General Question

VoodooLogic's avatar

Is the price of a Wii supposed to go down?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) January 17th, 2008

I was hoping to get one after the holidays, but it seems that the supply is still pretty low.

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5 Answers

gooch's avatar

In time it will. All technology prices go down as they improve the product. Take your high end compuers for example that one you may have purchased a year or two ago could now be purchased for alot less.

ccatron's avatar

the price of the Wii is still $250, making it the cheapest system out right now. its just that no one has any in stock. or if they do, they’re selling it as a bundle, making the price higher. I’m sure it will go down in price, but they have no reason to lower the price since people are still buying them. is a great site that can help keep track of what stores have it in stock. it is usually updated as soon as a store gets Wii’s in stock.

Voodoologic…we’re in the same boat, so if you find one, let me know!

smart1979's avatar

I don’t see Nintendo dropping the price of a product that they can’t keep on the shelves. Maybe a little after they meet demand It will drop a bit, or they will add more to the product package and sell for the same price, like an extra game or something.

neonez's avatar

Definitely don’t expect the price to drop in anytime soon. i.e. its going to be at least another year and probably more at the rate that Wiis are selling

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