Why did all of my Fluther friends pick TODAY to make me a Facebook friend as well?
OK, I have maybe 50 or so Facebook friends total, or had before today…mostly close friends and a lot of people from my high school class, and I think 2, maybe 3 Fluther friends who have befriended me on Facebook. And I say, the more the merrier.
But I did not see any discussions about Facebook on Fluther in the past 24 hours, I did not discuss it with anyone, I didn’t PM anyone or get any PMs. And I just don’t spend a lot of time there so I don’t go out searching out people on Facebook.
So it was a big surprise, a pleasant one yes, but wholly unexpected and seemingly out of the blue when one by one TWELVE different Fluther friends sent me friend requests on Facebook today. I’m as pleased and flattered as I am confused, don’t get me wrong, just wondering if it’s a coincidence, maybe someone from here I recently befriended had already befriended a bunch of other Flutherites, or maybe one person went on a Friend Request spree today and once they befriended that person they saw me? Or maybe there was some sort of “let’s all find each other on Facebook” discussion I missed out on.
So, what do y’all make of this? Anyone who sent me a request want to say what led to it, or anyone want to venture a guess? Anyway, I guess I should add, my name there is pretty obvious, if you want to look me up, I’ll be more than happy to accept even more requests. I’m just fascinated with coincidence and it seemed really strange by the time I had about 4 or 5 in the same day.
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24 Answers
My guess is that people found you via people you’d already friended. I’ve had that happen a lot. Like if you and a Fluther friend had a discussion on FB, and that friend was friends with other Flutherites, they all see the discussion on your common friend’s page and recognize you. It was probably just coincidental that it all happened today. Between Fluther, FB and Tumbler, I feel like I’m in a huge web of inter-connectedness these days!
You know, in a good way. ;-)
I get overwhelmed when I throw FB into the mix. It’s all too much. Unless, of course, Vladimira wanted to befriend me.
Im going to blame this one on the chatroom.
Augustlan fb friended me today
very cool
national facebook fluther friendship day
didnt you get the memo?
i would have done the same, but no friends on here XD
jonsblond found me the other day from me posting on Cak’s wall. I was amazed by her powers of perception, picking me out as avvooooooo… Then I realized that I’d changed my avatar over there to the same orange as my avatar here. Duh!
If you posted on a fluther person’s wall, or interacted in a public way, then its not surprising that people found you!
someone “suggested” you to me.
Because I legitimately wanted to know more about you, champ!
I’m not on FB, so you can pin nothing on me, my friend!
So—just curious: do you all have FB accounts under your fluther usernames, or are you
unmasking on FB?
@Jeruba I’m there under my real name, so I can be found by old high school friends as well. We all know I’m an open book anyway. :)
That said, I don’t see why you couldn’t make an account with your Fluther name. It’s pretty fun interacting with one another outside of the site.
I’m new to FB and jmah suggested you as a friend.
Hope you are ready for a food fight. ;)
@Jeruba I’m listed under my first and middle name. There is a Fluther group on FB. That is how I found everyone. I agree with @augustlan, it’s fun interacting with everyone. You get a chance to share with your friends without the trolls getting in the way. :)
Seriously agree with @jonsblond and @augustlan. It’s nice to know the person behind the avatar. Hell, I’ve made some great friends along the way.
Daw, I love Fluther.
I noticed you in my “people you may know” but I tend not to add people unless they add me…and even then I’m wary because I am a little freaked about a lot of people knowing quite a bit about me.
You were suggested to me by another Flutherer (can’t remember who).
And, I’m stalking you. So it worked out well.
I have had a few requests that I have turned down because, although I think their fluther friends, I’m not sure. I accepted a bunch of askville friends about a year ago and my facebook account started getting cluttered with games, quizes, spam and junk, so now I’m pretty picky who I friend.
OK, cool, thanks all. No time to linger this second, but I’ll be back on later today.
There has to be some sort of exponential equation for FB. You have 10 friends, then 16, then 32, and then all of a sudden 100.
I got a new fluther friend yesterday, and in looking at her friends, discovered you there, @dalepetrie. I immediately requested your friendship.
Well, thanks to everyone who sent friend invites, I appreciate it. It will be fun to see another side of some of y’all! Probably a combination of factors and coincidence it might seem I guess, I was just fascinated how my ranks could swell so much in one day. Plus, I knew if I posted a q about it the conversation would go fun and unexpected places…and I’m not disappointed.
@dalepetrie , I just found you and sent you one so you better accept it!!
nothing like swollen ranks, I always say
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