Social Question

airowDee's avatar

Why is generation Y so awful?

Asked by airowDee (1791points) August 25th, 2009

It seems that every generation has added something special to the world, whether it be a social movement (peace and love) , Madonna, Kurt Cobain or rock n roll. Except, generation Y is known for self deprived individuals, attention whores, crappy music and famous people who get famous for being a slut or a jackass.

Are we going downhill as a society? Are we just becoming lazy?

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89 Answers

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

one of those are going to be president one day… I’m genuinely concerned.

lol god the music is so awful, and the fashion is even worse… and the ideology behind it is worser still.

Grisaille's avatar

You do realize that this conversation has been had every generation since the dawning of ever, right?

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Grisaille yeah but still, I’m really not too old, and I’m a really tolerant person, but just some of that stuff is just horrible.

lefteh's avatar

Hey! We are not all awful!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I have faith in generation Y. Why? because by the time they are in charge of things, I’ll be dead and it won’t matter one whit to me.

@Grisaille it has been going on since my childhood; back when rocks were soft, dirt had that new car smell, dinosaurs were the most popular mode of transportation and there were only four original planets.

Grisaille's avatar

“Goddamn it, those flappers sure do dress like hussies.”

“Elvis?! He’s TERRIBLE! And his music stinks!”

“Wha… flower power? What the fuck is this?”

“Guns ‘n Roses?! UGH, IT’S JUST NOISE”

“Nirvana? The lyrics don’t even make any sense!”

In other words: “GET OFF MY LAWN”

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, well, I don’t find a lot of that music to be horrible. I listen to a lot of it. How about music from the 17th century? Does anyone listen to that anymore? I thought not. And yet I love it. “Crappy music” is entirely within the eye of the beholder. As far as I’m concerned, all non-classical music is crappy in comparison to classical.

And I agree with @Grisaille. People have been saying this about every generation for hundreds of years. This reminds me of Grampa Simpson’s website, “Why Today Stinks”.

What about the Gay Rights/marriage movement? What about the vast amount of anti-war sentiment? What about the Green movement?

And this isn’t really Dee from AIROW is it? I knew Dee well.

Sampson's avatar

Because of the lack of a true counter-culture while at the same time being eaten and co-oped by corporate machinery and false individualism.

We have nothing, really. It’s all lies.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Dominix, I do for a fact listen to 17th Century music. And 18tth Century music, 19th Century music, and even 20th and 21st Century music.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@DominicX I actually kind of like classical

but I like a huge variety of music, from classic rock to metal to country and rap, but I can’t do emo, I absolutely despise it.

lefteh's avatar

Eesh, some of you guys are brutal. We are just as cultured as you were, and the generation before you. But culture changes. Crappy music? Bad fashion? Take a look back to what was said about jazz music in the 1920s…how bellbottoms were treated when they first came out. Culture changes. Just because our culture is different, new, and scary doesn’t mean it is inferior.

alive's avatar

what counts as generation Y?

teens? or 20’s? both? not 30’s though right? cuz they were genX right?

as grisaille pointed out everyone is always accusing the youth of being “the bad generation”

but come on! saying Y is awful, is awful. we do in fact have a counter culture. we are the ones blogging. we are the ones pushing for green and organic. and we are the one that campaigned door to door, and turned out in record numbers to get the first black president elected!

Sampson's avatar

For the most part, pop culture has devolved into nothingness. It’s filth wallowing in itself.

My culture’s milestones will be fallout boy and Rock of Love for crying out loud!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@lefteh if you want brutal, watch Mel Brook’s History of the World Part One, especially the scene concerning the music created by cavemen, now that was brutal.

Sampson's avatar

I’m 20, if that helps at all.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i blame corn syrup and the low quality of cartoons during their younger years.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

<—-has concert T-shirts older than @Sampson :^)

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Sampson 22

don’t forget American idol….

Sampson's avatar

@eponymoushipster We actually had a pretty good quality of cartoons…

augustlan's avatar

I don’t see it this way at all. I’m quite inspired by the younger generation today! Maybe you’re just hanging out with the wrong people.

lefteh's avatar

@alive Generation Y = birth years between the early 80s and mid 90s.

