. This was recently changed, and the Ask a Question link was simply not updated to reflect that change.

jrpowell's avatar

Good call. That is stupid. I will complain about it too.

wundayatta's avatar

I totally agree. Dunno what purpose it serves. It might make the new process more tolerable. The old process was so much more efficient.

marinelife's avatar

Me five, counting our asker.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ve never noticed that before. Kind of useless, isn’t it? Great question.

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