Is it right for some one to give an answer that is totally illegal?
Asked by
September 2nd, 2009
I see answers that say (try)“Heroin” or “shoot him” “throw her off a cliff” “beat them up” “weed”. How can these be the least bit helpful?
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unless you specify in your question that you only want legal recommendations…
I’m sure people are joking when they say those things. No big deal.
“Is it right”? It’s definitely not wrong.
“How can these be helpful?” They may not. There are a lot of non-illegal-activity answers that aren’t helpful.
@ragingloli On a question that asked for legal substitutes for alcohol, the word “heroin” and “weed” both appeared in the answers.
legality for weed is not globally homogenous and you can get heroin as a medical prescription.
@Sarcasm So are you comfortable with a site that openly advocates breaking the law, even if the answers are supposedly a joke? And how are such “jokes” helpful in solving the real problems that are asked?
Not everyone is going to give a well thought out answer. I don’t think the site is advocating breaking the law. I think it is advocating free speech. And for some people, weed is legal, and very helpful.
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[Mod Says] Just like personal attacks, we also can remove illegal content.
If you see content that promotes illegal activity, please flag it as such.
I’m sorry that was interpreted as a personal attack. It was meant to share a word I learned just today that seemed to me to be peculiarly appropriate to the thread.
@YARNLADY if they are jokes they are not advocating breaking the law, they are jokes not suggestions. According to Reader’s Digest, laughter is the best medicine, maybe making the questioner laugh is helpful in some ways. I know that when I begin to take myself and my questions too seriously some of the more smart-ass jellies make me laugh with their brilliant answers.
@YARNLADY In some instances, some of those answers are legal.
Meh, it might be immature and unhelpful but it only effects my opinion of the poster, not the website.
And sometimes, illegal substances can be helpful, valid answers. For example, there are illegal substances that actually do help a person relax or heighten intimacy or sleep better or whatnot.
@YARNLADY Yes. I think people need to be intelligent enough to either realize where sarcasm (HAH GET IT?) is being used, or at least intelligent enough to analyze the situation and realize that heroin won’t bring their dead dog back to life. If they can’t do this, they shouldn’t be on the internet.
I really hate your use of the word “supposedly”. If I dislike a drawing, I don’t call it “supposedly art”, it’s merely art that is not for me. Comedy is subjective. You may not enjoy Monty Python, it’s still comedy.
And those jokes aren’t directly helpful in many situations, sure. Perhaps I’ve misinterpreted this website. I see it as more than just a Q&A website. If it’s JUST a Q&A website, then we should complain about all of the @cak threads wishing her well. Cause hey, how does THAT help answer questions?
And now this may just by my personal preference, but I enjoy getting a chuckle once every few replies. @astrochuck is a great example of this. Let’s be honest, he generally doesn’t answer a question, but rather gives an adorable punny response. Do you disapprove of his replies? Hey, they’re just “supposedly a joke” as well.
Thanks, @Sarcasm, you managed to say what I meant without offending anyone. GA.
@Sarcasm An occasional joke now and then is nice, but when some users go 99% jokes and maybe a real answer once in awhile, how is that different from a troll or spam?
Telling someone with roommate trouble to sit in the corner with a shot gun just is not all that funny, ever. It is also not funny to tell someone with spousal problems to accidentally run over their spouse. We have all read where “intelligent, mature” people have done both of these things.
This thread reminded me a one of my favorite movie scenes of all time. I couldn’t resist.
The moderator beat me to it, but if you see something that is illegal, just flag it.
I have noticed that some people need to be gratuitously cruel, salacious, obvious, predictable, scatological or repetitive, and think that by adding “joking” or “just kidding,” it takes away the sting. A joke needs to be original, pithy and, most important, funny.
We do, however, have different definitions of what is funny.
Saying “weed” as a joke response to a question is not illegal. Linking to child porn sites is. Most things said on the internet are not illegal.
@gailcalled I made what I thought to be quite an amusing joke above, which was removed as a personal attack. When it comes to humor, as in most things human, de gustibus non desputandem est.
@pdworkin:(disputandem?) I am still brooding about the transfer station. Should I ask? Will the attendants tell?-
Your transfer station may very well still be doing exactly the job it is supposed to do. In My town, I dutifully separate cans, bottles and recyclable paper, and leave it out on the correct days, even though I know they are just hauling it to the landfill.
@pdworkin I’ll ask next time I go, although I don’t hold much stead with the attendants.—
@Right. The “est” can move around however. Caveat lector? Gaudeamus igitur?
