Whats wrong with my roommates cat?
He has scabs all over his neck and keeps scratching them till they bleed. and now has black discharge coming out of his nose. And she won’t take him to the vet. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what is wrong with him and if my ferret could possible get what he has
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53 Answers
The cat has an infection. Take him to vet. This really isn’t debatable. Not taking the cat to the vet is tantamount to abuse. It is absolutely neglect.
You won’t know if your ferret can catch what the cat has until someone takes the cat to the vet to diagnose what the problem is.
Question, does your roommate keep the living space clean?
The cat must go to the vet. It’s not okay to just let the cat suffer. It sounds like the cat probably had a skin irritation and scratched it till it became infected.
Yes. Keep your pet away.
The cat is suffering and the owner is negligent.
For the sake of the cat it needs medical care right away. By watching it suffer you are allowing animal neglect to continue.
Convince your roomate to care for the cat and remind her that what she is doing is a CRIME punishable by jail time.
I am going to school for vet tech so i know all the crap about the law. And I have told my room mate 50,000 time to take him to the vet. I just got her to take him to the vet for d+. So isn’t like I’‘m just watching him suffering I’m fighting with my roommate and yelling at her, but she will not listen to me. So you cant just say I’m letting it happen if you don’t know what I’m trying to do to make her go.
I’m just trying to figure out if I should quarantine my ferret away from the cat while I fight with my roommate to take him to the vet.
Take the cat yourself and find better people to associate with.
I don’t have choice who my roommate is. The school made me live with her. I don’t even like her
What’s making the cat sick could make everyone in the house sick.
The vet visit needs to happen.
Your school let’s you have pets?
We don’t have on campus housing. they stick us in apartments and say here have a roommate.
I would never willingly expose any of my pets to a sick animal.
So no- do not let your ferret have contact with the ill cat.
Report her to the school authorities.
I wish we had school authorities. But we don’t all we have is the owner which u will never see or ever meet. Then a bunch of vet tech teachers that can’t do anything.
If your vet school won’t do anything, that’s negligence. What kind of animal lovers are these people? TAKE THE CAT YOURSELF!
The school won’t do anything cause the housing isn’t owned by them. So they can’t come in and tell my roommate what to do
So, i guess there are loads of veterinarians around for your roommate to go to?
And can’t you ‘threat’ her with informing the RSPCA when she doesn’t do anything about asap?
There are plenty of emergency vets you can take the cat to. I’ve taken animals that have been hit to them, and I usually just leave them there, and they still care for them.
You need to do something, you know about the sick pet and are just letting it suffer…just like your roommate. Do something! Please!
Isn’t like I’m just letting her not do something. I don’t even have a car to go anywhere with the cat. and there no emergency vets that my bus can get my to.
We had someone in the neighborhood not long ago who would tie up his dog in the front yard. The cold was unbearable, but, the owner (who was a cop, btw), left him out there anyway. His water bowl had frozen water in it and was too far for him to reach. The dog would stand out there, lifting one leg up at time because of the ice that formed on his paws and the extreme cold.
We reported him to animal control and they charged him with animal cruelty. I wouldn’t hesitate to do the same thing with your roommate. But, hey, it’s up to you, right?~
Bullshit. You didn’t need to ask us what’s wrong. You’re a vet tech? Aren’t you the expert? You just want us to condone your inaction. Threaten to call animal services if she doesn’t take the cat to the vet, and follow-up. Do something.
How the hell am I an expert if I’m in school? I haven’t even grad. yet. I don’t just walk into vet tech school and say hey I know all and I can tell you all that wrong with that cat or dog cause I don’t need to learn in school and I don’t need to be here. I can grad. now cause i know all. Ya i think i will call her in. thanks for the only helpful advice jmah.
I’m trying to do all I can do. Isn’t like I’m just her with my thumb up my ass. okay? I cant take him anywhere if I don’t have a car. I just on him everyday. and I finally got her to e-mail a vet to try and set up a payment plan since she keeps bitching she can’t afford the vet
Yes. And I’ll be sure to avoid any vet you might ever work for. I do more for animals than you do. I’m out. I’m going to go love my cats now.
I don’t understand, do you know what is wrong with the cat??? I personally am not a vet tech, so I’m not sure what could be wrong…but I know it sounds like the cat needs to see someone ASAP.
If you know something is wrong, take the cat somewhere. Ask someone for a ride, ask a professor. Anyone. Most people are compassionate for animals to act.
If the girl can’t afford to take care of her pet, she shouldn’t have one.
No i don’t know whats wrong with the cat! I wouldn’t be asking for any idea whats wrong with the cat if I knew whats wrong with the cat. would I? All I know is he itches his neck and has scabs on his neck. All people tell me is it allergy, but it’s spreading around his neck. and it isnt like I dont care about the cat. I wouldn’t take care of the cat and feed it if i didn’t care. and I wouldn’t be in school for a million years to work with them if I don’t care. I just finally broke her down to e-mail a vet. He has only had this for a couple days. Isn’t like it’s been a yea. I know she shouldn’t be isn’t like I had a choice when she got the cat.
Good luck to you. I know this must be a difficult situation.
Okay. I’m done getting attacked thanks anyway
Take it to the Humane Society. Or call them to come pick it up. That’s where pets that are neglected end up and they can treat it.
Why is this even a question if you’re a vet tech student? If you can’t identify that an animal needs medical treatment, perhaps you’ve selected in the wrong field. If your roommate is also a vet tech student, denying a sick animal medical treatment should be grounds for dismissal from the program.
What I don’t understand is why you don’t just bring it into schoolbwith you, find your favorite teacher and explain what has been going on and let him look at the cat.
