General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

When I am an old woman I will wear jeans?

Asked by tinyfaery (44266points) August 27th, 2009 from iPhone

This question is not just for women.

I, like most of my generation, wear jeans all the time. It’s
typical casual wear. Older people (in my experience) dress in ways that seem to reflect the generation they are born into. And, I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone over the age of 70 in jeans. I have never evenseen my mom or dad in jeans.

Do you think you will wear jeans when you are an older person? Why or why not?

—I do not mean to offend any older people. I hope I didn’t.

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70 Answers

Facade's avatar

I’ll probably find jeans annoying to wear and stick to dresses.

dpworkin's avatar

I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear my trousers rolled.

MagsRags's avatar

I can’t imagine giving up my jeans! They might have elastic waistbands though

MagsRags's avatar

Oh, just thought of another contingency. If I end up in adult diapers someday, I’ll probably switch to sweatpants

tedibear's avatar

Not sure how old, “old” is, but my ex father-in-law wore jeans until he went into the nursing home at age 74.

At my age (45) I’m already considering giving them up for yoga pants!

Ansible1's avatar

Being old is the ultimate excuse for bad fashion. When i’m old i’m breakin’ out my zubaz.

Likeradar's avatar

I’d like to think I’ll be a fashionable old person in jeans, but who knows.

I can imagine that arthritis and the loss of fine motor skills that often comes with aging might make buttoning and zipping jeans really difficult.

augustlan's avatar

I will wear jeans for as long as I am able to. I think my generation may be the first to do so in large enough numbers to make it seem normal. (I’m 42… the leading edge of Generation X).

DominicX's avatar

Just promise me you won’t dress like Lorraine from MadTV:

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

@Likeradar Yeah, I was thinkin that. When you’re old, you’re gonna want to wear whatever’s easiest to get on, and jeans are not very known for that. I’ll probably be in pajama bottoms all the time.

basp's avatar

I know a lot of old people who wear jeans. In fact, I can’t think of any of them that don’t wear jeans.

Darwin's avatar

My mother wears jeans almost every day. She’s 84.

OTOH, my father has never worn jeans in his life and doesn’t intend to start now. He is also 84.

And I have a number of friends over 70 who wear jeans, and a few who wear all that strange spandex stuff people like to wear in aerobics classes. However, if you don’t look above their shoulders they look to be about 30.

And I plan to wear jeans when I am an older person, as long as they don’t force me to wear skin-tight low-rise jeans. I am a fan of natural waistline, boot-cut jeans.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

As long as they’re not baggy

cyndyh's avatar

I know a lot of people older than 70 who wear jeans. My granny still does and she’s in her 80s.

I will continue to wear jeans as long as I can. I’m almost 45.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

if I can get away with wearing nothing but sweatpants when I’m 70, you bet your ass that’s all you’ll see me in.

cyndyh's avatar

Well, if we’re going there, Boobs, I could just wear a damned towel all day long. :^>

robmandu's avatar

Of course, you’ll wear jeans, @tinyfaery. You’ll wear mom jeans.

Oh, the fun you’ll have.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@cyndyh that’s not a bad idea lol…

trailsillustrated's avatar

yes you will wear jeans. I wear em and I’m old. My mom wore em too.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, but there might come a time when you will choose them for comfort over style.

I’ve worn jeans all my life. Whether my wardrobe was expansive or sparse, my pants were at least 60% jeans, at times 100%. At one time I thought that jeans were work clothes, but it seems over the past 30 years utility has become the fashion in everything from clothing to vehicles. (I always thought jeans were the “sport-utility clothing”.)

cyndyh's avatar

Yeah, I look forward to my old rocker days. I’ll get up at noon and think, “now, what T-shirt am I gonna wear?”

kevbo's avatar

Only if they are pleated with an elastic waistband, drycleaned and with a smart crease on each leg.

cyndyh's avatar

@kevbo: You forgot to get “Juicy” embroidered across the ass.

kevbo's avatar

haha! Lolz!

Darwin's avatar

They must be purple jeans, however, with red stitching.

gailcalled's avatar

I am wearing jeans now with a nice long-sleeved kiwi-colored t-shirt. I look good. I dare to eat a peach, also.

dpworkin's avatar

GA for @gailcalled. She knows why.