Sampson's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Or Good Charlotte or the cancelling of Arrested Development, ect…

@eponymoushipster Have you ever watched Dexter’s Lab? Good show. But yeah, there were some crap.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@eponymoushipster I honestly wish I could watch ren and stimpy and rocko’s modern life right now.

Sampson's avatar

There is no good art in our youth culture. And everything that is good, is suppressed.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Steeempy, you ideeot!

tinyfaery's avatar

I fear for the next generation.
I have great hope for the next generation. It’s up to them to decide.

alive's avatar

@lefteh haha ya, i just wiki-ed it too! thanks. i guess i am Y, and i think i’m alright. i also think the majority of my “twenty-something” friends are not so bad either

lefteh's avatar

@Sampson “There is no good art in our youth culture.” That just isn’t true. It absolutely isn’t true! I don’t even know what to say to that.

Sampson's avatar

@lefteh Not in popular culture.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

In about four generations, Evelynism will be the single most popular religion, and Christianity will be as acceptable as scientology is now.

lefteh's avatar

I still say that’s BS. Bed time, I will return to this thread tomorrow.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

apparently my notion of what gen y’s age bracket was is a little distorted.

airowDee's avatar

Yes I am Dee from airow, i miss you Lelac. How are you? I am so excited that so many airow refugees are here!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@airowDee welcome to Fluther, Lurve!

DominicX's avatar


Me too. I’ve missed you so much. :)

airowDee's avatar

sarcasm is writing something, I miss him.

And thank you , evelyns!

I am so glad to be here.

And in regard to television shows, I don’t even watch t.v shows anymore. The reality tv shows are all pathetic and shallow and whorish. The only shows that i’ve ever really watched and LOVED were sex and the city and six feet under. I don’t watch television anymore, and probably never will.

Sarcasm's avatar

I genuinely wish I could greet you on a more positive note.
But it really doesn’t look like that’s something you wanted, starting off your life on Fluther with such a negative question.

You’ve got to living your life in such a pessimistic way. I understand why you do. In your situation, I probably would too. But you’ve got to stop, smell the roses, and learn to enjoy them.

Sure there’s bad music. Sure there are bad shows. And bad movies. But there are plenty of great ones.

As far as being famous for being attention whores? The only attention whore I can think of off the top of my head is Paris Hilton, and she’s got to be in her 30s by now.

dee1313's avatar

Would it be reasonable to say our generation has the most influence in regards to the internet? I don’t actually know the stats for internet users or anything.

@airowDee I don’t watch TV anymore either. I’d like to watch house, but its really inconvenient to wait for it to come on. I’d rather rent the seasons or watch online.

I’d say we’re killing TV and the newspaper.

I do think that a lot of people in our generation have this strange sense of entitlement.

airowDee's avatar

I don’t have a sense of entitlement. I am poor and I have learned to not expect anything. I just want to live a simple life, no iphone, no ipod, no – nothing. I just need to meditate daily, be with my boyfriend, bath in the sunshine, play with my dog, love my mom, and sustain a stable paying job (which would be the hardest to get – very few jobs are stable anymore), than I am fine.

I have nothing but contempt for the material life, or the “technological” life. I want to go live on a farm or something. I am so negative and bitter. boo.

Pol_is_aware's avatar

Generation Y is still young. Don’t forget, we’re the first generation to have read Harry Potter books in our youths.

Christian95's avatar

The Y generation isn’t awful is just weird and divided.We have the sportive kids which will some freaky record,the artists kids,strong motivated kids which will do something really important,the smart kids.So Y generation is not awful is just different.

Sarcasm's avatar

@Pol_is_aware raises a very good point.
I was born right at the ass end of the 80s (september 89), so I’m about the middle of Generation Y. So much of GenY is still in High School, or just starting college (Dominic, Disco, Smac, Lib, etc). They really haven’t had the slightest opportunity to contribute to society, beyond working in McDonalds.

