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JLeslie's avatar

Do you eat and drink in your car?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) September 7th, 2009

Generally I don’t. Sometimes I bring water with me if I am going to be away from my house more than 2 hours. Maybe twice a year I find a need to eat or have a drink in my car. I don’t get it? Is everyone rushing everywhere; eating on the go? Or, is having a drink with you like a security blanket? You just always have a drink with you wherever you are? I don’t like my car to smell like food, and I don’t want to risk spilling something. And, I guess there is the matter of being distracted on the road, but probably we should not even go there. I mean how far are you driving that you have to have your Pepsi with you?

My husband never ate in the car either. Neither of our families do it, so we never acquired the habit I guess.

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42 Answers

sccrowell's avatar

Yes, I actually eat my lunch in my brand new beautiful Mustang that my husband bought for me. That is if I am not at home having my lunch with him. & yes, I believe you’ll even find a McDonalds bag in my car….

aprilsimnel's avatar

A bottle of whatever non-alcoholic. That’s it. I don’t own a car, but if I’m in someone’s car, that’s all I’ll have. I don’t want to leave a mess for them. I probably wouldn’t eat in my car either, unless it was a road trip situation.

sccrowell's avatar

Oh… Yes, maybe a French fry or two…

augustlan's avatar

I never used to allow it for my kids, but would eat if necessary when by myself. Now that my kids and I are on the road back and forth between Maryland and West Virginia all the time, I’ve let go of the no eating rule. Believe me, the van is quite a mess! I just bite my tongue and vacuum it out every so often. Leather seats are quite the blessing in this case. Even when I’m not eating, I nearly always have a drink with me. That said, I drink Sprite Zero, so it’s clear and not sticky if it does spill.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, we frequently eat in the car. When I was out with the kids, I used to buy them fast food, but I didn’t want to deal with the filthy tables and benches inside, so we would often drive to a near by park, or at least park in a nice part of the parking lot.

Hubby eats his lunch in the car every day, and then reclines the seat and takes a short nap.

I always keep bottled water in the car, because I am on allergy medication that gives me dry mouth and throat if I don’t drink water frequently.

Jeruba's avatar

I have a rule against it. I can’t stand the smell of leftover grease and stale fries. The only thing that gets consumed in my car is water and sometimes grapes or raw carrots. Definitely no junk food or snacks, and no old wrappers of anything either.

Garebo's avatar

Plug in the popcorn popper into the cigarette lighter and I am set for rush hour.

simone54's avatar

I“m currently trying to figure out the best way eat cereal in the car.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I can count the occasions I’ve eaten in my car on one hand. It’s just something I’ve never had a good reason to do. As far as drinking in my car, that’s a different story altogether. Almost every day I like to stop and get a cup of coffee and drink it on my way to work. The cup holders in my car are very well placed and convenient so the chances of me spilling are negligible at best.

YARNLADY's avatar

I should also point out that my “car” has been a series of mini-vans ever since the first Chevy Astro Van came on the market. We use our van as a second “family room” with all the conveniences found in any playroom, plugs with inverters available for the TV, the Sega Genesis, the computer, and the electric cooler.

sakura's avatar

@simone54 try taking a bite of a cereal bar and a drink of milk and mix in mouth :)

I often eat in the car in between going to places, if I haven’t had time to stop off anywhere.

I always have chewing gum in the car too, you never know when you need minty fresh breath!

hearkat's avatar

I wouldn’t have time for breakfast if I didn’t, and that would make me very grouchy!

mrentropy's avatar

I always have a coffee, Dr Pepper, or Arizona Ice Tea.

mattbrowne's avatar

If I do, it’s usually as a passenger.

poofandmook's avatar

I eat in the car a lot on my way to work a lot… sometimes I’ll make myself a sandwich or bagel specifically before I leave to eat on the way. I grew up making multiple car trips between New Jersey and Michigan, so to me, there’s nothing wrong.

Also, people who are more used to eating in the car don’t typically worry about spilling, because we’re experts at it, and rarely spill. Probably spill less on average than someone who only does it once or twice here and there :) From what I’ve seen, at least.

jonsblond's avatar

If I’m leaving the house early I usually bring my travel mug full of coffee. I will also buy iced tea or a bottle of water if I’m out shopping and bring it in the car with me on the drive home. I never drink soda.

The only time I eat in the car is when we are on vacation and we make a quick stop at a rest area on the way to our destination.

elijah's avatar

Usually I have my coffee in the car, but that’s because I get it at Tim Horton’s. I prefer that people don’t eat in my car but sometimes it’s unavoidable. The wrappers/bag need to be disposed of immediately to avoid having a smelly car.
@sccrowell I don’t have a sports car yet, but when I do I definitely won’t be able to eat in it. I can’t drive stick and hold a cheeseburger.

eponymoushipster's avatar

My car usually has a coffee cup or two in it.

rooeytoo's avatar

I ride a motor scooter and let me tell you it is not easy to ride and eat at the same time, but I manage. Ice cream is the most difficult, it melts so fast!

