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robert_angier's avatar

References for Programming / Technical Interviews?

Asked by robert_angier (5points) August 25th, 2009

Does anyone know of any sites that are references for programming / technical interviews? In particular I’d like to hear about programming / technical interview experiences with companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Cisco, IBM, Intel and more. I’d also like to find out about how I can perform better in interviews and how I can get noticed by companies.

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3 Answers

macca's avatar

Stack Overflow has some really great threads full of advice for programmer/developer interviews. See Really Wow Them In the Interview , Preparing for First C# Interview or What To Bring To A Programming Interview and many others if you search. :) That’s general interview advice. As for particular company interviews; this is a good article for Google – Get That Job At Google

richpack's avatar

The Microsoft JobsBlog ( has been around forever and has a ton of resources on technical interviews. Another great site is My Technical Interview Experience ( which has interview experiences with the companies you mentioned and also has advice on how to perform better in interviews / get noticed by companies.

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