Hell, even my brother (Born in 84) hasn’t contributed much to society. He’s never held down a real job for long. He’s done a good bit of community service a few summers ago (post-Katrina mostly). In fact, he’s even brought a baby into this world with little/no income to provide for it. Let’s face it, it’s not like he’s a doctor.
What’ll he be doing in a few years once he finishes training? Oh, he’ll be a doctor.

shilolo's avatar

By the time he’s a doctor, us Gen X’ers will have cured everything :-P

Pol_is_aware's avatar

Generation X sucks!!

(totally kidding)

perplexism's avatar

I find it funny that Chris Crocker is one of the tags for this topic. Really, Chris Crocker speaks for gen Y? Didn’t he render himself irrelevant right after that desperate cry for attention video came out?

Sanyore's avatar

What a load. I think the fact that you believe Kurt Cobain to be the prime contribution of the previous generation tells me all I need to know. As for shitty music, EVERY DECADE HAS IT. I mean, come ON, the 80s?! Look beyond the surface and you will find. Of course, it’s hard to pinpoint music of this generation since most of the musicians are actually older than us, but hey. And of course, I don’t know what your definition of great music is, but since you mentioned Kurt Cobain & Madonna as prime achievements, I think I might have a clue.

As for the other things, generations don’t stay the same in their… mechanisms, as it were. While this generation probably has a lot of shit going for it, it will have a consummate bunch of good stuff going for it. For example we’re in all likelihood the least intolerant generation yet.

And as for going downhill as a society, I once read a nice little article in the newspaper that quoted one of the Ancient Philosophers (not sure if it was Plato or Aristotle) that word for word said “Oh no, look at the young ‘uns, they’re such jackasses, we’re going to shit, that’s fer sure.”
We’re going downhill and uphill simultaneously. All generations have. It is part of human social progress; there is never going to be a generation without its unique plagues and successes.

Sanyore's avatar

@airowDee oh fuck. I just read your username. Can’t say I’m surprised. HI DEE.

EmpressPixie's avatar

It’s like you bent over backwards to avoid the one thing that makes generation Y stand out from all previous generations: the Internet.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

My, my, my. I love sweeping generalizations. Perhaps they’re the by-product of their parent’s self-absorption and materialism.

What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?” ~Plato

The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders…. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers. ~Socrates

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I think that is an unfair generalisation. Some of us try to be good citizens, but in our own style and with a sense of progress. We realise the mistakes of your generation, as well as the failings of our own. I acknowledge that many people in my generation are degenerate, but that is the same for every generation. Without a lifetime of experience behind them, people have always and will always appear immature when compared to the experience of the previous generation. One day, we will have that experience, but until then it would be much appreciated if you could show some respect and support rather than derision and contempt.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Append to above:

How do you think the hippy drugged-up-to-the-eyeballs generation has turned out? Some of those are highly skilled professionals now. Imagine how the elder generations complained about Woodstock!

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@airowDee Cheer. Up. And. Stop. Griping. The world is a wonderful place. And if you don’t think so, then appreciate all the stuff you have. Be grateful that you even have the ability and the resources to even be typing your complaint right here right now. What about all those don’t even know what a computer is? Generation Y is no worse than Generation X. It isn’t any better either. Neither will it be better than Generation Z or alpha or beta or whatnot.

In fact, the present generation has it better off than any other generation. Kids who grew up with iPod touches and the internet? All the food and the resources? Nobody would have even dreamed of it twenty years ago. Give Generation Y a chance.

No… Wait.. Let me change that.

Give yourself a chance.

@PandoraBoxx If those old Greek farts thought that their younger generation was sending the whole world up in flames, they’d be spinning in their graves if they knew about us.

Sanyore's avatar

@PandoraBoxx that was what I was looking for

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Every Generation has its shit music. YouTube some of this shit from the 70’s. Chevy Van by Sammy Johns. Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks. Honey by Bobby Goldsboro. There, you get the idea. Every decade has its shit music.

