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tinyfaery's avatar

Am I the only female who in incapable of hooking her own bra from behind her?

Asked by tinyfaery (44299points) August 31st, 2009

Odd wording, I know. But I’ll try to explain.

I cannot hook my bra from behind, but I can unhook it from behind. I cannot hook or unhook another woman’s bra from in front of her. If I want to take off my wife’s bra, I have to get behind her and look at it get your minds outta the gutter in order to get it off. To put on my own bra I have to clasp it in front of me, spin it around, and put my arms in it.

I’ve always been like this. It’s been kind of a running joke among all of my female partners. Ha ha, tinyfaery can’t unhook a bra.

Am I truly the only one? Can you help me? What’s my problem?

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44 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I can’t hook my bra from behind. I do it just like you. I can’t remember ever unhooking another woman’s bra, so I’m no help there.

BBSDTfamily's avatar

I do it the same way.

cyn's avatar

Same with @augustlan. If I do hook it. It’s really just crooked and it’s either too loose or too tight. :(
I can unhook my bra though. :)

SundayKittens's avatar

i’ve never done it in the front…but my super busty cousin always has. hmmmm

evegrimm's avatar

I’m with you, @tinyfaery, and @BBSDTfamily, and @augustlan.

Never been able to do it without looking at it/having it in front of me.

augustlan's avatar

I can just barely reach around to unhook my bra from the back. I can’t even imagine trying to hook it that way! I am super busty.

Jeruba's avatar

I think I could, but I do it from the front, just as you do, because I was taught to do it that way by the first woman who sold me a bra that actually fit. She said it was better to lean in. (In those days I wore a 32D, not exactly a common size, so I’d been buying the wrong thing.)

avvooooooo's avatar

They make front hook bras for a reason! Probably for people like you! :)

I can do it, but it took me a while to learn. And when I do it, I have to kind of pull it down in the back so I can reach all the hooks without straining myself. It probably helps that my bras have 3 or 4 hooks and that if you get one, you can pretty much get the rest.

I’m super busty too.

cyn's avatar

I put on my bra the same way as my underwear, but it goes all the way to my boobs to avoid the hooking. HA!

tinyfaery's avatar

My wife and I are both boobilicious, but she has no problem hooking bras from any position.

AstroChuck's avatar

@tinyfaery- Here, let me help you.

Jeruba's avatar

Actually, @avvooooooo, I tried front-hook bras and gave up. You sort of have to corral a lot at once to make those work. The clasp, spin, and lean-in method is easier.

evegrimm's avatar

Also, the front-hook bras sometimes hurt because the clasp doesn’t sit right/presses on your ribs. I agree with @Jeruba: too much to corral makes them difficult. :)

jonsblond's avatar

I can hook my bra from behind with one hand, fry bacon with the other and tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue all at once. I’m cool like that. ;)

Grisaille's avatar

Bra hooking/unhooking dexterity… tongue skills…


Jon is a lucky man.

avvooooooo's avatar

@jonsblond Can you do TWO knots in one stem? :D

Likeradar's avatar

I can unhook in the back very easily, but hooking is a whole different story.
I always avoid front-hooking bras because I don’t think they tend to be as supportive, although it’s been years since I’ve tried one. Am I missing out on something good?

jonsblond's avatar

@avvooooooo I’m knot telling.

avvooooooo's avatar

@jonsblond If you were REALLY talented, you could do that one! I can! ;D

Sampson's avatar


avvooooooo's avatar

@jonsblond Its not everyone who can be like me! :D To be fair, you can only do that with the longer stems.

Jeruba's avatar

Talk about appearing on cue!

MrItty's avatar

most of my g/f’s hooked it in front of them and then turned it around before putting their arms through the straps. I don’t think you’re alone.

casheroo's avatar

I can unhook from behind, but definitely not hook. I also do it in the front, and spin it around.. My husband still has to look at my hook, depending on the bra.
Bras are tricky!

MissAusten's avatar

When I first started wearing a training bra all those years ago, my mom taught me the clasp and spin style. At some point I started just hooking and unhooking it in the back. I don’t have any trouble with it, but that might be due to a lack of bustyness. I knew someday I’d find an upside!

sakura's avatar

I can unhook from behind, but forget hooking, my arms aren’t flexible enough :)

I love the episode in Friends when Rachel takes her bra off though her top… I love doing this!!!
Oh and the one where Joey only has to look at a bra for it to ping undone – sorry can’t find a clip of that one :)

Darwin's avatar

I hate fiddling with the hooks in bras. Because of my size I always end up with those bras that have four or even five sets of hooks. I solved the problem by going strictly with sports bras that have no hooks but just go over one’s head.

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

I can’t. I do it the same way. Fasten in front, spin it to the back.

Facade's avatar

I turn mine upside down, hook it behind me, flip it right side up, put my arms in, then jiggle everything in place lol.

tinyfaery's avatar

Well shit. It seems that the back-hookers are the minority. My wife is very dexterous, very. Wink, wink. Nod, nod.

rebbel's avatar

I’m always so excited that (i am standing behind my girlfriend now) my fingers start trembling and i cannot get the job done.
Even after i studied this how-to-video several times.

“The bra is your enemy” – Videojug

dynamicduo's avatar

I think it’s all about practice. My mum always closed them in the front then moved them around to the back, but I learned to do them up in the back, as well as learning how to undo it with one hand which is handy sometimes.

Maybe it has to do with amount of time one puts in to learning how to do it, or maybe the length of one’s arms or torso make it harder or easier for some.

hearkat's avatar

I hook in the front and spin it around, too. I can also unhook in the back. The girls are heavy, so I’ve had 4-hook bras for a number years, which has been tricky for boyfriends the first time or two (but they don’t mind the extra work for the extra reward).

Now that I’ve lost some weight and gone down a size, I do have a couple 2-hook bras… but I haven’t bothered trying to hook them in the back. I’ll report back once I’ve tried, but my arms are a bit short, so it may be too tricky.

avvooooooo's avatar

My friend called me “stort and shumpy” one time. She meant “short and stumpy.” Which is funny because its true and because she’s a little too far in the other direction.

So… I, with my short and stumpy arms, can get around back for hooking and unhooking for my large boob, 4 hook bras. I’m not very flexible either. So, if I can do it, it should, in theory, be possible for anyone. While its not possible for me to put any more commas in the previous sentence. :D

SuperMouse's avatar

Unhook in back – yes. Hook in back – no way. I use mostly bras that clasp in front because I find them more comfortable then sitting back on the clasp.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I hook my bra from the back all the time. I don’t know why, but it’s easier for me than hooking it in front and then spinning it around.

Darwin's avatar

I used to be able to do it, but then I discovered sports bras with no hooks at all so I have given up hooking bras for the duration.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Well, if I have 10 minutes and an audience I don’t mind being awkward in front of, then yes, yes I can. Mostly though, no…

Just to clarify, I used to have this one bra that would unhook if I leaned on it wrong which is why i would be re-hooking my bra in front of people.

augustlan's avatar

I’m wondering if I had a one or two hook bra, I’d be able to do it. Three and four hooks = not fun.

SuperMouse's avatar

@augustlan I can wear one size fits all bras – read one hook – I still can’t hook them in the back.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I do mine exactly like you @tinyfaery. That’s how my mom taught me to put it on when I got my first bra. I can unhook it from behind though, that’s easy peasy compare to hooking it.

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