General Question

nebule's avatar

Does everyone have one side of your abdominals stronger than the other?

Asked by nebule (16472points) August 26th, 2009


I can’t seem to gain strength in the other side either. Does anyone else have this problem?

What can I do? Not do exercises on the other side for a bit??

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4 Answers

barumonkey's avatar

I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case for everyone, especially fitness junkies who try to keep themselves symmetrical.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Well my right side hernia is more severe than my left side hernia, so I suppose what you are talking about has some relevance.

casheroo's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra mine’s right in the middle..what does that mean?! hehe

I’m sure everyone has a stronger side, we may not notice it though. Even though I know I’m stronger on my right side, my left side may be stronger because it has to make up for all the work the right side is doing (example: I always hold my son on my right hip, strengthening my right arm, shoulder, pec muscle..) but that doesn’t mean it makes the right side stronger. I don’t know, this is just me babbling.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Incorporate abdominal exercises that include trunk rotation into your routine. I prefer bicycles and the cross over crunch. Also, a personal trainer can help you do exercises correctly.

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