General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

What is the best way to put a new hole in my belt?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) August 30th, 2009

My belt has become too big and I want to put in a new hole. When I was about 16 I tried to put a hole in a belt with a knife, and I still have a scar where I sliced my finger open. Obviously, I don’t want that to happen again.

The belt is leather, and maybe ¼” thick.

Any suggestions?

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23 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

ice pick!

and use caution, im sure your a lot smarter today than you were at 16 :)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Shoe repair shop. There is a special tool to punch holes in leather. Looks like a hole punch, only heavy duty. It’s cheaper to take the belt to the shoe repair store than to buy the tool.

sakura's avatar

get a nail and place the belt on a hard surface, hit the nail through the belt.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Your best bet is the show repair place. They can do it in a moment and it looks good.
I’ve tried doing it myself, MacGyver style and yeah you can punch a hole through with a nail, but it just never works as well as when you use the proper tool for the job.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’ve done it this way for years & it’s the best by far. Get an old wire coat hanger & straighten out the hook. Heat it until it’s red hot in a flame. Put the belt down on a wooden board or an old bread board, & make the hole that way. The hot wire easily goes through the leather & seals up the edges of the hole.

tinyfaery's avatar

Since I tend to be accident prone, especially with fire and sharp objects, I might just stick to the shoe shop. But, I’ll ask my wife what she thinks. The coat hanger method seems interesting.

AstroChuck's avatar

@tinyfaery- Braggart. I need a new hole in my belt too, but the other way. :(

atlantis's avatar

Just buy a new belt, man. Chuck this one in charity. Other people have rights too.

Judi's avatar

If you don’t have a leather punch, try using a hammer and a nail. It sounds like you must have lost weight! congratulations!

Bri_L's avatar

put the one end through the other, then look down. into it. BAM. You have a hole in your belt.

tinyfaery's avatar

I just bought this belt less than 4 months ago, and spent too much on it in the first place.

@Bri_L haha, funny.

Rozee's avatar

Why put a new hole in a belt? Go shopping and save the belt for when it will fit again. If you bought it too big in the first place, exchange it. Belts are better than scales for calculating your physical fitness…belts don’t lie.

Sarcasm's avatar

I used a combination of a knife and a small screwdriver to punch more holes in my belt.

@Rozee Go shopping and save the belt for when it will fit again. It’s not like her new hole is going to make the rest of the holes disappear.

I feel so dirty, talking about holes

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Punching holes with nails, knives, etc. won’t open the hole up. It’s going to be hard to get the hooker thing in there. Burn it out with a coat hanger, I tell you. For pete’s sake. Send it to me & I’LL do it!

sandystrachan's avatar

Hammer and nail , leather hole punch , knife , screwdriver and a screw . :)

rottenit's avatar

Trust me, get a leather punch.

deni's avatar

I have used the tip of scissors with no problem. But then again that was for work and those belts were made out of cheap fake leather, so real leather is probably a little harder to get through.

cwilbur's avatar

There’s a tool called a leather punch, that any shoe repair place or leatherworker will have.

PerryDolia's avatar

Drill a hole with an electric drill approximately ½ the diameter of the pin in the buckle (to allow for stretching).

DominicX's avatar

My mom put a new hole in my belt using a leather hole punch. But she has a whole kit of leather-working tools because she used to work with it back in the day.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i use a small screwdriver and determination. but my belts are usually cheap. you might want to follow the more professional suggestions up there ^ haha

Jeruba's avatar

Leather punch, leather punch.

fathippo's avatar

i normally just get the long metal bit on the belt thing that goes through the holes and force it through the other bit… but i guess that would be hard on ¼ inch thick leather…

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