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Is it worth my time to apply to almost all of these scholarships found in scholarship engines?
I’m a senior in high school, and right now my top choices for college next year have total costs of around $50,000. I’ve got to plan out my finances carefully, and I’m wondering if applying for most of these scholarships is worth my time (including the ones with essays that can take several hours to write).
I know I should definitely apply to some, but where do I draw the line on applying? I’ve got a pretty decent resume (3.95 GPA, 28 ACT (hopefully higher in a few weeks), hundreds of hours doing extracurricular activities and volunteering, etc.), and I’m a pretty good writer, but it’s not like I would win most of the contests I would apply to. My family is pretty well off, being somewhere between middle-upper class.
I don’t want to waste my time writing countless essays to earn almost nothing, but I don’t want to be lazy. What do you all think?
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