Sure, some of the Gen Y folks have all the intelligence of a box of hair, but there are plenty that are smart, compassionate, and actually have a clue.

I think too many people look back in the past and mis-remember the good old days. The 50’s were the good old days, some folks say. Yeah, maybe if you were white. Black people have a different view of the years before the 1960’s.

Every generation has its’ heroes, its’ winners, its’ losers, its’ saints and its’ devils. This generation will do stupid things like the previous generations and it will have its’ individuals that take humanity to the next level of greatness.

That’s life. Make the best of it, it’s the only one anyone is sure that we’ve got.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Generation Y isn’t awful. No, not at all. It’s fucking horrendous
I think it speaks for itself
also hi Dee

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Everyone that thinks generation Y sucks are all people who are stuck in past and upset that things have changed. Every generation had their ups and downs, negatives and positives. You all must be so perfect to be able to judge so harshly!

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Generation Y sucks to the extent that Boomers remain in control to brand and commoditize them for their own purposes. This state of affairs will not last indefinitely.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Case in point: the first major Boomer casualty in the developing generational conflict with their Y progeny came in 2007, Don Imus.

Ansible1's avatar

I blame the return of swing music

Sampson's avatar

@hiphiphopflipflapflop This state of affairs will not last indefinitely.

Thank you for that. That was probably the smartest sentence in the whole question.

Sampson's avatar

Ok, this is the way I see it.

Gen Y is missing something. Yes, all generations have produced crap along with brilliance. But Gen Y is lacking the ‘brilliant’ aspect of itself. There is no Janis Joplin, no Jimi Hendrix, no Miles Davis, no Kurt Cobain, no Elvis to call our own.

There is a reason for this: Our culture is mass produced into garbage. It’s like that scene in The Wall where the kids walk into the meat grinder. That’s what’s happening to the talent of my generation.

I’m not saying that there isn’t any talented people out there trying to make it happen in this day-and-age. It’s just that they aren’t being put on the teat that is television because most talented people aren’t pretty. Shallowness and vapidity have replaced talent for Gen Y. This is why we have shows like “The Hills” and the ”... of Love” bull shit on Vh1. Not even to mention the rise of Paris Hilton and her ilk.

Why isn’t there truly talented people out there?, you may be thinking. Because it doesn’t sell. My culture is appropriated to make money. My generational identity is being used to sell useless crap made in Taiwan. Viacom, Disney, Turner co. ...ect push bullshit in order to create not people, but consumers.

Gen Y has been molded to fit a form. That form is that of the Consumer. My generation was created to move product. Bulimia is rapidly increasing in my generation because, I believe, of the utter and total focus on appearance. And that’s only one example of the physical and mental damage that the theft of Gen Y’s ability to think for itself has caused.

So that’s my take on it… Sorry for being so long-winded. Take what I wrote here and think about it for a bit. Mull it over while watching television or surfing Facebook.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Sampson has got it nailed
I would LOVE to see some gen Y lover argue against this…

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

It will fall on Gen Y to do the dirty work in tearing down the dysfunctional institutions that are grinding to a halt today and build working institutions to replace them. They probably aren’t going to be remembered very much for their artistry, like the G.I. generation before them.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I think there are plenty of talented people in generation Y. The difference between this generation and past generations is that right now there are SO many people who are just filler so you have to sift through a lot of untalented garbage to find the real good ones. But I blame the media for that. Paris Hilton should not be young women’s role model but the media has everything to do with her success. In past generations there weren’t half as many talented singers or artists in the world so they chose the most obvious to shine the spotlight on (Curt Kobain). So I don’t think it’s that our generation lacks geniunely smart, talented people. It’s just that the media chooses to shine the spotlight on the wrong role models.

alive's avatar

@Sampson everyone keeps saying “kurt cobain this, kurt cobain that” and airowDee mentioned madonna in her question.

but think about it. madonna was just overproduced 80’s pop. not exactly revolutionary. and kurt cobain was the face of grunge music. a type of music that started out as somewhat underground and (maybe a little) subversive, that was just co-opted by pop culture in order to make money off the unsuspecting kids that thought it was cool.

