Social Question

willbrawn's avatar

What are some of your daily habits? Do they make you happy?

Asked by willbrawn (6619points) September 8th, 2009

I ask because I believe everyone has routines, and things they like to do a lot if not daily. Are you happy doing the same thing?

I know for myself doing some things over and over become addicting and are not necessarily the best for me.

Example: coming home and getting on the computer to check my favorite sites, even though I was on the computer all day. Its not the best way to come home and greet my family. Its something that I am working on changing.

Second part: Would you get out of your routine if you could be happier?

I hope this question makes sense for you, please let me know if it dosen’t.

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25 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

I play guitar just about everyday and that makes me very happy, every other day I exercise. As for the online and TV routines, I’d much rather be doing something else, but I’m new to the current state I live in and don’t have much friends to change that.

Glow's avatar

Computer has definitely become a huge habit. Regular checking of my email every morning, afternoon, evening, and night O_O Yeah. Emails don’t necessarily benefit me, but for some reason, I enjoy checking them. It doesn’t take much time to check emails, so I don’t feel like I need to change that to be happier.

JLeslie's avatar

Watching shows on my DVR is one of my favorite daily habits.

gailcalled's avatar

Gail here: I now wake up and take care of Milo’s needs first.

MIlo here; She’d better. My creative ideas of revenge are fool- (or Gail-) proof.

Facade's avatar

No, not really. But I’m hoping my daily routine will soon change for the better.

limeaide's avatar

Morning routine when I get to work: Check gmail, fluther, facebook, popurls. Not very productive but I do enjoy it.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

Smoking… I love it, but its slowly killing me. I have cut back quite a bit, but I feel its still not good enough.

casheroo's avatar

I cannot fully wake up in the morning unless I use the computer, even just to look at Facebook for a minute or two. For some reason it gets my brain going and I can start the day.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I am happier when I have a routine. I hate losing things and get really bent out of shape when I can’t find something or I miss an appointment. I try to keep my car, my keys, my purse, everything in the same places, and I really like waking up at the same time most every day. These things don’t necessarily make me happy, they keep me from being cranky.

I go to sleep earlier than Tim does, and I always ask him to “tuck me in”, meaning hold me until I fall asleep. That always makes me happy. It also makes me happy when he ends up falling asleep with me, and we wake up together too.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

My routine. Get up about 9 am, have coffee, take dog outside, have my morning pee on a random weed in the backyard (yard is fenced in, no one can see), have a smoke, go inside, take my meds, Go to internet, check email, then to Fluther, enjoy my time there for a couple hours. If I have errands to do, I go do them first. Fluther vs. errands, depends on the importance of the errands. =)

Make my lunch, use my juicer to make juice for the family, make my lunch, have my shower, shave, shit (not always in that order) put on uniform for work, cover my visible tattoos, Fluther some more if I have time, turn on TV long enough to check the weather, turn on my PS2, pop in my Burnout Revenge game, play for about an hour, turn it off, cuddle with the dog, give her a treat, take her outside one more time, load my lunch into my truck, lock the doors, and head for work around 1:30 pm

I hate it when my schedule is messed up, but I can always work around it.

tinyfaery's avatar

Nah. I get very bored with routine and not much really makes me happy. I just like to be at home.

DominicX's avatar

Coming on this site and checking it along with my email and Facebook are a big part of my routine. I don’t mind it. I also turn on my iPhone first thing in the morning and then I take a shower shortly afterward. That’s pretty much all I would count as part of my “routine”. The rest of the day is up to chance. The evening has a routine, brush my teeth, get my bed ready, etc. Would I get out of it if I could? No. I’m doing what I like to do. If I didn’t like any of these, I could easily cut them out. Except for showers and the other hygiene things, maybe. I don’t do anything that feels like slavery.

boingboingsplat's avatar

My daily habits consist of a lot of time studying, on the computer (here and other sites), and doing transcription. Yep. I’m pretty happy! =)

VS's avatar

My morning habits are pretty routine – up at 7-ish, coffee, let the dog out, get dressed, let the dog in, feed the dog, leave for work. Work 9–5. Home, somedays I make dinner, some days we go out, most evenings consists of a little TV, a little computer time (depending on how bored I was at work and how long I spent on the computer during the day!), sometimes, I take a hour or so with hobbies, sewing, beading, etc. and shower and off to bed around 11. Dull, boring, predictable? Probably. Does it make me happy? Oh, yeah. I like routine and I love my job and my family and friends. Not every single day is as routine as it sounds. Some days I meet friends for lunch, some days I will go shopping, or visit a friend.

Darwin's avatar

My routine very much depends on the needs of others. I get up at 7:30 am, go pee, and then set out my son’s meds and let the dogs out for their morning pee. I attempt to wake my son up multiple times and then counter each of his reasons for not going to school while I make him something to eat. At 8:00 am I go outside with a book and read until his bus arrives. Then I spend 5 to 10 minutes reminding him of my arguments in favor of going to school, generally ending with “And your PS2 will be history if you don’t get your butt on that bus right now!” Then I go back inside, take my meds, get dressed, feed the dogs and the cats, lay out my husband’s meds, and then figure out which doctor(s) he has to go see that day.

