General Question

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

Ladies, is sex any different for you when you're on your period?

Asked by FrankHebusSmith (4319points) September 8th, 2009

Out of curiosity. I’ve been with x g/f’s while they were on theirs, and I never really got much feedback on the differences. So I’m curious. Is it different, how is it different, etc?

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48 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

From I’ve been told, from my past ex’s is, the uterus is swollen, so more contact area for, the, um, member. I’ve also been told that some women are the most horny when towards the end of their “flow.” But I’m no expert on the subject these females might be able to help you out more than I can.

hearkat's avatar

No difference, other than taking mess-prevention measures. Sexual activity and especially orgasm can ease cramping.

sjmc1989's avatar

I have bad periods so I usually want my guy to stay the hell away from me, but there was one guy that talked me into it because he said that usually girls really enjoy it. He was right! Some of the best sex I’ve ever had. I think it was because I’m usually really angry while on my period. So I got to have really good rough sex to take out my frustrations. Amazing

Anyway I think it can be very enjoyable but only if she isn’t in pain and her flow isn’t too heavy.

Likeradar's avatar

It’s more lubricated.

And personally, it’s hard for me to relax and I don’t enjoy it much. So I don’t do it.

Jude's avatar

For me, it hurts a bit.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

There is a specific reason I ask this, so I may add…........ Is it near the same or worse or what if it’s towards the end of your “flow” ? Ala, day 4/5.

marinelife's avatar

The worst is the first or second day. Toward the end is not usually a problem.

Jude's avatar

I agree with Marina. For me, the first few days it’s uncomfortable. After that, it’s fine.

poofandmook's avatar

I’m really self conscious… I like to be on top, so something about smearing it all over him makes me not want to do anything.

casheroo's avatar

I agree with @Marina and @Likeradar
I would not do it the first and second day, it’s just too painful and uncomfortable for me. The end of the cycle is less of a hassle, and more enjoyable. I’m lucky that I have short cycles.

laureth's avatar

It’s wetter, so my husband likes it a little better, if anything. Also, I’m usually much hornier, which might be another reason he likes it better, too. ;)

Navy blue sheets hide a multitude of sins.

tinyfaery's avatar

Sometimes I really want penetration when I am menstruating. The pressure feels good.

ubersiren's avatar

It’s actually a little uncomfortable for me. It feels too tight or something. Aside from the mess, I usually don’t want to until it’s almost over.

kheredia's avatar

I’ve never had sex at the beginning of a period but I have on my last day because it is not so heavy then. In my case I think I am a little more sensitive around that time and aside from being a little self conscious about making a mess, I do enjoy it.

SeventhSense's avatar

My first time was a girl who was having her period (and no she wasn’t a virgin), she just failed to tell me…scarred me for life. . If she’s on the rag, I enter the room with a garlic necklace and crucifix.

Facade's avatar

It’s better actually. I’m able to withstand more ahem, uhh… let’s just say more lol.
Also, It alleviates my horrible cramps..that are horrible…and hurt a lot :(

SeventhSense's avatar

<—Leaving this bad Buffy episode and getting my stake…

dee1313's avatar

I’ve been told that having sex right before you’re about to start your period can help speed it up. I wouldn’t know, though, since it grosses my husband out.

Likeradar's avatar

@dee1313 I believe it, although I don’t know if science backs it up. Every time I’ve been a little late, I have sex and boom, here comes my period.

Facade's avatar

Maybe jostling your uterus around gets the juices flowing helps.

Jude's avatar

All that I know is that right after my period, I want it a little more than usual.

Facade's avatar

@jmah You hornball

Jude's avatar

@Facade, can’t help it, lol

SeventhSense's avatar

Gets the juices flowing..who’s the hornball here?

Axemusica's avatar

Yes, I’m still watching. Mostly to see if my ex’s were being honest & they were, lol. Although, it seems like some don’t like it, but lots do. Kinda gross….. kinda, I mean it’s just a little blood.

aprilsimnel's avatar

For some women it’s not a little blood, it’s a gusher that can last the whole period. And a few days after the period ends is the most fertile time of the cycle, which is why she’ll want to get a little cozier than usual around then.

I got one of those apps that helps a gal sort out her cycle, and the bright green box that means “Egg is ready!” shows up a couple of days after Aunt Flo leaves.

hearkat's avatar

I guess it’s no different for me because my libido and juices run high all the time. The only downside is if I have breast tenderness from PMS, but that is less frequent nowadays.

