Would you pierce or tattoo your pet?
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46 Answers
Well, those people should be shot.
No, that’s a stupid idea
And this is coming from me
People also listen to Rush Limbaugh, go to NASCAR events and eat deep-fried twinkies on a stick.
Please tell me that is not real pictures. That poor dog. If I knew his owner, I would string up his nose and a few other places I can’t mention here.
@peyton_farquhar Hold up on the deep fried twinkies. Have you ever tried one???! j/k
Mmm… deep fried twinkies
only had it once though
I’m pretty sure that state laws prohibit animals in tattoo shops. Someone should turn that guy in.
Never. Microchipping an animal for loss recovery/I.D. is quick and a lot less painful than than tatooing and the piercing stuff is for idiots; animals can’t articulate to us any want for body modding.
Sure it is not from a Worth1000 contest?
Certainly not. I can understand why they branded cattle, but it wasn’t for show.
@peyton_farquhar Are you assuming I’m in favor of this trend?
I find the idea of subjecting an animal to these sorts of things to be profoundly inhumane.
Others do not apparently.
That’s horrible. I would never do that to my dogs. In fact I’ve stopped going to one of the local pet supply stores because they started selling tattooed fish. It’s sick to inflict pain on an animal for your own entertainment.
Oh my god, no! I could never put my poor kitties through that pain! Plus the fact that it makes you look like a bad person (You would be if you did that) if you walk around with a dog with a pierced nose, or a tattooed belly! I would punch someone in the face if I saw them walking around with a pierced or tattooed animal!
What if it’s an old lady and the pet was like that when she adopted it? D:
Oh my god! What kind of sick people are those? I would never do that! Those people should be hanged and twisted by their testicles! Or get a tatoo unvoulantary in their “soft spots.” The pic with the pierced dog was just so sad.
What if a woman was the tattoo artist? Women don’t have testicles as far as I know…
never in a million years would i ever do that to any pet. sick,sick,sick.
Absolutely not. Pets are not our toys.
That is disgusting. Both the owner and piercer should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.
That poor little white dog with all of those earrings and bar piercings through his nose. That must have hurt for the longestlt time every time he moved while it was healing. I’m sure it’s still uncomfortable for him.
These idiots have more money than common sense.
Oh my god! When I clicked this link I thought you were asking about ways to track animals (some people do put small identifying tattoos on animals if they can get lost, which I have no problem with) but this is disgusting! Whoever thought it was a good idea to do that to a creature that can’t consent? Also, piercers and tattoo artists are trained for humans. They don’t know an animal’s body. they would most likely end up hurting the animal more than they would a human.
How do you tattoo a fish?!
What a silly thing to do to any animal or anyone who cannot give informed consent.
I don’t believe in getting babies’ ears pierced, either. They have to grow up enough to know to ask for it to be done and to take care of the piercing properly.
No way. I can’t even understand where someone would come up with an idea like that. If it’s not already against the law, it should be!
Just how moronic does a person have to be to tattoo and/or pierce their pet? This might be one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard of. If I ever catch anyone doing this, I promise to fracture their joints with a blunt object.
No. Would you pierce or tattoo your child? Wait a minute. Many do pierce their children. Well, they can share that special place in Hell with those who pierce & tattoo their pets.
No I would not.
@AstroChuck I’ve heard of parent piercing their daughters and sons ears, but not tattooing them. That’s a little farfetched…and if they did, I imagine it’s cultural reasons.
I tattooed my GR as a method of permanent identification before microchips were available. In my opinion, tattooing and piecing of of beings unable to make an informed decision (infants and pets) is tantamount to abuse.
NEVER, and it should be illegal.
If you want to express your style on your own body, go ahead, but impose it on an animal who has no choice and does not understand what happens is pure cruel.
You cannot do this, if people think it makes them look cool to have a pierced or tattooed dog then they are WRONG.
And the tattoo artist should have to be loocked up!
No. The animal has no means to give consent. I object to any decorative physical modification on any sentient being who cannot give consent, ergo, no earrings on 6-month-old babies, for example, as well as tattoos or piercings on pets. I also object to things like cropping ears and tails on animals.
As J. Arthur Crank would say, “Who’s the dummy who’s doing that kind of shit?!” That is, if one could’ve used swear words on The Electric Company in the 1970s.
I think it is crazy, truly pointless. But you know the Egyptians did pierce their cat’s ears, so it is not a new practice.
Here when an animal is desexed, they usually tattoo a couple of dots in its ear while it is still out, so then everyone knows it was done.
When I adopted the Town Dog, she did not have the dots so I took her in to be spayed.
The vet called to tell me he was closing her up because he couldn’t find anything to remove. It turns out the bush vet did her when she was quite young, on the tailgate of a pickup truck as they usually do here. Anyhow she was starting to wake up and they didn’t have time to give her the tat, so poor thing had to go through it twice!
When I first read the question, I thought that’s what it was about. Here in the states some vets will tattoo the circle with a line through after a cat has been spayed to prevent what your doggie went through and that is perfectly logical as it prevents suffering. Plus it’s done under anesthesia.
But when I saw that poor little white dog, I couldn’t stand it. At first I couldn’t really see it that clearly but that’s what’s great about the iPhone zoom feature.
I have lots of friends with piercings and know how long some of them can take to heal and how uncomfortable it is every time you move. It isn’t just the initial pain of the piercing. That poor little dogs face. He was in a lot of pain and discomfort for a long time just so his dimwit owner could look cool walking down the street.
I think every owner who does something like that should be forced to have multiple genital piercings numerous times regardless of gender.
And then a long prison sentence.
Now that is just friggin stupid! I think any guy who has his dog’s ears or whatever pierced should be castrated like they do to bulls in sub-sahara Africa. Place his testicles on one flat rock and smash them with another flat rock.
As for a woman who does it, well, I don’t know, but she deserves something equally as painful. maybe a ban on shoe shopping for six months.~
@evelyns_pet_zebra The shoe shopping ban is painful. I would agree. Also to the ones that constantly dye their hair blonde to camoflauge grey hairs we dye theirs jet black. That should teach them a thing or two about public humiliation!
Only if i was a farmer , and had some bulls and cattle . Oh and i would have to pierce the ears of every animal .
Domestic animals hell to the fuck no , Thats just stupid in the head . Who started it Hollywood celebrities? or maybe wannabes
I didn’t even know that was possible!!!! Why the hell would people be so stupid to get a piercing…ONE THEIR PET! What a fucking stupid way to start a ’‘trend’’! I just saw the picture and got really mad.I almost cried! Imagine how much pain the dog would be in! Those people should go to jail and never come back! I would never do that in a trillion years..even if i were paid,I still wouldn’t!
Some of those pictures look faked tho .
To which specific pics are you referring, just for curiosity?
Tha fish and dog with cigarette in mouth
Next thing, they will want to use Botox on Shar Pai’s.~
NO!!! That is horrible. Anyone who would do that should be beaten with in a inch of their life. I also don’t agree with people getting their babies ears pierced. I think when they are old enough to come to you and say ” I want my ears pierced” Thats when it should be done.
Only upon prior written consent.
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