Do you judge people who drink to get drunk?
Asked by
DominicX (
September 9th, 2009
I’m not here to defend why I like drinking alcohol sometimes, so don’t think that’s the point of this question. I’m just curious to know if you think less of people who drink to get drunk. Be honest.
Personally, I do not at all as I am one of them. But I also do not think less of people who choose not to drink. It’s your own choice and I have no business judging them.
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157 Answers
I never did before, but after being involved with an alcoholic for so long I certainly am biased against people who drink at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, I think this has become an ingrained nervous thing because even when I’m around a really good friend who only had two drinks I found myself getting nervous.
Basically, my attitude these days is that if you need to drink, I don’t need you around me at all.
I wonder why they choose to do it and I might not want to hang out with them, but I don’t think less of them as a person.
EDIT: Now that I think about it, most of my friends do exactly that. If I judged them I wouldn’t be friends with them any more, but I am.
Uh yes, actually. Yes I do. It says a lot about their character. I went to high school with a bunch of kids who would plan to go out and get “wasted, trashed, shit-faced” etc. I seems incredibly stupid to me.
The thing I like about @Facade is that she’s always brutally honest. ;)
I just think there are a lot of assumptions people make, including that people who drink to get drunk need alcohol to have fun. I don’t know about everyone who drinks to get drunk, but I most certainly do not need alcohol to have fun. It is simply one of the many ways by which I have fun.
I think less of them. As Frank Zappa said, “I don’t like people who drink and throw up on me. I don’t like people who take drugs and fall on me.”
Drinking makes you dull and confused. I think less of people who purposely try to get dull and confused.
Also, what about marijuana? You can talk about that too.
Like I said in the conversation that sparked this question: Just because someone does not agree with what you do does not mean they think less of you.
Nope. But “drunk” can refer to a lot of different states, some more pleasurable than others. There’s a line after which it’s no longer fun for you or for anyone around you. I’m not referring to the state you’re in after that point.
Alcohol, like lots of other drugs, can be very instructive, I think. It pushes the boundaries of who you usually are and shows you different facets of your personality. It can help you be a friendlier version of yourself, sillier version of yourself, more honest version of yourself, more relaxed, more open to new things, etc. My experience has been that when most people get drunk, they’re trying to tap into those other parts of themselves. So no, I don’t judge them for that.
Yes, I know. But some do think less of people for it as evidenced by some of the answers in this question. I kind of knew that and I wanted to see how common it was.
@DominicX If you knew the people I know, you’d understand. Being drunk is their way of life. A few of my friends told me they have inflamed and swollen livers from drinking too much, yet they still drink. I have no pity for them.
Weed is the same thing. Don’t be a pothead. All things in moderation.
I drink as a means to an ends, but i discover moments of mental and verbal elasticity that i wouldn’t otherwise appreciate.
And I don’t plan on doing anything like that. Choosing to do that I do believe is an unintelligent decision. But that doesn’t happen to everyone who drinks. Some people know their limits.
@DominicX Right, and that’s great to know your limits. I was only referring to people like the ones I know, that’s all.
Certainly I think less of someone who drinks to become drunk. I avoid that type as much as I can. Why screw up your head with alcohol or grass or whatever when there are so many other life pressures trying to screw it up for you?
Sure, I think less of their judgment, for one.
I don’t judge people who drink to get drunk, or who smoke to get really high.
However, I do still judge them based on their actions. The person who drinks to get drunk and then does “awesome” karaoke and talks a little too loudly and keeps their friends entertained is on a whole different level than the person who drinks to get drunk and then picks fights, wants to drive, and tries to feel up your boyfriend.
I judge the second person, and pretty harshly.
Same with getting stoned. There are people who get stoned and are intelligent, funny, creative, etc. There are others who eat all your food, make fart jokes, and drool all over your sofa. I know who I would judge more harshly.
So would I. Rude or unsafe behavior is still rude or unsafe behavior. Alcohol is no excuse for it. In case you’re wondering, that’s not me by a long shot. I am definitely person A. :)
Yes, I guess I do. Because that’s a choice they make over & over. With deadly consequences, sometimes. There’s something wrong upstairs when someone purposely drinks to get drunk, IMO.
But why? What about those of us who don’t have deadly consequences and know our limits? Why does there have to be something “wrong” with me?
Almost everything we do comes with risks and means of abusing it. That doesn’t mean we would all do that or let that happen.
