Social Question

YARNLADY's avatar

What is the advantage of going out of business in one location, and then reopening the same business with a new name?

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) August 25th, 2009

I see furniture companies have “Going out of Business” sales, then a “Grand Opening” sale with a new name, but same owner and sales workers a few weeks later. Is there an advantage to this, beyond the excuse to have a fake “sale” every now and then.

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9 Answers

markyy's avatar

There are probably some legal and monetary issues behind it which I don’t fully understand. Maybe they did have a bad name in the community, maybe they filed for bankruptcy, could be anything really. Might even be just the fact that a grand reopening always attracts a lot of new and curious people to their business, maybe even some local press coverage.

unit's avatar

It’s a way of wiping away your debts and starting over again.

mattbrowne's avatar

A new name might signal a different message. Plus the overall perception about the recession can change.

unit's avatar

My company rebranded 4 years ago , to make us sound more modern A lot of people thought we were going bust and just starting up with a new name.

stelinx's avatar

There was a clothing store that kept doing “Going out of Business” sales in my city, every couple of months.
The store worked like that for around 10 years. Same name and same owner for that time.
It was probably just their business plan.
They traded used clothes and stocks. Maybe the “Out of Business” part was referring to where the stocks where coming from.

Sarcasm's avatar

Most important thing in business?

rebbel's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

@Sarcasm These businesses I’m talking about stay in the same location. They just have a Going Out Of Business Sale, empty their store (or cover the windows), then open up in the same place with a new name and a “Grand Opening” sale. This takes place with numerous furniture businesses all over the state and has been going on for as long as I started noticing (35 years).

Sarcasm's avatar

Oh. In that case, I’d guess they have some really shitty merchandise that they otherwise can’t get rid of.

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