Why did Chick's Sporting Goods change it's name to Dick's Sporting Goods?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
September 7th, 2009
Is it the reason I think it is? Did people really think the store was less “manly” because it was called Chick’s? If it is, how fucking lame. Has the name change really made a difference?
I won’t go there anymore, by the way.
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48 Answers
Didn’t you hear? It’s Dicks before Chicks.
Everybody knows that.
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And by the way, it is not Dicks dot com (major porn site), it is DicksSportingGoods dot com.
It was Chick’s before Dick’s? We have a Dick’s Sporting Goods here in central Illinois. It’s been here for several years now. I never knew it was called Chick’s.
we’re slow here I guess ;)
It looks like Jim Chick, owner of Chick’s sold to Dick’s, the national powerhouse.
Yeah, I was going to say what @EmpressPixie said. Dick’s has been around since the 50’s. It wasn’t a name change, it was a buy.
Also, you just try googling “Chick’s” and “Dick’s”. I was shocked, shocked I tell you at the number of off topic sites.
@EmpressPixie it’s good to be specific with Google. lol
Just don’t google Chicks with Dicks
@chyna made that mistake a few times XD
@drdoombot theyre right next you you scones…. tho i find it funny that i call you a name and i get filtered in a matter of min, when it took about an hour for them to kill your statement about what you wanted me to do with my guns.
@eponymoushipster aww comeone who doesnt want to see women with latex additives.
But to answer the question presented, the name may have made the store seem like it was geared to only womens apperal and such.
Wow this thread degenerated faster than Jimmy Swaggart with a stripper at a church picnic.
@SeventhSense Of course, anything with Dick’s in the question has to go down hill quick.
i was gonna say bob saget after they canceled full house
I think you’ve been with the wrong guys.
Just when I thought I couldn’t limbo any further.
God I’m good
You think? Really! We all need goals
@kibaxcheza bob saget was actually a pretty dirty comic before Full House. And he’d fully appreciate a “chicks with dicks” joke.
Woahh, back it up. Nothing political here, no commentaries on gender roles, not even a name change!
Dick’s Sporting Goods has been around since the early 90s and has slowly acquired many other major sporting goods chains, such as Galyan’s and the previously unaffiliated Chick’s. They are now one of the largest sporting chains in the world, as all previous Galyans, Chick’s, and Golf Galaxy stores are now Dick’s.
woah woah woah…. I say the last post be deleted…. its totally killing our jokes…
unless hes saying that dick’s has dominated chick’s….. because then that just opens up a whole new playing field
Bad jokes make the world go round
your answers can be found on wiki =/
You haven’t contributed anything useful to this thread, and yet you draw issue with my legitimate answer?
im am adding comic relief… and i can find what you just said on wikipedia…..
@lefteh actually answered the question. This site is about answers, then jokes. It’s not just jokey, joke fun time. Have you read the guidelines?
guess it my fault for being the nail sticking out, but i guess thats what i get for being the 6’ 4” kid with bright ass red hair huh.
If youre gonna get all rulesy on me, make sure you bring enough for everyone.
@kibaxcheza wait, so you’re a black guy in the other thread, and ronald mcdonald in this one? who are you, sydney bristow? move along
Im everyone and no one. Wanna complain? Take a number and get in line.
you’re a no one, alright.
better to think of my as a thought, not necessarily a tangible form. And keep insulting me, it really doesnt make a difference.
well in that case…
Wait, so are you like Harvey?
As in?
Harvey as in Harvey Dent? No, im not a lawyer/ IA agent
Harvey as in Harvey Birdman? No, im not a super hero
Harvey as in David Harvey? No, i dont play soccer
Harvey as in the british name meaning “Battle worthy”? In some ways i suppose, but no i dont think so
as in the fairy thing? like scotlands version of the chupacobra?
i meant the invisible rabbit from the movie Harvey with Jimmy Stewart.
Didnt see it….. Might wanna pick something more commonly known for a general reference…. just sayin
@kibaxcheza i assumed you were smarter. sorry, i’ll refer to Britney Spears songs and TV shows on the CW for you. don’t want your head to hurt.
Im not 70….. nor have i seen many movies made before the 80’s
and next time keep it to that. Otherwise youre bound to lose me seeing as how britney is still oh so popular, and the CW only produces original ideas. Its a good way to stay before the curve… glad to see youre so hip and up on your pop culture. Its amazing for someone your age. You should ask the kind lady at the DR’s office to keep the Alzheimer’s meds comin… theyre working well
The cleverness being displayed here is astounding.~
@MrMeltedCrayon I think he has this question confused with the “Do you always need to have the last word?” question.
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