elvis is another PERFECT example of this (dont get me wrong i would marry him in a second!) but he was a gimmick. a white man singing black music. he was used to tap into the pockets of white audiences around the nation. so that “black” music would no longer be a niche market.

as for janis and jimi. if you look at the history of music during that time, again once something becomes remotely popular, someone steps in to market it nation wide.

as more and more youth protested the war, anti-war songs sold big.

that said,

there are more types of music in our generation than ever before. metal, indie rock, emo, jam band, gangsta rap, dance, hip-hop, reggaeton, punk rock, electro-clash, reggae, jazz, alternative rock, pop, hardcore, grindcore, post hardcore, post punk, death metal, garage, scremo, latin, country music, experamental.

except for jazz, pop, most of these types of music have been developed by gen Y, maybe some were started by genX, but i can walk into any given bar or club on any given night and here one of those types of music being played/performed by twenty-somethings.

and i think my point is driven home by the fact that many of these types of musical styles have not yet been co-opted by major media. for example, the “biggest” indie name i can think of is bright eyes or the shins. and by no means are either of those ‘household names’.

now i cannot deny that there is some shitty stuff going on with gen Y, but they are by no means “Awful”

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@alive You put into words everything I was thinking. Great answer!

Sampson's avatar


but think about it. madonna was just overproduced 80’s pop. not exactly revolutionary. and kurt cobain was the face of grunge music. a type of music that started out as somewhat underground and (maybe a little) subversive, that was just co-opted by pop culture in order to make money off the unsuspecting kids that thought it was cool.

I never said anything about Madonna. I’d agree with you on her. And Nirvana (aka Kurt) is a very conflicted issue. On one hand, his success is basically the reason he killed himself. He hated what he had become. I’d say he was the absolute last person to be placed in the ‘true idol’ category.

elvis is another PERFECT example of this (dont get me wrong i would marry him in a second!) but he was a gimmick. a white man singing black music. he was used to tap into the pockets of white audiences around the nation. so that “black” music would no longer be a niche market.

I’m aware. He broke the music into the masses, which in itself is a remarkable thing. Elvis is more of a case of Cult Of Personality.

as for janis and jimi. if you look at the history of music during that time, again once something becomes remotely popular, someone steps in to market it nation wide.
as more and more youth protested the war, anti-war songs sold big.

If you look at Janis and Jimi you can see two things. Unprecedented talent, and not-so-super model looks. They deserved their fame 100%.

And I said nothing about war songs… But I do see your point and I’m not saying that co-opting of culture is new. I’m saying that Gen Y’s culture is nothing but co-opted.

there are more types of music in our generation than ever before. metal, indie rock, emo, jam band, gangsta rap, dance, hip-hop, reggaeton, punk rock, electro-clash, reggae, jazz, alternative rock, pop, hardcore, grindcore, post hardcore, post punk, death metal, garage, scremo, latin, country music, experamental.

So? Just because there’s a lot of it, doesn’t mean that it’s good. Also, pretty much all of these are either from before our time (metal, indie, jam, gangsta rap, dance, hip-hop, punk, reggae, jazz, death metal, garage, latin, country, “experimental”) are from the 80’s or older. They weren’t invented by our generation. They were just continued in (imo) less-than-before manner.

except for jazz, pop, most of these types of music have been developed by gen Y, maybe some were started by genX, but i can walk into any given bar or club on any given night and here one of those types of music being played/performed by twenty-somethings.

That still doesn’t mean anything. This is Appeal To Majority…

and i think my point is driven home by the fact that many of these types of musical styles have not yet been co-opted by major media. for example, the “biggest” indie name i can think of is bright eyes or the shins. and by no means are either of those ‘household names’.

First off, indie by definition is INDEPENDENT. As in not co-opted. Secondly, if they get big play on MTV, they are co-opted…

now i cannot deny that there is some shitty stuff going on with gen Y, but they are by no means “Awful”


Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Sampson I wouldn’t be surprised if all that you’ve said was said in a different form by another person 100 years ago..

