General Question

bumwithablackberry's avatar

Will my 8gb Sandisk MicroSD from my Blackberry Storm, work in another phone?

Asked by bumwithablackberry (932points) September 2nd, 2009

Maybe this is a stupid question, but it only has 7.3 of usable space, I was wondering if it was specially made for the storm and has specific data for the Storm you can’t format out.

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8 Answers

Ivan's avatar

It should work fine with other phones.

deni's avatar

it’ll work

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

It will work with any phone that has a slot for a micro SD card. Check the specifications on the new phone to make sure it can accomodate 8gb.

Bugabear's avatar

Shouldn’t be any reason why it wouldn’t. Just make sure you check that your other phone can support 8 gb flash cards.

sandystrachan's avatar

Provided the other fones are of the higher capacity card , and they are for the same fitting card . Not all fones are able to accept such high capacity cards

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Yes and no. It will function as a memory card, but you won’t necessarily be able to move data from one phone to another by swapping it. You may have to reformat the card to get it to work, even if the phones are from the same manufacturer.

cwilbur's avatar

The reason it only has 7.3 GB of usable space is because the marketers count a gigabyte as 1 billion bytes, but the computer counts a gigabyte as 2^30 bytes, or 1,073,741,824 bytes.

bumwithablackberry's avatar

@cwilbur that’s the answer I was looking for, I thought there was some proprietary software specific for blackberry. Now I got 8 gigs, and Sandisk too, awesome. @IchtheosaurusRex I don’t know I put it in my new phone and there was a blackberry folder with my data in it, cant remember if I was able to access it not. Thanks everyone.

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