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DominicX's avatar

Is it unusual to not be hungry in the morning?

Asked by DominicX (28813points) August 24th, 2009

I don’t seem to ever really be hungry in the morning. I wake up at 10 and it takes a couple hours for me to begin feeling hungry on most days. Even when I wake up earlier I don’t feel hungry in the morning. I don’t even like breakfast food (like bacon and eggs and all that…yuck), but during the school year I would have cereal or something like that. I was never really hungry for it and I would still feel hungry later in the day during school before lunch.

I just want to know if anyone else is like this.

Thanks again to everyone who said “Happy Birthday” to me. Now that I’m 18, I can be forced to fight in a war I don’t believe in, but I still can’t drink a beer! America FUCK YEAH!! :P

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34 Answers

sandystrachan's avatar

There is days where i am not hungry until very late at night , i can go a day or two without eating more than a piece of fruit or two .

eponymoushipster's avatar

I have this problem, but it’s due in part to my sinuses. i have drainage, and it makes me somewhat sick in the morning. do you have similar problems?

nebule's avatar

god I wish this would happen to me!

DominicX's avatar


I don’t think so; not to my knowledge. I just sometimes feel full and feel like I could go without eating for a couple hours.

markyy's avatar

I might be talking gibberish here but I always thought you’re not hungry because your digestive system is closed for business during your sleep. You have to wake up it up by eating something, because you are in some kind of standby/lowenergy mode.

To be honest I only eat something after my morning workout because everyone always told me I should. If I would wait for the hunger to kick in, I could go till lunch without food (as long as I have my coffee).

AstroChuck's avatar

@DominicX- Since you live in California you can certainly drink that beer. At eighteen you can legally drink alcohol previded it is within your own home.

Tink's avatar

I don’t think it’s weird, that happens to me all the time. I don’t even like breakfast food for breakfast. And I don’t like eating in the morning, I usually eat past 11am.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I’m the same way. First thing in the morning the smell or sight of food actually makes me a little queasy. I’ve always been that way.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

You’re not hungry because you never eat breakfast, and your body is not used to being hungry at that time. Make yourself eat something when you wake up (start with something small like yogurt), and gradually you will become hungry for breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Did you fail Foodology 101?

wundayatta's avatar

It’s 2:45 in the afternoon, and I haven’t had lunch yet. I had a cup of coffee and a doughnut type thing around 9:30 this morning. I started the day with an ounce or two of orange juice (just to down my pills).

This is normal for me.

DominicX's avatar


Actually, I do eat breakfast, that’s just it. But I’m not hungry for it. During the school year I would force myself to eat something. During the summer, I’ve just been waiting until at least 11 to eat.

figbash's avatar

I have the same problem and I don’t think it’s all that unusual. I just can’t eat before like, 11:00 am at all. I can drink coffee or Emergen-C, but the thought of eating anything makes me nauseated.

markyy's avatar

@DominicX Do you have the munchies late at night? If you do it might help to stop eating a couple of hours before you go to sleep.

DominicX's avatar


Yeah, I do. I always eat small things late at night.

RareDenver's avatar

I never really eat breakfast, I’m never hungry in the morning and if I do eat I have to force myself and then don’t feel too good. I’m sure it can’t be healthy as everyone is so fond of saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I’m not overly concerned.

drdoombot's avatar

For as long as I can remember, I’ve never had an appetite for several hours after waking up.

In trying to get healthy for the past few years, I’ve trained myself to wake up and immediately eat something. To be healthy, you need to get your metabolism going because you’ve been without food for such a long time. Typically, you eat a few hours before bed, then you sleep for 8 hours. So when you’ve already gone something like 10–12 hours without food, not having breakfast is keeping your body without fuel even longer.

These days, I sometimes wake up with no appetite but I have no problem getting the food down anyways. Most of the time, however, it’s the extreme hunger pangs that are waking me up.

limeaide's avatar

When I was your age I was never hungry in the morning. When I was younger than you I’d get sick to my stomach if I ate after just waking up. I think I started getting hungry the closer I got to 30. If I eat late night snacks I’m still not hungry when I wake up.