Better watch out you two or you might be accused of having a ” language clique ”
I think we can all tell the difference between a joke (even if in poor taste) and a serious answer. Some things cross a line, and those should be flagged and will likely be removed. But, fun is a big part of Fluther! Fun is encouraged here, and it’s built in to the site. I mean, just take a look at those greeting comments up there in the corner, and Dr. J with his glasses on.
@augustlan Yet there are many former users who say Fluther isn’t any fun because of the censorship, and many current users who think deliberately excluding other members even after being asked nicely not to is funny. Do you think “sit in the corner with a shot gun” is funny? How can “beat him up” be considered within the bounds of decency? What is so funny about deliberately insulting another jelly?
@gailcalled @pdworkin Ha Ha that is so funny – even though I have no idea what it means – you are just making such a wonderful contribution to Fluther and the future information base. As you can see, I have “lightened up” just as you ordered. Good job, friends ~
I know a surefire way to clear this whole issue up: let’s kill a drifter and sell his body to science. That has to solve something!~
@YARNLADY I actually don’t think either of the answers you mentioned are funny in the least. I’m sure you aren’t aware of this, but people who constantly contribute those kinds of answers are eventually warned to improve the quality of their participation.
It’s the opening line of an old and famous European students’ drinking song. (First line is Let us rejoice while we are young.)
Music (Ignore facial expressions of singers. Just listen.)
A nice song to know about; ; Brahams used it in his Academic Overture. Romberg used it in one of his operettas also.
@gailcalled Thank you for the links. I appreciate that. I always try to include the links when I am using non-English or other terms that not everyone will be familiar with.
Hey that’s pretty cool and I can go along with most of the lyrics except for the part about long live the state and he who rules it. Definitely European. Wouldn’t quite fly here tho.
Ha ha
Responses that reinforce the misconception that a website such this one is an appropriate venue for either requesting or dispensing advice concerning serious problems are far more dangerous than facetious replies that suggest illegal activity. Kick back, chill out, and smoke a little dope.
I think “weed” is a completely legitimate response to the question of what alternatives there are to alcohol. Just because something is illegal in the US does not mean it ceases to exist. There are probably more than 50 million Americans a year breaking that particular law anyways.
And if Fluther didn’t have the occasional completely-useless-but-funny joke response, I doubt I’d be spending as much time here as I do now.
@ratboy So “user beware” make more sense to you than wanting Fluther to be a useful site. I don’t agree with that outlook.
@drdoombot And if Fluther had more useful content and less nonsense, I would spend more time here. I guess it all depends on the user, and the mods.
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I have a book entitled A Guide to Growing Marijuana in Cool Climates. It is illegal to grow marijuana, but it is perfectly legal to write a book explaining how to. I also own a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook. If I were to build a bomb with ill intent it would be illegal, but if I were to distribute literature explaining how to manufacture a bomb, it would be within my right to do so.
Of course, things like this are always in a sort of legal gray area.
If someone suggests, promotes, shares experiences of or otherwise mentions illegal activity on Fluther, I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with that, assuming the reference is relevant to the discussion at hand.
If on the other hand someone makes a stupid, tasteless, irrelevant or irreverent “joke,” it doesn’t matter whether it deals with illegal activities or not. Either way it is dumb and this isn’t the place for it. I like jokes, but only clever, tasteful jokes—only jokes that are genuinely funny. Some people just can’t see the difference between a random (read: predictable) senseless statement and genuine humor. The former is always unhelpful and does not belong on Fluther.
Yes it is right for someone to give an illegal answer. There is no obligation to people towards giving only legal answers, not to mention the internet is a global thing thus what is legal and illegal is not as clear cut as you make it out to be. Presumptuous much?
From you: “So are you comfortable with a site that openly advocates breaking the law, even if the answers are supposedly a joke? And how are such “jokes” helpful in solving the real problems that are asked?” Yes, I am. I very much am. I believe in free and open speech no matter what the subject is. Anyone can give any answer they wish to. When people with power start dictating what is “legal” or “illegal” to talk about is when I cease to participate in such a site. I participate in a place where my voice can be heard even though a random person finds my answers to be distasteful.
This is, to my knowledge, the second thread now you’ve started regarding how you feel the site should be. As well, your snappy comment to @gailcalled was really unneeded and disrespectful. I have to say, in my opinion you aren’t adding much value to the site with these types of contributions. But you are certainly free to keep doing so if that’s your choice.
@YARNLADY, let’s be honest here, there is quite a bit more content, as you call it, here on Fluther than there is nonsense. There are some questions that lend themselves to silliness and several jellies that are always willing to rise to the occasion. Some of the best answers I read come from some of my favorite silly jellies. These jellies are an asset to the Collective (I can’t name names because I would surely leave some out and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings – but you know who you are). It is the jellies that take themselves entirely too seriously that I tend to shy away from.