Strauss's avatar

@gailcalled in my mind’s eye, you _are_a peach! (blushes)

eponymoushipster's avatar

i just hope i’m still able to get into someone else’s jeans at that age.

Lupin's avatar

Yep. But relax. By the time you are 70 Victoria’s Secret will have jeans with built in Depends.

cyn's avatar

I think my generation is going to be stuck with the skinny jeans, but maybe who knows. Fashion changes; style doesn’t!

Jack79's avatar

I’m 100% sure I will. I’ve generally worn whatever I found practical throughout my life, and ingored trends and fashion.

gailcalled's avatar

@LUpin: MY mother is 94, as almost the whole world knows, and doesn’t wear Depends. She could wear jeans if she weren’t so silly about the “they” that have always ruled on how she dresses.

bea2345's avatar

And, I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone over the age of 70 in jeans – I haven’t either and I am nearly 70. What I have noticed is that many in my age group – sixty and over – prefer slacks rather than dresses. The age cohort behind me – under sixty – now that is a different thing.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yup. I’ll wear jeans sometimes. I plan on being a stylish old lady, a la Jackie O. OK, she didn’t quite make it to old, but you catch my drift.

JLeslie's avatar

My mom is 66 and she wears jeans.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m 66 and I hate jeans. I have always hated jeans. I wear knit/woven slacks or sweat pants and that’s all I’ve ever worn, and all I ever will wear.

A lot of the men and women in the nursing homes I volunteered in wore jeans.

Supacase's avatar

I will if I can. I may have to cave to the elastic waistband, though. If not, I will follow in the footsteps of my very stylish grandmother and buy elastic-waisted slacks in every color and at least two shirts to match each pair. I sure hope Alfred Dunner is still around…

My grandfathers both wear jeans frequently, btw. One is 76 and the other is 90.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’m American and from what I’ve seen over the decades, tons of elderly men have worn jeans and coveralls well into their 90’s and I see more and more elderly women in jeans now too.

Me, I will most definitely be wearing jeans, boots and t-shirts!

rooeytoo's avatar

I’m 65 and jeans are not my favorite thing to wear, too long, too hot and denim is not really good until it has been washed about 8000 times. But I do love baggy boardies, or almost any kind of loose baggy knee length shorts. Fashion be damned, comfort is my thing!

derekpaperscissors's avatar

I’d still wear jeans. There are tons of styles to choose from, I’d prolly choose something befitting of my age. Besides, it can be a motivation for me to keep fit enough to wear a pair and work it.

casheroo's avatar

My grandmother seems to wear a fake jean material…it’s soft, but looks like jeans. Reminds me of children’s clothing.
I imagine wearing jeans gets troublesome after a while, because they tend to be tight. I don’t know. I don’t know what I’d wear then…I can’t imagine wearing the matching linen outfits my grandmother has.

Strauss's avatar

One of the best trends that keep us older folks able to wear jeans is the “relaxed fit” styles.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t know what I’ll wear – we’ll see
it’ll prob be comfortable

I don’t know what you’ll wear
but sure jeans is a possibility

My mom doesn’t wear jeans, never even had a pair on – she’s a ‘proper woman’ who only wears dressy pants but mostly dresses and skirts – she’s never once wore sneakers either, is 53 years old and still wears high heels to work daily

rooeytoo's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I didn’t think that sort of “proper woman” was still alive and well. My mom was like that but she was born in 1910. Your mom is way younger than I am! I went to catholic school and that was what the nuns tried to make me become, but alas, they failed dismally on me!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir gotta love old school russian ladies.

rooeytoo's avatar

When my mom was in her late 60’s, she developed a very sore ingrown toenail. Her ladylike shoes were not comfortable. She too, had never ever worn sneakers. So I took a pair of my old, comfy, almost worn out Saucony running shoes. She was aghast at their appearance but the look on her face when she put them on was sort of blissful!

She never wore them outside the house, but rarely wore anything else inside.

Jeruba's avatar

Jeans are one of the reasons that old people are younger than they used to be.

