Have you noticed any vanity plates that have caught your eye or made you laugh?
Asked by
chyna (
August 25th, 2009
This morning I saw a vanity plate that said ND4SPD (Need for Speed) and it was on a mini van. I laughed and started looking for other interesting plates. I saw another one that said DID NOT. I am betting her husbands liscense plate says DID TOO. Have you seen any that are funny, a contradiction, or just stands out in your mind?
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18 Answers
XLR8 on a Porsche was pretty pretentious. But LIHS mounted upside down was pretty classy.
I saw a car that I can not name, (it was almost cartoonish) and the license plate was
or Too Many BMW
Another great one was my english teacher in HS.
Her name was Mrs. Fyne? (I think?) and her license plate was “SOFYNE”
(rumored to be a gift from the husband)
I saw one yesterday that said:
And a bald guy was driving it.
My husband and I have ”JONET” (Jon and Janet) on ours. We did it a long time ago, before couples like Brangellina and Bennifer came along. A friend of ours would always mix our names up when we were out drinking and would call me Jonet. We thought it was funny at the time.
There is a guy in my town who owns two Chick-fil-a restaurants (franchise). His license plate says “no beef”. I guess if you didn’t know his profession that may be a little weird.
I always liked:
(I wonder why)
There was a DeLorean with “MCFLY” on the plate going down the interstate ahead of me a couple of months ago. If I’d been parked, I would have taken a picture. As it was, I laughed my ass off and almost ran of the road.
I remember reading a story in Herb Cain years ago.
In California, when you request a vanity plate, you have to explain what it means.
The requestor said his plate, “FKSTNFD”, meant Frankenstein Ford, because it was assembled from different Ford cars.
When he got his plate, the bumper sticker next to it said “Go Bears”.
which of course means the plate meant “fuck Stanford”
I don’t know if other states do this, but in Ohio after a certain number of of DUIs, you have to get a special orangish-yellow license plate. They’re affectionately known as “party plates.” I once saw a car that had a yellow plate that looked similar, but wasn’t the state issued DUI plate and it said “Luv2prty”
Greatest one I’ve seen was “AWSMHUH” (Awesome, huh). I also saw TASADAR, a very nerdy one (TASADAR was actually seen in my college’s parkinglot, in the staff section. I wonder which teacher is a Starcraft fanatic)
I saw one once that boasted: X DNA X
The font and framing made it look much more like the segment of the double helix on either side.
I just saw a Prius with “Gas-X”
@Beta_Orionis That reminds me of one I witnessed yesterday. “HOT FLSH”.
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