@DominicX – I didn’t define legal and illegal. I simply said if you see something that is illegal flag it. No list of terms were appended and no directions given. I suggest that everyone use their own judgment.
I think silly answers like that are exactly what they are – silly answers that are only there for laughs and giggles. Not solid advice or secrets and hopefully the person realizes this and doesn’t actually go out and commit crimes or violations.
People use answers like these when they sense people around them are taking life way too seriously.
@Disc2021 I keep seeing “taking life too seriously” when all I am asking is about suggestions like “hide in a corner with a shot-gun”. How is that funny? When people read about the mass killings at high school, you often find out the signs were all there. What is wrong with wanting to see useful answers? I feel those nonsense answer are a total waste of my time. When I want to laugh, I go to a Joke Sharing site, and they are much funnier than the ‘jokes’ here, believe me.
Perhaps you wuld be happier elsewhere. We seem to be incorrigible. David Pogue reports today in his Tech letter that has a wonderful site for questions and answers. Mayhap they are more serious there.
@pdworkin I do, indeed, spend a lot of time on other, more useful sites, but I also don’t see anything wrong with asking for more useful content here. Why on earth do people seem to feel it that Fluther should be more like Yahoo!Answers?
It’s hard for me to sympathize when you seem to be the only complainant. Most people seem happy here, and would rather Fluther not change. Wouldn’t it make more sense to abandon your crusade to change the happy people, and just go somewhere where people are more inclined to agree with you? Other solutions, such as imposing your point of view on the majority seem to me to have a narcissistic tinge.
@pdworkin Yes, it does seem that rather than complain, most people simply leave the site and go elsewhere. It’s really a shame that a handfull of Yahoo’s can drive people away like that. I am actually sorry that I have to spend less time here because of it.
One thing I’ve discovered in my years on the internet is that not every site is for everyone. This site is already very heavily moderated compared to others; I see no problem with it. Especially, as a former user, I don’t really understand it. Anything went on that site; it seems like this site would be an improvement in your case.
@YARNLADY I am sorry you consider me a Yahoo. I find this distinctly unfair. I contribute knowledgeable, honest, helpful answers to serious questions here all the time. You may peruse my answers to assure yourself of this.
I think you and I are just not going to find common ground on this issue, and we may just have to agree to disagree.
Perhaps it would be best if the two of us discontinued this discussion. You are more than welcome to the last word, but I have no intention of responding, unless it seems necessary in order to defend myself.
I just sent David Pogue an email about the virtues of How could he have overlooked us?
@pdworkin First, let me apologize if that answer seemed to call you a Yahoo. It should not have been directed at you at all. It was meant as a catch all word to describe the type of quips I am referring to. Second, I am not complaining about all fun content. I participate in the jokes, sarcasm, and such just like everyone does. I am talking about the outright illegal, unhelpful, garbage quips that are multiplying here.
I have often seen this on other sites during school holidays, and summer vacation, but it usually goes away when school starts up again.
Do you have a link to that particular column?
@Buttonstc It is an email to which one must subscribe, but I can copy and paste the text if you like, assuming I haven’t deleted it yet.
Good for you ! That other site isn’t even up and running yet.
Did you link to the Times article for him? He writes a regular column for the Times.
Yes please do. I’ll PM you my email addy.
Here is a link. It’s the first article on the page.
@YARNLADY since your arrival from I have found many of your questions and and answers insightful and quite interesting. I am however, troubled by your recent posts concerning the “clickishness” and now the amount of what you see as useless content here on Fluther. I mean it when I say that it is very easy for anyone to see that there is much more useful content here than garbage. I have a very difficult time seeing how you can say the useless stuff is multiplying – I just don’t see that. I also would like to point out that there are very few yahoos who are regulars here on Fluther, those who do pop up are usually driven out long before they drive away any regulars.
I say to you the same thing I say to people who want Howard Stern off the air or Fox News censored – change the channel. You have the ultimate power at the tip of your fingers – your mouse. While I would hate to lose your valuable input, I also hate to see you so obviously miserable here.
@SuperMouse In my defense, the only clicque remarks were made on a question that was not asked by me! and my other comments regarding use of foreign language are addressed in the guidelines.
As I have stated, I have, indeed, changed the channel. I still fail to see how my comments on my opinion of how to make this site better are a reason to be told to leave. Why is it wrong to expect the guidelines to be followed?
@YARNLADY If it’s not funny to you – it’s not funny to you, but that doesn’t mean other readers aren’t chuckling here or there. That’s just how it works – same goes in any other social setting where people are free to crack a joke every once in while.
