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JLeslie's avatar

If you believe that there is no life after death, do you wish there was a life after death?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) August 26th, 2009

I, like many of the people on fluther, believe that when I am dead it’s over. I don’t think there is a heaven or some sort of life after death. A while ago I answered the Actor’s Studio questions on facebook, and the last one asks, “If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?” I answered the question directly but then went on to say, ”...and that my grandmother was able to reunite with her father (I think she missed him her whole life) who died when she was 5.” It’s that last part that stuck with me…that I hoped my grandma could see her dad again; be with him. Her recent passing caused me to write something unexpected.

I think that would be a nice thing to believe, wish I really did.

Are there any ideas about life after death that you hope are true, but don’t really believe?

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41 Answers

benjaminlevi's avatar

It would be awesome to get to see everybody again and I wish we just got to dance about in a paradise forever but I have never had any reason to believe that was the case.

I mean, I would also like a pony, but that aint gonna happen either.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I wish it no more than I wish there was life before life.

Fieryspoon's avatar

I feel like a life after death cheapens the life we have now.

I feel like it encourages people not to get engaged with the movie they’re watching now, because they’re expecting the real movie to start after the credits stop rolling.

doggywuv's avatar

I’m not sure if I believe in an afterlife, and I wish it were true.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

My version of heaven would be a huge concert with Jimi Hendrix, Cliff Burton, John Bonham and Layne Staley jamming out together. and the audience each get their own comfy lazyboy while getting blowjobs by the hottest angels. And no old people allowed

benjaminlevi's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal But don’t you think they would get tired from play for eternity and all the angels would probably get tired of sucking you off. I don’t think that would be heave for them.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

All right, every 5th Monday that happens. In the meantime, we all just chill with a never ending source of fun and sex

gailcalled's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal: That activity may not be the hottest angels’ idea of paradise, and is certainly not be in their job description.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

They’re robots!
Now stop questioning my fantasies!

Master's avatar

I’m unsure, but it’d be magnificent if it was possible.

Ivan's avatar


dpworkin's avatar

Hell, no. Can you imagine how boring an infinite amount of time would be?

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@pdworkin ever spent time as a telemarketer?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I love telemarketers. Whenever they call me, I just fart on the phone and hang up

dpworkin's avatar

@peyton_farquhar had to give you a GA. You cracked my shit up.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

of course. consciousness is all one really has definitely, so why would you not want to continue to exist in some form?

Grisaille's avatar

An eternity is a long time.

If a grain of sand counts as one year, you could collect every grain of sand on every beach on the Earth and still not even come close to an eternity.

Let me die.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I do not believe there is anything after death although I do wish there was. It would give me something to look forward to.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 how about looking forward to today?

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Maybe I should have given more detail to my statement. It would give me something to look forward to after my life here is done. I absolutely look forward to my daily life right now. With each day comes a new experience and I love it. But it saddens me to think it’ll all be over someday.

cbloom8's avatar

At first it seems really appealing, but when I think of at from an Atheist’s perspective, I’m glad there’s nothing after death. It makes me live life even harder than if there was more. This creates purpose: the purpose to live now as best as I can as apposed to living for an indeterminately long time, not really having to try or work.

tinyfaery's avatar

I, for one, am looking forward to nothingness.

doggywuv's avatar

A solution to the problem of living forever: just erase your memory periodically! Each period of living between memory wipes will be like a whole new life! :)

AstroChuck's avatar

If it were pleasent, of course.

augustlan's avatar

Sort of. Not so much for me, but for the people I care about who’ve passed away. It’s nice to think of them being together in an afterlife. (My grandparents specifically.)

airowDee's avatar

I wish to say that we could reunite with our loved ones after we die. But I really don’t think that’s possible, death is a way of letting go, letting go all of everything and returning to the soil. I really believe there is nothing after death.

In an ideal world , i would hope good people will get what they deserve, and bad people will get what are coming to them.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

The thought of a life after death would be cool, but it would have to be limitless. As in, you could travel anywhere in the universe, (even through the center of a black hole with no harm), you could view other beings, lives, places, planets, etc., but you could not alter their path, or their ‘thread’. You would be able to be reunited with your loved ones, but you wouldn’t have to hang out with them all the time. You could exist for as long as you like, and still choose oblivion once it became unbearable.