Facade's avatar

@SeventhSense I haven’t seen my man since March. Leave me alone! haha

dee1313's avatar

@hearkat I’m exactly the same way. My breast tenderness usually is accompanied with my nipples being super sensitive, so having them played with them turns me on more so than usual. I switched birth control from the shot (which made my boobs smaller) to the patch (which can make them bigger, I won’t know until I stop it (because I’m assuming they’re getting bigger from being off the shot)). My boobs are going back to normal size/slightly bigger, so they’ve been super tender lately.

I have talked to my husband about having sex while I’m on the last few days of my period (I usually flow heavy/normal for the first 2–3 days, and then spot the rest, so there really isn’t much blood to worry about). He said he could try it so long as he wears a condom. I can only think of two ways it might affect me. 1) It might hurt more. 2) It might help with my cramps (which are incredibly painful, and I double over every 4 hours, right on the dot, when the ibuprofen wears off). We haven’t had a chance to try it before because I didn’t have periods when I was on the shot.

I think it might be relevant for the girls posting here to mention what birth control they are on if they are on any at all. Some of them can worsen menstrual cramps, so it might have an affect on how sex during periods feel.

Facade's avatar

@dee1313 I’m not on any BC. When I was on it a few years ago, I wasn’t on it long enough to notice any difference in my period or the way sex felt.

El_Cadejo's avatar

For everyone complaining about mess issues…. This is why shower sex is awesomes.

nayeight's avatar

@uberbatman Shower sex is dangerous business. Yes, I slipped and fell. Yes, it hurt. Never again.

casheroo's avatar

lol @nayeight I’ve gotten hurt in the shower as well. Not pretty! haha

dee1313's avatar

@uberbatman My husband is a foot taller than me, so the height difference makes it awkward and uncomfortable.

alive's avatar

lubrication is different. a lot of the women said they are more lubircated, but i actually feel less lubricated, and sometimes experience a bit of irritation from vaginal sex while on my period.

another thing it that my clit aches when i am on my period. sometimes gentle massage is ok, but other times it is just too much and becomes painful not pleasurable.

my breasts usually don’t hurt on my period, only right before.

like most said towards the end is generally a better option (i.e. cramps/aches wear off)

drdoombot's avatar

Ewww. Just ewww.

I had one girlfriend who didn’t tell me her period was about to begin. We were having sex and I looked down, then pulled it out… and I couldn’t stop screaming. I just screamed and screamed and screamed.

alive's avatar

@drdoombot hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Likeradar's avatar

@drdoombot Poor girl!!! Especially poor girl if even she didn’t know it was about to start. But if she did know… not cool on her part. At all.

drdoombot's avatar

Oh, she knew, but she wanted to get hers, goddamn selfish woman.

As I screamed, she tried to clean “it” off. It would have been sensual action, if not for all the blood and screaming.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I get a lot hornier when I’m on my period, and because I can get kind of sore, sex can make me feel a lot better. I’ve never had a heavy flow though, so thankfully I can enjoy it and not have to worry about making any mess. And even if I had a heavier flow, like uber said, that’s what showers are for.

SeventhSense's avatar

Shower sex is awesome for blood clean up.
This is sounding like the serial killer’s blog.:P

ohmyword's avatar

@SeventhSense Shower, definitely.

My orgasms are usually more intense while I’m menstruating.

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SeventhSense's avatar

Well…I might try it rare in your case.
“Clean up on behind in aisle 9”.

Marie123's avatar

My orgasms are also more intense while Im on my period.

I also feel crazy horny two days before and the first two days of my period. I need to be with a guy that is okay with shower sex on my period. Its the best.

Added benefits: helps my cramps, makes my migraines go away, im more willing than normal to have crazy sex, louder, enjoying myself more and far more giving.

It washes away, get over it and start enjoying the benefits! (and helping these girls feel more self-conscious)

Marie123's avatar

ooopppsss less self conscious

dee1313's avatar

Well, we gave it a try when I was spotting at the start, when the cramps and moods are the worst for me. It was painful. Got the period over and done with faster, but my insides hate me that time of the month. Course, I am on birth control, and I take it so I only have one period every three months.

HEY1298583495349's avatar

i would feel bad for him, so i avoid that, and im not married so i dont even do it anyways

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