@augustlan I have yet to cut my mother out of my life completely. I am still conflicted. She is my mother, yes, but she is also the biggest pessimist I have ever met. Visiting her (she lives in a nursing home a mile from my house) brings out my own pessimism and it takes days to recover. It’s an energy drain. I get the feeling I will be distraught when she eventually dies, but I simply cannot stand to be near her. I love her because she is my mom, but I dislike her as a person. She is the sort of person I cannot stand to be around. If we had no familial connection, she would be the type of person I would not associate with, because people like that are not a positive influence. She only lives a mile away, yet, the last time I visited her was Mother Day.
My second eldest brother is a drunk. He owns his own business, has a nice family, and he throws it all away because Beer is his God. He can only tell me he loves me when he is so soused that he is barely functional. It’s the booze talking. You cannot have a discussion about anything with him because he believes that he is always right. He will not consider anything that negates his first rule.
My younger sister is a religious extremist. God is the reason for everything,a nd she will preach to you just why that is. Sure, she doesn’t go door to door proselytizing, at least as far as I know, but she will never consider an alternative. My fake goddess Evelyn is an abomination to her because hse sees it as a form of ridiculing her belief system. She takes it as a personal attack. The God of the bible is real because she believes he is real. Atheists, like bisexuals, are simply people who stubbornly refuse to choose what she knows is right. She moved to Florida to get away from her family. The only thing we have in common is that we both have accepted our married families as our replacement families.
Yeah it’s hard to cut oneself off from one’s family. But watching my Dad; one of the smartest and most sensible men I have ever met, drink himself to death, was the hardest thing I ever faced. He died at age 53. (that’s four years into my future). I could tell you stories of my Dad that are completely true, and quite amazing. Yet, he abondoned his family because he gave up.
My family history is a book that should never be written. Too much pain. Too much bullshit, most of it based on religion and the Glory of the Liquid God, Alcohol.