Sampson's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Thanks for totally disregarding everything I just said.

alive's avatar

@Sampson i feel like you copy/pasted large parts of my answer and then just agreed with them.

re: the “aiden” video – hahahahaha that literally made me laugh! anyways, i have never heard of them. so they can’t be that famous, its not like i live under a rock.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Sampson I shall get back to you on this in a few hours (or a day), we’ll see how this turns out =)

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Frank Zappa had on the face of it a plausible explanation for why the music went downhill.

alive's avatar

@Sampson i know that indie is independant. but that is my point you are saying that no one in our generation is doing anything special, but a whole mainstream genre of musicians are giving the finger to signing with big record labels. that is our generation. that is generation whY.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Sampson thanks for that link to one of the worst examples of Gen Y music I have ever seen.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Frank Zappa was a genius, and he left us too soon. The world needs more Zappa-like minds.

Sampson's avatar

@Saturated_BrainIf you feel like… you’ve been wronged… I’ll be waiting >:)

@evelyns_pet_zebra You’re welcome (?!)

@alive I copied your response into mine and responded. I did agree with some and disagreed with others. And your second statement is silly. First off, I’ve heard plenty about Bright Eyes (I LOVE THEM!!!) and The Shins (also very awesome band) despite them being on an “independent” label. Next time you see an “indie” band, look up their label. A lot of times, those so-called “independent” labels are owned by the big boys.

Sampson's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Agreed. Every time I hear Zappa, which isn’t often enough, it amazes me. Such musicianship is very rare.

alive's avatar

@Sampson you are confused. i mentioned bright eyes, and then in a second answer i said indie. i was saying indie musicians are deliberately choosing to be indie. where in the past bands would be working to get signed to a big label.

but nonetheless…if you like, actually “LOVE” bright eyes. then i guess i must agree. generation Y is awful.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

I made a promise, and deliver it I shall.

@Sampson Okay.. Now let me deal with each of your points bit by bit (finally it arrives!). Sorry that it’s so long, but I like to be detailed in my analysis. =)

Firstly, you say that Generation Y is lacking the brilliant aspect of itself. Well, it’s kinda hard to judge so quickly seeing as most of Gen Y hasn’t had the chance to show this brilliant aspect yet. You list Elvis as one of your examples of brilliance. How do you think the older people back in the 60s viewed such a thing where thousands upon thousands of girls would go screaming for one person, almost like idol worship (and even the Beatles [think Beatlemania]? For them, the Sexual Revolution was going on and destroying the “moral fabric of their society”. “Free love” where sex is a part of everyday life and can be between many people? What utter rubbish! I doubt that they thought that their younger generation was going to turn the world into a better place.

Secondly, you’re saying that most talented people aren’t being exposed because talented people aren’t pretty. Now, is that really true? To start with, aren’t all those pretty people who appear on the TV talented in their own ways (ie acting). Furthermore, some of the most followed people on the TV aren’t exactly pretty. Oprah Winfrey? She’s okay-ish, and she’s been having her very public struggles with weight. Eddie Murphy? He’s definitely not bad looking, but stunning? Jackie Chan, now don’t we all just love his kung fu, but is he really that pretty? You see, these people who have this huge exposure must have it for some reason, and it ain’t necessarily because they’re pretty and shallow. Also, you have many people who are really famous on other forms of media (like books) and not just because they’re pretty. J. K. Rowling is one of the best-selling authors of our times, and yet she relies not on looks but on talent. Now I know that you’ll say that these people aren’t born in Generation Y. You are correct. But guess what? They got where they are because of their life experiences, which the current Generation Y doesn’t have because they’re still in the schools or fresh in their careers. Can’t exactly contribute hugely to society when you’re only just starting out can you?