But as for the after-life, I can’t see that being real. That’s too bad, as it would take me several lifetimes to do all things I’d love to do.

although, the thought of spending eternity on Evelyn’s bosom sounds awesome, that girl likes to travel. :^)

ph15h's avatar

I don’t believe in one but it’d be nice. Sucks to feel that all youve done in your life amounts to nothing after you’re dead… not sure how id see life after death. Eternity is boring and only if there was creation to the full extent of your imagination, then I wouldn’t mind. I mean. It would be nice to catch up with people but there’s not much to say when you’re present for all their afterlife. You can only reminiscence so much

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No, I think things are best as they are in that respect. I would hate to be stuck in the afterlife while everyone I want to see again is still living. It would be nice to see my grandfather again, but as with any concept there are benefits and drawbacks. We are finite beings, and although we have a conceptual idea of the infinite it is neither true nor relevant in our finite universe.
If you did live forever in the afterlife, there would come a point at which your brain would be saturated and no good thing would give you pleasure any more. You would become apathetic to everything, and even if this took tens of millions of years, that’s not even a fraction of eternity.
The pleasure of life is in new events and stimuli. We need change to maintain our interest in life, but an eternal world would be effectively static and lacking in new stimuli. It would lead to an intense and unending boredom.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh but an eternal world would be effectively static and lacking in new stimuli. It would lead to an intense and unending boredom. <—this strikes me as the thought process of someone without a vivid imagination. I can imagine staying enthused about the afterlife for at least fifty billion years, just visiting every corner of the universe.

dpworkin's avatar

Then what?

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; A little snack and then probably a nap.

Rsam's avatar

having the ability to be an observer and some sort of historian/novelist of the living for the dead would be quite interesting.

dee1313's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra‘s thought on life after death is one I would be cool with. I’d have to add also being able to somehow learn the past of the universe. Where did it all start? Things like that.

As for what I understand of the current view of Heaven, I don’t think it would work right. I think everyone has a little different definition of paradise, so either we would change to become perfect to exist there, or there would be conflict.

I’d like to believe in reincarnation, though. I’d love for it to include being able to recall feelings, and being about to learn things easier because you learned them in a past life.

boffin's avatar

What would I wear?

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra That is not my point. I’m sure I could keep myself entertained for many billions of years too, pursuing various directions of scientific research, discovering new worlds and meeting new people. Heck, I could entertain myself for at least a hundred years just belting around race tracks in an Aston Martin.
My point is, even if you could keep yourself entertained for fifty billion years, the next fifty would become steadily less exciting as you started to run out of new and exciting things to occupy yourself with. Maybe I lack imagination, and maybe you have the world’s best, but all that means is I will take 2 billion years to get bored and you will take 200 billion – both are still not a significant part of eternity. The word ‘eternity’ indicated an infinite period of time, of which no finite amount is a significant proportion. There would come a time when you would no longer be able to count the number of years you had lived, but still you would have many times that to come. I don’t care how good your imagination is, eventually you would run out of new stimuli.

JLeslie's avatar

The next life does not have to be an eternity. Basically you can make up whatever you want about death since no one knows for sure. Interestingly, I don’t think anyone on this thread has said anything about a higher power, or judging, or hell, or a consequence for how you lived your life on earth. Well, I guess maybe it was mentioned in regard to reincarnation, that you learn from each life. Oh, and being with Evelyn would count as a higher power :).

For me believing there is nothing after this life is comforting. There is nothing to be afraid of or worry about because you simply cease to exist. But, since I do not want to leave life, leave the people I love, it is sad to think I won’t be with them anymore.

xoxjessxox's avatar

No, I don’t believe in life after death. Once your dead, you go to heaven, you reunite with your passed away relatives, and watch over your newer ones back on earth. Don’t you think that’s kind of sad, completely leaving behind your old life, your old mother, father, pets, siblings, etc.? I don’t want to have a completely different life and forget all about them, that’s depressing.. Plus, I’d like to see my Granda, who died when I was four. I have very few memories of him, only very vague ones, and I’d like to see him again, that would be nice

JLeslie's avatar

@xoxjessxox What you describe is life after death.

airowDee's avatar


It doesn’t matter if it makes you sad that there is no life after death or “life after death” , in your opinon. Life doesn’t care if it is unfair a good person died, or if someone who has worked hard all their life got nothing in return, life is cruel and random and there is nothing to suggest that anyone will get anything just because they feel sad or depressed.

xoxjessxox's avatar

JLeslie, oh sorry. I thought they meant like the things that some people believe, where after you die in the life your in now, you become a whole different person with a different family, and a new life. They also believe that you will have no recollections of your past lives. That’s what I meant when I said I don’t believe in life after death. Yes, I believe in going to heaven and reuniting with your family, and all that.

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