DominicX's avatar


Yeah, I actually know someone who says she gets sick if she eats early in the morning. That’s not me, though, I just have to eat really slowly because I feel full almost instantly.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Listen to @markyy and quit eating late at night.

As the ever-knowledgeable movie Fargo tells us, “You gotta have a breakfast!”

DominicX's avatar


Yeah, I think I should try that. I don’t really want this to continue into college too much, though I still don’t like traditional breakfast food and I’ll know they’ll have plenty of that so I’ll have to provide my own food for that (I like the idea of yogurt because it’s filling and it’s small and I could definitely handle that).

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Happy birthday! And don’t forget you can smoke cigarettes in America! But in Canada you can drink

markyy's avatar

I’m going to say something that will get me in trouble with the breakfast police, but you could do something like @daloon. Get some healthy juice (make sure he didn’t spike it with his crazypills) and maybe have something more energetic and nutritious 1 or 2 hours later. You are better of to have a healthy breakfast, better for your metabolism and makes you pay better attention the first two classes.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I haven’t eaten breakfast since childhood and I usually have to be awake for a few hours before I feel like I won’t throw up anything I eat. I think you have to train your body to eat breakfast and people who have breakfast every morning get used to it and so their body feels hungry for it when breakfast time comes.

Personally I think brunch is an underrated meal. I get up at 7.45am (on a work day) and by 11am I am ready to eat something small.

Jack79's avatar

@DominicX yeah but you’re finally allowed to have sex ;) oh, only with women in some states though, sorry :P

Well, I am not hungry in the morning either. What a friend once told me is that drinking something warm (I drink tea) will kickstart your metabolism, and actually make you hungry. Which is a good thing overall if you are trying to lose weight (and generally good for your health to eat in the mornings).

wundayatta's avatar

@markyy Yo! I don’t share my crazypills wit nobody!

@Jack79 I’m afraid that warm drinks in the morning (particularly those with caffeine in them) have another effect on me entirely.

Ame_Evil's avatar

I never eat breakfast in the morning as I don’t get hungry (usually) until 4 hours or so after waking. I probably should, but I just don’t. I like to be cheap rather than healthy lol.

When I was younger I could survive the whole school day without eating until I got home: I used to skip eating at lunchtime or just eating a small snack like a cookie or chocolate bar.

RareDenver's avatar

@Ame_Evil I did the same at school, I used to get dinner tickets (cos we were poor) and sell them to other students instead of having dinner.

CMaz's avatar

I love to eat in the morning. The smell of food cooking in the morning is so wonderful. Even a bowl of cereal is nice..
But, usually cant get my ass going to do it myself.

Ivan's avatar

I’m not hungry in the morning either. In fact, my metabolism is so ridiculously slow that I can go essentially an entire day without feeling hungry. I just eat because I know I’m supposed to eat and it tastes good.

DominicX's avatar


But see, I don’t think a slow metabolism can be the culprit in my case. My metabolism is quick. I eat as much as I want and I don’t gain a single pound. I’m still as skinny as I’ve ever been.

markyy's avatar

@DominicX, Consider yourself lucky and enjoy it while it lasts ;)

p_rog2's avatar

Yeah I’m exactly the same way. The mere thought of eating a meaty breakfast when I wake up makes me wanna vomit.

evegrimm's avatar

I, too, dislike eating in the morning/when I wake up (usually). Eating when I feel like this makes me want to puke. (Also, if I eat really early in the morning, say 5-ish, I’m hungry about 2 hours later, no matter if it was filling or not.)

Sometimes I’m hungry, but usually I’m not. I attribute this (somewhat) to eating late at night. I think my body’s still digesting in the morning, and isn’t hungry yet.

I just have a big cup o’ coffee and do my thing.

DominicX's avatar

haha…I’ve like completely cut breakfast out of my life. Haven’t eaten it in like three months…lol…oh well…I’ve been doing fine.

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