Like many, I think suicide is not a very good answer. I love life, since I think it’s the only gift I’ve got. However, I’ve experienced the unrelenting, unimaginable, apparently endless pain of depression—a time when suicide seems like it might be the only way to stop the pain. When it gets bad, it can seem like there will be no end, ever.
And it is an unreasonable pain. It is there for no reason at all. It’s just there. You can have a wonderful life, and yet feel like it’s all worse than any hell you ever could have imagined. That makes it even worse—feeling so bad, and having no way to explain it. It is beyond reason, and nothing logical or experiential, and nothing anyone says makes a difference.
I don’t recommend it.
Anyway, I can see that driving me to check out, as much as I think that’s the stupidest thing I could ever do. It’s one thing thinking, when healthy, that no amount of pain would ever make you willing to give up life. It was something entirely different in that depression.
I do think that when the pain is unmanageable, unrelenting, and endless, that suicide is a reasonable response. It might not be my response, but I would not take it away from someone else in that situation. The tricky thing is knowing whether all hope is gone. How do you know when there will never be any relief, save death? In times like that, it is easy to delude yourself. Really easy not to be able to come anywhere close to seeing things the way others do.
Suicide never makes sense when you’re outside, looking in. Inside, however, can be another story entirely.