General Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Is there some sort of master registrar of band names?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) September 8th, 2009

How would one ensure that the band name they chose wasn’t already being used? (Much like the Blink scenario)

Does such a list exist?

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12 Answers

Strauss's avatar

In the US, a band name might be registered as a “brand name” at the US Patent Office.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@Yetanotheruser But it’s not something official that everyone does right? I mean, you wouldn’t be able to call up the patent office and see if your band name was in use would you?

wenn's avatar

there are probably bands that trademark/copyright their name/intellectual properties if they can afford it. and would probably only consist of signed mainstream groups. i doubt any bands patent their band name. trademarking is much more plausible.

but if you are in a band, working on a group name, you probably should already have a knowledge of many bands. so, just dont take names you know of.

Also, a crazy thought, stay with me…you could try google and search for, oh i dont know, “band name registrar” or something similar.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@wenn I have googled…. it yields only vague or unofficial results. I was hoping someone with their ear to the real industry would know for a fact here with the collective… So yes.. you’re crazy (and rudimentary) thought did occur to me.. lol

I’m not really starting a band (yet) .. I was just curious.. and I know someone has the answer out there.. somewhere.

laureth's avatar

Lots and lots and LOTS of bands have duplicate names. Lots! So unless it’s important that your band name be unique like a special snowflake, just go with the one you like. Even if some band in New Zealand is also using that name, does it matter in the grand scheme?

If you’re terribly concerned, check – they may not have every band name known to man (since bands are born, play once, and die every five minutes) but they have a goodly selection of them.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Damn. I used the wrong “your”. I hate that. LOL

@laureth Yes, being unique is very important.

photographcrash's avatar

search on and these sites are where most unsigned bands post info/music.

Strauss's avatar

Another suggestion would be to come up with a name and then google it and see if anyone else is using it.

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

Or just type a bunch of random letters. I doubt anyone’s using hgdrjtfjrtdgd.
Hey, it worked for Kmfdm.

El_Cadejo's avatar

KMFDM actually stands for something though.
Kein Mehrheit Furh Die Mitleid = No Pity for the Majority

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

@uberbatman I figured it might. Just thought I’d be a smartass and trick someone into telling me. Thanks, though.

El_Cadejo's avatar

nice save ;)

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