Thirdly, your link from this reason to your examples of having shows such as “The Hills” doesn’t really follow. These shows are popular because they’re entertainment. Why would I, as a working man, after a long day at work, want to go back home and watch a highly philosophical discussion on the applicability of Eastern Morals to the Javanese tribesmen? I want to watch something to “kill my brain”, metaphorically speaking because I just want to relax. If I want my highly mentally stimulating stuff, I can always find it on the net or on other channels (like the Discovery Channel). If you’re going to say that many children nowadays aren’t watching such educational stuff, well… did all the children in generations past stimulate their minds with knowledge, or were they too busy playing? Same applies here, just that it’s in a different form.

Fourth, you claim that the Gen Y culture is out to make money and therefore there aren’t any truly talented people. Really now? In order to really tackle this statement, what do you mean by ‘truly talented’? The ability to play the saxophone and swing along to the big band? The ability to think about the world around us and write papers on them? The ability to help the poor peoples of the world? Well… if that’s so, then I say to you that Gen Y is producing these people, in the music schools, in the universities and the many charities around the world? So what if Gen Y is producing consumers? Ever since the concept of money came into being, we’ve all been consumers and wanted to make money. Hey, lookie here, that’s since the dawn of man! Just that Gen Y is able to do it better because it’s got the mass media (which has, “ironically”, been developed by the previous generation).

Gen Y hasn’t been molded to fit a form. People have been, are and always will be a diverse lot. True, the mass media is arguably killing off some of that diversity (as is Westernisation, but that’s another debate), yet isn’t the mass media in itself, extremely diverse? And can’t the mass media be used to promote that diversity?

Humans have always been focused on appearances, whether it’s now or before. Your comment on Bulimia can also be applied to now-dead practices such as foot-binding in China, where if a woman wasn’t food-bound, she’d find herself very hard-pressed to get a husband.

This leads on to the last, and perhaps most important, point. Did the girls of Gen Y grow up thinking that they must get a husband or else they’d be a shame onto their family? I change what I said previously in this thread and believe that Gen Y has had it better off than any other generation before it. Much of Gen Y grew up in a society where skin colour mattered less (racism will always exist, but nobody can deny that racism in Gen Y was anywhere as bad as previous generations), where women knew their rights and could vote, where gay people could get more understanding, where medicine and science reached a stage where many previously incurable diseases could be protected against and where people can live up till their 80s (medieval life expectancy was, on average, up till the 40s [or even 30s] and many people have died in the ancient past due to things we’d consider trivial now [Death from Toothache, anyone? Some ancient Egyptian nobility got it]). Gen Y grew up in a world where you could keep in touch with loved ones halfway across the globe (and even see and talk to them) with a dial of the phone, or even better, the internet. Food is aplenty, more and more people are getting a basic education, and life in general is better than humans ever dreamed it could be previously. Sure, we now have our problems such as pollution, but then again, which generation didn’t have their own problems? And who’s to say that humans aren’t dealing with these new problems?

Perhaps before you start beating down Gen Y without letting it prove itself directly to you, try giving it a chance eh? Look back on Gen Y in a few decades or so before passing your judgment.

P.S. I find it interesting how people here are criticising current musical talents and saying that they’re rubbish and how it’s proof of how low-down humanity has gone. Everyone has their differing opinions on what genius is. Just because I think your definition is wrong doesn’t mean that that genius doesn’t exist

Sampson's avatar

@Saturated_Brain To paraphrase you, I’ll get back to you on that.

Sarcasm's avatar

SB, it’s a shame she’ll never read that beautiful post.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Sampson There’s more coming from your direction? Hahaha. Let’s have it then. =)

@Sarcasm You know… I’m just hoping she will.. I’m just so hoping she will…

Sampson's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Nevermind. I’m too lazy.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@Sampson Lol. S’alright. To be honest, if my response to your post was so long I shudder at thinking about the length of your response.

delam's avatar

there are good things about both. If your stuck right in the middle like me I guess I am part of generation no one.

quibblet's avatar

I’m the youngest of Generation X. Of course, most know their overblown, familiar quote was, “Life sucks, and then you die.” To all Generation Ys, what would yours be?

meagan's avatar

We’re probably so terrible because Generation X did a terrible job properly raising children.

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