I have often wondered what makes a woman get up one day, put on one of those dresses, and say “I’m going to look like that now.” We’re younger in jeans than our grandparents were when they were our age.

I can put on a dress or some nice slacks when I have to look better than just decent, but otherwise it’s jeans for me. Black jeans and tan jeans and olive jeans look a lot less jeansy at work, and with a nice top, sweater, or jacket, I manage to get away with them day after day. My husband, who is old enough for Medicare, does not even look like himself out of jeans. If it is my sad duty to lay him to rest, I’ve promised not to stuff him in a suit.

gailcalled's avatar

@Jeruba: I sprang for a really expensive Italian leather jacket 8 years ago. It works best with faded jeans.

Jeruba's avatar

Ah, yes, leather jackets too. If you can picture Granny in one, you have a cool granny.

gailcalled's avatar

Black, (unnecessary to add, I know).

——And my too-old-to-be-believed mother has a black leather jacket that she loves.

Darwin's avatar

My Granny didn’t have a leather jacket, but she did love to sky dive.

gailcalled's avatar

@Darwin: She trumps my mother, for sure.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jeruba lol at the first pic

VALadi's avatar

@all you rockin JEANERS…I love you guys. 65+ lady here and loving her jeans.

B-I=G :)

VALadi's avatar


Oh yes…gotta love those relax fit jeans…I do!

What good is a pair of great jeans with out a leather jacket? Kinda “limp” I’d have to say. I enjoy wearing my black leather jacket with my easy spirt shoes, worn with a sharp looking sweater and dark blue rinse relax fit jeans….and I am 65nholding…LOL

bea2345's avatar

Definitely, I shall start to wear jeans – so comfortable, so easy to live in.

Strauss's avatar

@bea2345 My sister is 71 and occasionally wears jeans, although she is more likely to wear denim style slacks.

augustlan's avatar

@VALadi Welcome to Fluther, you hipster! :)

john65pennington's avatar

As much as i hate to admit it, i guess i fall into the “older generation” you have described. i am 66 years old and blue jeans are a mainstay in my clothes closet. i have worn blue jeans, since if was 8 years old. i am like you, i do not understand why older people do not wear blue jeans. is it because of their generation? when i reach 90, i will still reach for my blue jeans. we grew up together. thanks for the question. my wife dittos my answer, also.

robmandu's avatar

My grandpa-in-law wore denim bib overalls until the day he died at 95 years old. He wasn’t comfortable in anything else.

SandwichINK's avatar

You’ll be happy to hear that my senior dad wore jeans til the very end of his end stage Parkinsons Disease. He did have to switch to full elastic waist jeans and other pants the last few months, but he did love those jeans. My senior mom wears jeans now, as do I and, indeed, all of my Sandwich Generation family of all ages. :) Blue jeans can easily transcend the generation gap.

rooeytoo's avatar

It is becoming more and more difficult to find jeans that don’t have spandex in them. I do not like jeans with spandex. When I can no longer find all cotton jeans, I will switch to khakis! Jeans with spandex too heavy and hot.

Jeruba's avatar

My first link above doesn’t work any more. Here, this will do in its place.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Jeruba – wow, that is some website. I particularly liked the men’s back zip jump suits!

Jeruba's avatar

I assure you, @rooeytoo, I don’t shop there and haven’t even looked around. I found it some time back (before this Q), when I was researching something or other and went looking for pictures of those ugly things called “housedresses” that my mother wore back when ladies did not wear pants, even around the house. She cooked and cleaned and vacuumed in them, and she put something else on if she was going out (thank goodness).

I was astonished to find that someone still makes and sells them. I think they must be a first cousin to the outfits that make those hideous and demoralizing hospital gowns. (Even misanthropes have to earn a living.)

Let’s hear it for jeans!

rooeytoo's avatar

@jeruba that’s a relief. It was hard to picture you in one hehehe!

Strauss's avatar

Someone mentioned “skinnyjeans”. Are they still skinny if the person wearing them is definitely not?

augustlan's avatar

@Yetanotheruser I’m a tad overweight, and at 44 years old, I look quite good in skinny jeans. :p

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