General Question

Allie's avatar

How do you get the smell of bleach off your hands?

Asked by Allie (17551points) September 2nd, 2009

First of all, I didn’t kill anyone. And this was not part of cleaning up any blood.

Now.. Sometimes when I mop I forget to use gloves and after wringing out the mop (I have to use the old school mops sometimes because I have no clue where my grandmother keeps the new one) my hands smell like bleach. I wash them with soap, but the smell is still there. Does anybody know how to get the smell of bleach off my hands? Besides waiting for it to fade.

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17 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Wash them with a mix of water and vinegar.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Cut a lemon in half and squeeze it on your hands.

thats what i always used to do at work at the end of the night, it got most of the food smells/bleach smells off of them.

rebbel's avatar

@uberbatman‘s lemon also works to get rid of garlicsmells (on your hands).

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Does baking soda help too?

simone54's avatar

Then how do you get the smell of lemon off your hands?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Who doesn’t want the smell of lemon on their hands? Seriously shit smells gooood

simone54's avatar

how do you get the smell of shit off your hands?

rebbel's avatar

@simone54 Like so ?

And how come you answered me before i asked you my question?

AstroChuck's avatar

Gasoline or turpentine.

Judi's avatar

Bleach is a base, so anything acidic (vinegar, lemon, orange juice) should do it. (I remembered my 9th grade science lesson all these years later Woo hoo!!!)I have never been a science geek at all. I messed up all my experiments.

RareDenver's avatar

Rub them with faeces

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Nice going RD Allin

Lupin's avatar

I like the smell of bleach. It smells clean and fresh to me. Like clean laundry.
They should have a cologne like that. One that doesn’t wreck your clothes, of course.

AstroChuck's avatar

@RareDenver- Wasn’t that Rod Stewart’s band?

RareDenver's avatar

@AstroChuck I thought it was just Rod Stewart, lol

Response moderated
simone54's avatar

Wow, What a coincidence, you just happened to answer your first question for something that you sell (or something).

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