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XOIIO's avatar

What exactly am I talking about? Do you know the name?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 25th, 2009

I remember from somewhere, I read about how humans can sense each others emotions, and there was some new research. Apparently there are parts to our brain that send “messages” to each other, and thats how we can feel the same way as someone for no reason. Does anyone here know what I am talking about?

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11 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

To empathize

Tink's avatar


nikipedia's avatar

I was also going to suggest empathy. A recent article on neuronal correlates of empathy (as well as something called theory of mind) concludes:

”[Theory of mind] stimuli revealed increased activations in lateral orbitofrontal cortex, middle frontal gyrus, cuneus and superior temporal gyrus. Empathy, on the other hand, was associated with enhanced activations of paracingulate, anterior and posterior cingulate and amygdala. We therefore suggest that [theory of mind] and empathy both rely on networks associated with making inferences about mental states of others. However, empathic responding requires the additional recruitment of networks involved in emotional processing.”

Mirror neurons may also be relevant, although they’re not exactly the same as what you’re describing. These are neurons that fire both when you perform a certain act and also fire when you see someone else perform that same act. If you’re interested in reading more, here is a lengthy but informative review article.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

Human beings, as well as several other mammals, use very slight facial and body posturing that’s usually not even reconized by the untrained eye. this is usually the cause for empathy, as people assume it is just a supernatural feeling because they most often do not reconize the slight tells of emotion they witness in others.

Darbio16's avatar

It could be pheromones. Hormones we can secret from our nose. That’s what contagious sneezing is, nothing more than a chemical signal. I don’t think it impossible to believe we send real signals as opposed to that term always being applied metaphorically.

It is said we only use 10% of our brains. Or is it that we only understand 10% of our brains?

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Darbio16 that last part is another grossly misinterpeted myth.

CMaz's avatar

Instant messaging.

Buttonstc's avatar


Extra Sensory Perception

galileogirl's avatar

Neural activity is electrochemical. This activity may not truly be understood. We know that these properties may have consequences beyond what we can measure today. So here’s an hypothesis: the chemistry of the brain may through DNA (heriditary) or through a natural affinity (love) be able to communicate or touch or interact at similar frequencies that modern science cannot measure. That would explain both “empathy” and “esp”

bumwithablackberry's avatar

I guess if you were an apathetic Empath, would sort of know but not care

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