I can understand that you may not have transpo to a vet, but presumably you have a way to get to school. If it’s a vet tech school I can’t imagine that no one could come up with a way to help this poor cat.
Something doesn’t add up right here.
You did say that you are going to a school which teaches vet tech skills, right?
I can’t think of a more logical place to bring the cat. What’s going on here?
@Buttonstc I honestly didn’t believe her/him when I read this. It didn’t make any sense to me..
Yeah, something is rotten in the state of Denmark to borrow an old Shakespeare quote.
Definitely weird.
Hello hi, the question isn’t if the damn cat needs medical attention i it does. And I’m trying to get it attention and if you all learn to read that would be great. I get to school by a bus. And don’t have a car. I never said it didn’t need help. I just asked if anyone had any idea what might be wrong. All my teachers say is might be allergy. Just wait for your roommate to give in. I cant take pets to school we aren’t allowed. I have asked and they won’t let us. So if you all read before you talk that would be great. Cause even if I’m going to school for vet tech. Its called school for a reason I don’t show up in school and tell you whats wrong with every animal. THAT’S WHY ITS CALLED SCHOOL AND YOU HAVE TO GRAD. FROM IT.
Call the Humane Society and have them come and pick it up.
Also, there are a great many things you said in your last post, @tocutetolive90, that you never have before. You can’t blame us for not knowing what you don’t say.
I’m sorry you felt attacked, people just want to make sure the animal is cared for properly…and I think it confused people that you are in a vet tech school and have no access to vet care.
I hope the cat is okay.
I know people are questioning you, but it’s just because no one here wants to see an animal suffer, as I’m positive you don’t either.
As for what you can do:
Is there anyone that can give you a ride to a vet? If worse comes to worse, definitely take it to the animal shelter and they’ll take care of it. It doesn’t matter if it’s not your cat and it would piss your roommate off if you took it without her permission. After all, it’s better you do that than possibly let the cat slowly suffer to death, and/or spread whatever it might have to your ferrets or any other animals nearby. It could even be dangerous for people, you never know.
At this point, you should go behind your roommates back. The cat’s health matters far more than anything else right now, and I’m sure you understand that. Do whatever you can to help it. Take a taxi – borrow money if you don’t have enough to get to a clinic, ask a friend, or even a schoolmate you don’t know that well, for a ride. Anything.
@DrasticDreamer Again, all she has to do is call the Humane Society and have them come and pick the cat up. The roommate might be able to reclaim her pet later… if they haven’t decided that she was so neglectful that she needs to have charges against her.
Agreeing with @DrasticDreamer.
Also reiterating that your question “He has scabs all over his neck and keeps scratching them till they bleed. and now has black discharge coming out of his nose” describes and animal in extreme distress. (The black nasal discharge implicating respiratory involvement which is very alarming )
My advice regarding neglect was not an attack- it was to clarify that you are, like it or not, in a position where your inaction could involve you. This could have a devastating impact on your chosen career.
You are getting good advice here- find a way to do what your room mate refuses to do in order to protect both your pets, your future career and for the sake of the cat that appears to be suffering distress.
I’m trying to get in contact with the right people. Have to wait till Tuesday due to the holiday. thanks
Regarding the black discharge, I just have one quick question. Do either you or your roomate smoke?
I had a cat whom I adopted from a Craigslist ad. They dropped her off at my house and when I was able to get a good look at her she had black cruz in both nostrils. I had never seen anything like it in 20+ years of owning cats.
She evidently had groomed it off herself by the time I brought her to the vet. After I described it to him he just waved his hand and told me it was nothing to worry about as it was the result of being in a dirty house.
When I told him that I wasn’t necessarily that immaculate a housekeeper myself he said but you don’t smoke. That’s what it was from.
It’s difficult to accurately diagnose over the Internet but that was my experience with black discharge.
The neck itching could be from flea allergy. If so, you have a battle ahead.
I’m not tremendously impressed with your school either for refusing to help. That’s just weird.
Everyone seems to be asking questions & making points that are logical with regards to the pet & it’s ailment but what I want to know is #1 what kind of tiny school doesn’t have authorities to go to about this? Any reputable school has authorities that deal with such matters. It would be different if you had your own apartment & a roommate you chose yourself but if the school can force choose a roommate for you then they should be forced to deal with any damage she may cause once there. If the school chose the roommate & you express a need for a different one due to differences that make you incompatible & they do nothing then they are liable for the damages it’s as simple as that. The only way the school isn’t liable is if you weren’t giving the whole story about how you got the roomie & the housing but from your comments above the insinuation is that both were chosen for you by the school.
I could be wrong, but the impression I get from several things she has written in this thread and elsewhere that this is not necessarily that high caliber of a tech school. This is def. not like the U of Penn vet school or something.
One of the reputable newsmagazines did a feature on slapdash tech schools of various types who are more about obtainng the govt. funds than anything else. It could very well be one of those. Or I could be totally wrong. I’m basing my opinion upon what she has written.
This tech school sucks. lol. We were on probation to take our credit taken away. We just run on govt funds. And they stick us in houses. We can choice from 3 and then they say here a roomie and that’s all you here from them. Cause they would have to drive an hr to get here So they try to not deal with our housing problems cause we have a lease and pay rent\ bills so they say its our place not theirs.
That’s too bad really – in that case since the school really wo nt help I would take a day off & sneak that cat to the vet & then I’d medicate the little devil myself without my roomie even knowing.
lol. the cats seeing the vet tmr
he has a food rash… so just have to change food
Awesome- easy fix and the cat will be comfortable again soon.
Yay! Glad you got the kitty in. :) Good for you.
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