After whatever doctor visits are done I take my husband out to lunch, bring him home to nap, while I do any and all of the following: Fluther, do laundry, throw stuff out, ship books I have sold, mop various floors, walk dogs, read, clean bathrooms, give my husband a bath, decide what to cook for dinner, go to the gym, go to the grocery store, deal with bills, work in the yard, and eventually go pick up my son after football.

Then I make dinner, do dishes, feed the dogs and cats, explain to my son why he has to do his homework and what will happen if he doesn’t, help my daughter figure out some problem she is having with the computer, do my son’s evening meds, make him go to bed and then try to get him to go to sleep. Around midnight, once my son has capitulated and closed his eyes, I take my own meds, do my husband’s meds, let the dogs out and in one last time (they go in and out all day) and sit down to watch TV until I fall asleep.

I hate routine.

saraaaaaa's avatar

As a smoker I have a strict habit of coffee and a cigarette in the morning, smoking itself is a habit as well as an addiction, I always have to make time to go for a cigarette no matter how my day gets. For all you non smokers out there with friends who smoke I am sure you find this hugely annoying but my philosophy and no it’s not that I could get hit by a bus tomorrow is that no matter how busy your day is, you always have those five minute breaks to yourself to just relax a little and think things through, whereas non smokers don’t necessarily have that excuse. Now I’m not condoning smoking so please don’t hate me and it is something I want to stop, but those 5 minute breaks are sometimes the only thing keeping me sane, so even when I quit smoking I think it’s something I will continue to do.

YARNLADY's avatar

I sleep until my eyes open of their own accord, then I get out of bed, usually around 11 am or noon. I wake up happy to be alive and well and seeing a brand new day. Then take a shower.

I make my coffee, turn on my computer and put the dishes in the dishwasher while I wait for the coffee to get done, and the computer to go through it’s start up program.

I read my e-mail and the new entries on my blogs, then the news, followed by Fluther. In the meantime, when the dishewasher stops, I go outside and set the sprinkler to water the lawn.

I find more stuff to do on the computer, and then read my newspaper. When the lawn is all watered, I do a load of laundry, and Fluther some more.

On weekends, when I my grandson is here, all that changes. We both wake up around the same time, and then we play all day.

I am happy every single day.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

<——wants to be @YARNLADY‘s adopted grandson.

mattbrowne's avatar

Appreciate little things. For example a friendly driver. Or a tree full of plums. Or a nice reply on Fluther.

ShanEnri's avatar

Yes I love my daily habits! I actually get thrown out of whack very easily!

valdasta's avatar

Every morning I pray and read my Bible. Then, I sit at the pc and check my FB and Fluther…oh and coffee! A key to my hapiness: doing all this before the family wakes up. Maybe @willbrawn , you can change the time of your habit so you don’t feel like you are neglecting the family.

Fernspider's avatar

Get up around 7:15 am, take the dog out to pee (or try and convince partner to do so for me!), put on makeup and do hair, get dressed for work, feed dog, set alarm to house, drive through crazy traffic for 40 minutes to get to work, park car and walk to office.

Get my morning coffee – if I’m feeling rich I will get an espresso from the cafe in our building otherwise I will brew a plunger for myself and colleagues if anyone is keen for some. Check work emails, check private emails, check news websites and then fluther on and off all day waiting for various work conferences and for lawyers and clients to file submissions.

Go home at 3 pm, let the very excited dog out for pee (and hopefully a poo – otherwise he ends up doing it in the house), turn on home computer and check facebook etc (sites which are blocked at work). Make afternoon coffee and read a book in the sun or watch TV until partner gets home.

Make dinner and then watch favourite TV programmes and play computer games until bedtime at 10 pm. Often have to take dog out before bed too.

—- Reading over other posts, I see that many of us are enslaved to taking our pups out to do their business and it rates as a significant task or series of tasks in our daily routine! LOL… awww but we love them right!—-

Wouldn’t change routine… it is in place because I enjoy it and it works for my lifestyle. Weekends are spontanious adventures. Only conistant task is taking the bloody dog out!

YARNLADY's avatar

@Rachienz I sympathize with all who have to take their dogs out. I didn’t even hesitate when it came to cutting a hole in the wall next to the sliding glass door and installing a dog door, so he can go in and out entirely on his own.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My few routines keep me organized and somewhat at ease which I like:

No matter how few or how many hours I sleep, my body wakes up at 5:30, ready for anything.
My closet is always organized, the clothes ordered and pressed ready to go at any time.
I’ve eaten the same foods in rotation for breakfast for near 30yrs and they’ve served me well.
I have a set of exercises I’ve done for near 30yrs in the morning and at night which I believe have served me well.

MrBr00ks's avatar

writing, and reading, plus making my kids laugh. Hugging and kissing my wife would make me happy if she didn’t look annoyed by it. I got off work early last night and sat for over a couple of hours to finish an awesome book.

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