The specific example you’re referring to reminds me of classic cartoon violence that thousands of children/people watch for humor. Normally in reality, actually performing something that was imitated in cartoons IS NOT funny – it’s tragic. Most kids learn this early on and I think most people know this. Same with movies or video games – it’s all done for amusement or entertainment. You dont have to like movies/video games/some jokes/etc. etc. – but some people do and as long as they do, it’s going to exists.
I’m not bashing you in the least for not appreciating certain comments that were made out of humor (or poor humor in your opinion). There isn’t anything wrong with wanting helpful answers and by all means, I hope you get them!. I just think as long as you ask a question online (or anywhere for that matter), you’re welcoming the attention of others even if they aren’t in a serious enough mood to provide an honest, insightful answer.
@Buttonstc: Getting back to David Pogue and his unforgiveable omission today, I get his weekly column on my email.
I believe people should be able to make their own decisions based on the information they have on hand.
I don’t believe that my government is necessarily looking out for my best interest.
A good answer is anything that gives you a new perspective, or new information. I choose what advice I take, and some sarcastic answers can help you realize that you need to lighten up a little. To me, that is helpful.
Also not all of these are sarcastic; when I suggest smoking weed to help with stomach pains, that comes from experience.
Yes, back to Pogue. He is so consistently smart, helpful and cute, I’m willing to forgive him almost anything.
After reading the article I can see where he is coming from. He was looking for something STRICTLY utilitarian and efficient, nothing more. He gave several examples of questions he wanted answered in a “shortest distance between two points is a straight line” manner not necessarily thoughtful discussion of complex or even whimsical subjects.
And those are the very aspects which cause Fluther to shine for it is far more than only utilitarian, right? So for what he was looking for at that time, the other site did the trick for him.
However, that’s not to say that he couldn’t do a future article spotlighting the additional aspects which make Fluther stand out such as whimsy, humor, and sense of community in addition to factual answers. Maybe we could start an informal writing campaign to let him know about these aspects of Fluther.
Since he gets SO MUCH communication from his readers I think it would take a concerted effort to get his attention.
What do you think?
@pdworkin thanks for the link. That sounds a lot more like what I would like to see here.
but then it wouldn’t be Fluther, it would be an Aardvark clone, right?
@Buttonstc there is a lot of room for improvement on Fluther without being a ‘clone’
I don’t feel I need improvement. I’m pretty happy with myself just the way I am, jokes, silliness, warts, faults and all. Kindly go improve someone else.
@Facade I am not joking, I do smoke week and I do advocate breaking the laws that shouldn’t be there, I am in the process of getting my medical card for marijuana. Not so much so that I am not illegal, just so that I won’t go to jail for something I shouldn’t, because to me the law doesn’t set my morals, I just don’t want to go to jail.
@YARNLADY Yes I love a site that openly advocates breaking the law and I hope that most aren’t joking about some things like smoking weed
The law does not actually represent “that which is good and moral and right.” The law is merely an attempt at representing morality.
If your concepts of morality are perfectly in line with the law of your country, then i could see why you would want participants to represent themselves accordingly. However, if you are tolerant of other views of morality, then you’ll understand why some don’t.
@ninjacolin I do not and never will be tolerant of an answer that tells a user to sit in the corner with a gun and shoot a roommate they are trying to get rid of.
But what IF that was the right thing to do?
@ninjacolin I have no interest is discussing “what if’s” and other hypothetical nonsense.
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i do know what you mean, @yarnlady. but sharing ideas is what gives the ignorant a chance to learn “better” ways to behave. if you don’t know people are having these thoughts, you’ll never know that a lesson needs to be taught about anger management.
often people try to blame people for having “no morales”.. when the truth is, they just don’t know they could have better ones. saying something is “wrong” to do isn’t as helpful as showing someone what IS wrong about it and also showing what could be a better solution.
Jail = Telling people they did something wrong. Putting it in their face.
School = Educating people on how to become different.
but only in church (or at home) are people usually taught WHY they should behave better.
I thought this “debate” was over…it’s never going to go anywhere…
with an attitude like that it won’t.
@DominicX If you thought it was over, why are you still following it?
That’s exactly why I didn’t stop following it. Usually I only stop following a question if the current stream of comments doesn’t interest me. Inactive questions don’t usually make me stop following them. I usually just forget about them.
I keep debating over this. The law doesn’t decide my moral values and if I decide to break the law that is my choice, doesn’t actually mean I am doing somethign wrong
@DominicX Makes sense to me. Honestly I thought it was over too, I just had to ask
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