MissAusten's avatar

For normal day-to-day running around, there’s no food in the car. Sometimes I bring a water bottle or travel mug of coffee. We only bring extra snacks and drinks if we’re taking a longer trip, but those are for the kids.

When I was in high school, I used to go to McDonald’s after school almost every day. I could drive the stick shift and eat at the same time. One year my boyfriend gave me a CD player for my car and had to remove the driver’s seat to install it. He was completely disgusted at the number of stale fries under the seat and I never quite lived that down.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I never leave the house without a bottle of water. Occasionally, I’ll have a DP or coffee with me. As far as eating, hardly ever. Just when we’re on a long road trip & then it’s just snacks. My car is just 10 months old & I’m a holy terror on keeping it clean.

JLeslie's avatar

I really had assumed that bunches of people would say they eat and drink in their cars all of the time, I thought I would be in very much the minority. I love fluther so I can check my assumptions and find out I am wrong :). Thanks for all of the responses so far.

photographcrash's avatar

I work out of my car basically, and when I’m not working, I am in class. Driving time between destinations is pretty much my only time to eat, so yes, I eat/drink in the car very frequently. You get used to doing it and I have developed strategies for food placement so nothing ever spills.

Bri_L's avatar

My wife once spilled some milk on the passenger seat in her car in San Francisco, CA on the way to work. man that took for ever for that smell cycle to run its course.

tinyfaery's avatar

Of course, but it’s never greasy food. I eat bagels and drink coffee. If and when I take a road trip, I’ll eat in my car. As long as the trash is thrown out quickly the car shouldn’t smell.

casheroo's avatar

Yes. I usually have a coffee cup or two in there, and rarely trash…that’s only if my husband uses my car. We do let our son eat and drink in the car, because sometimes it’s the only thing that calms him down. That will change once he’s older.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’ll eat and drink in the car if I need to especially if I am going on a long journey (I very rarely eat or drink if I’m just driving to or from work or just on short journeys). I have to be honest, my car is a shit tip and there is often sweet/food wrappers lying around. My boyfriend has a few cars and he allows food and drink in all but one which he likes to keep spotlessly clean at all times!

Facade's avatar

Yes, unless the food I picked up it too messy to eat right then.

hearkat's avatar

@elijah: It takes much skill, but eating a cheeseburger (or open-faced bagel with cream cheese) while driving a stick-shift is absolutely possible!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Don’t have a car, I have a truck. And yes, I do all sorts of things in my vehicle. Eat, drink, smoke, fart, cuss, laugh, and occasionally, wave at every oncoming car, just to see the surprised looks on other people’s faces. You know they are thinking, “OH hi, wait, um, do I know that guy??!” I’m sure it bugs them all day.

Yeah, I know, I’m ornery. =)

justn's avatar

I never eat or drink in my car because I don’t have one. I do however occasionally eat in my truck.

If I do eat in my truck its usually a granola bar or pop-tart on my way to school or work. I usually prefer to eat my meals at a table and not on my lap.

The only times I really have a drink in my truck is if I’ve just eaten somewhere and decided to take the cup with me. Occasionally I would take a cup of coffee or tea from home on my drive to school last year.

DominicX's avatar

Yes, I do. I never get food on the floor or seats of the car, though, and if my friends are in there, I’m strict about it. It’s fun. :)

Luckily, the only thing I drink is water. And we’ve drunk alcohol in my car before.

Jack79's avatar

I know I shouldn’t (especially the one with the nice leather seats) but I do. I often drive for many hours non-stop, so it makes sense. But I try to be as tidy as possible and not leave too many crumbs and stuff.

Darwin's avatar

I generally carry something to drink in my truck because I live in South Texas where it is very, very, very hot most of the time. Since I am the primary driver I rarely eat in my car because I need to keep my hands on the wheel. However, my kids and non-driving husband eat in the car. That’s why we have an all-vinyl interior, so I can first take the leaf blower to it to get the lumps out, and then I take the hose to it.

@simone54 – Put the cereal and milk in a disposable cup and drink it.

charliecompany34's avatar

i may drink water or something, but eating and driving???? i am not that strapped or hungry for time to eat. i may be hungry while driving, but i am not eating a breakfast sandwich or afternoon burger while driving.

exception: a family road trip, but that’s about it.

i like to enjoy my food at a table. i will starve just so i can eat at a table.

jonsblond's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Jon waves at strangers all the time too for the exact same reason. You two will get along great when we come to visit! :)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@jonsblond I am so looking forward to meeting you guys, I even have started EARLY on the Halloween display. It’s going to be AWESOME!

Dr_C's avatar

I will have my morning coffee in the car… usually won’t eat unless i’ve been away from the house or hospital for a while and haven’t eaten. In that case the nearest drive through will do… i’ll snack on the fries till on the way home (i’ll usually get extra fries because of that) and sit down to eat once i’m in the house.

simone54's avatar

I have a big wide plastic cup that fits in the cup holder. It worked very well today.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I think the only “food” that should be allowed in the car is water. Sticky steering wheel, greasy radio buttons. Yuk! I like to keep my car clean. I can wait and eat at my destination.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I avoid it as much as possible and then try to clean out the car of any bags or crumbs, asap.

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