What happens if you fart in yoga class?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
September 2nd, 2009
Yoga positions tend to twist the gut and aid in relaxation, thus producing farts. So what happens if someone lets one out?
Do you get kicked out?
Does everyone pretend that nothing happened and secretly laugh?
What’s the protocol?
Any stories?
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32 Answers
From my experience, no one pays any attention. If you are doing the moves the right way, and really allowing yourself to relax and contort, it’s bound to happen. If you’re in a room full of grown ups, no one kicks you out, and no one laughs. They’re all too busy focusing on their own pain and positions to really care.
People laugh on the inside, hope it doesn’t happen to them, and go on about their practice.
I farted in yoga class today – it happens more often in Bikram – the guy in front of me definitely heard it and ignored it
You move on and don’t make a deal out of it.
In the classes I’ve been to, it happens regularly.
Blaming it on your neighbor is bad karma though.
It happened to me last week! I said “excuse me” and no one else reacted, and we all just went on with the exercise.
Note to self: Do yoga at home. :D
I’ve never farted, but I did get kicked in the head with 3 legged dog. The class went on after the teacher made sure I was ok, but I just sat there and tried not to giggle too loud until I was ready to get back into it. Everyone else continued, but a couple of people looked at me a couple of times… whether because I was still laughing (and they were on the inside) or because they were concerned, I don’t know.
Its pretty hard to do something that disturbs a yoga class for more than a minute since people are so focused on what they’re doing. Farting is not a big deal, especially when people are doing the same positions and are feeling similar pressures. :)
Hopefully no one would react like this but I guess laughter isn’t the worst thing in the world.
There’s a pose in Bikram Yoga sometimes referred to as “wind relieving pose.” You can…..guess…..what often happens at that point in the class!
luckily everyone’s so sweaty and stinky at that point no one can smell anything else!
The Dalai Lama will have to leave the room.
Like any other time——you blame the dog.
Since it’s a normal bodily function, I wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Unless your crap really reeks, in which case, you’ll get a raised eyebrow, and I’ll wonder what you had for lunch.
I’ve seen it happen quite often, I mainly took Pilates though. It just happens, you’re so relaxed.
I think the proper thing to do is ignore it, and pretend it didn’t happen. But, if the farter laughs, then it is okay to laugh as well.
I’m surprised your instructor didn’t give a talk on Yoga Fart Protocol. It’s a normal product of the de-toxification process.
I’m with @augustlan, yoga at home because I would be so embarrassed if it happened to me. I worry about that at the chiropractors too.
I wish I didn’t care but I do.
Do you think it is something women worry about more than men? Seems men just let it rip no matter where and don’t even take notice?
Your inner gas becomes one with the air.
I would be mortified if that happened to me but I would laugh about it and hope that people laughed with me rather than look at me with disgust!
I get embarressed if I fart when I am alone so it would be my worst nightmare to do so in a yoga or any other class where there were lots of people likely to know it was me!
@rooeytoo Ahh, I worry about it at the chiropractor as well! I went while pregnant, so I was even more worried lol
Perhaps those with wind issues simply need to work on their Yogatude.
If it’s real powerful you’ll levitate.
You get to test everyone’s inner peace with your inner gas.. they should be thanking you!
I heard a story that a guy chose fart sounds as ringtones for his cell phone. In case of an accident he blamed it on the cell phone, picking it up and pretending to take the call. People were dubious of course, but after the fake calls he gave a demonstration. He even assigned a special ringtone when my wife calls. People were impressed. I think this would work in a yoga class.
@mattbrowne – Yeah, but how did he explain away the smell?
@mattbrowne: “He even assigned a special ringtone when my wife calls” – Freudian slip?
@AstroChuck – Maybe he had a smelly phone… @hearkat – ha, very perceptive – his wife of course – damn Sigismund Schlomo
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