@DominicX If you know your limits & stop there, then that’s different. You’re not drinking until you’re stinking drunk. That’s what I do. I drink until I can feel that I don’t need any more. That’s responsible drinking. Drinking until you’re so shitfaced that you’re out of it isn’t.
I like to go for a drink, and subsequently get drunk, sometimes.
Because i had a hard day, or because i want to talk ridiculously much to people i am out with.
Simply have a good time, a bit different then the alcohol-less good times i also have.
I some times urge my girlfriend to have a nice night with loads of drinks and get typsy or drunk.
Because i know she can take it and is responsible enough to know not to make it a daily/weekly habit, and because i know she really enjoys those, occasional, evenings.
That’s all.
By the way, I just had someone tell me that anyone who defends why they drink is an addict. So I guess I’m an addict and so are several of you. Cool. I’m also addicted to the internet and listening to music.
No, because it would make me a hypocrite.
I don’t judge the people, but like @Likeradar said, there are actions that prove ones self. I drink & I enjoy it. I don’t drink with the goal or intent to get “drunk,” but it happens sometimes. People get carried away having a good time and 2 or 3 turn into, “holy crap how many have I had?”
Pot… well I feel as though it’s harmless. People who do not partake in it might be annoyed by stoners eatting up all their food, but they might want to charge them, lol.
I attend West Virginia University, a school always listed as one of the top ten party schools in the nation and I hate the people who came to this school just to party. If you drink with some close friends for a good time, sure why not. I’ve enjoyed a happy hour or two. But the kids here who consume as much alcohol as they can possibly consume? I have no respect for them. Learn your limits and stay responsible.
Yes, I do judge them and I don’t want to be around them when they are drunk. I grew up with two alcoholic parents. One of them a functioning alcoholic and the other one not. When I was a child, I didn’t have a choice about it. As an adult I exercise my choice to not be around people when thatre drunk.
Drunk=Out of Control
There is no way around it. It comes with the definition. The fact that someone chooses to delude themselves that they are still in control or can drive or whatever matters little to me. I don’t want to be around it.
I also found it interesting that Donald Trump mentioned once that he felt the same way and has lost respect for business colleagues after seeing them drunk and would never rely upon them in any type of business partnership arrangement.
When you have a relative or someone close to you die as a result of their relationship with alcohol, it just takes all the fun out of it. EVERY severe alcoholic started out getting drunk for fun and EVERY single one of them were sure that they had it under control. Until they discovered that they didn’t.
I have no illusions about it.
Drunk=Out of Control
I thought that’s why people drink? To get drunk or to sleep
I don’t know about you, but when I’m drunk, I’m not just some lunatic out of control. Different people respond to it differently. My parents drank more than I did in high school and college. My parents never drink now.
A similar conversation is continuing on another site and I am being called an alcoholic. Fuck that. Why people think they know me from what I type on the internet is beyond me.
@teh_kvlt_liberal Getting drunk is certainly not why I drink! I like the taste of what I drink, for one. The other reason is I like the buzz I feel. And a buzz is all I allow. I’m a cheap date. 2–3 is all I ever drink at one sitting. I loosen up & everything is funny. But the last time I was actually ‘drunk’ is so many years ago I don’t even remember when it was.
@DominicX They aren’t claiming to know you, they are just going off of what you’ve posted.
I’m also beginning to think I’m using a weaker definition of “drunk” than most people. It doesn’t mean the same thing for my friends and I as it does for some of you evidently. The scale: Tipsy. Drunk. Hammered. I’ve never been “hammered” and I don’t want to be. Plenty of times tipsy is enough.
Then how come when I post things to the contrary, they don’t listen and instead twist it around to fit their agenda? What makes one thing I post about myself more valuable than something else?
@DominicX You sound like someone who’s fun to be round when they drink. You sound like you have limits. Forget the jerk on that other site. He speaks with fork-ed tongue. ;-)
@DominicX Once again, they are just going off what you have said. People will always try to twist around your words on the internet, that is how they rile up people…and it’s working.
@jbfletcherfan @J0E Well, I have since abandoned the conversation on the other site. It wasn’t going anywhere.
I am still interested in what people have to say here and I am not here to shoot down what people say. If I ask questions, it’s simply because I want to know more. Everything I say about me is 100% truth.
I’ve seen a friend get hammered before. She was drunk enough that she drank more just because some random guy told her to. She threw up at 2 A.M. for a long time. That’s not what I want and that hasn’t happened to me.
@DominicX That’ll teach you to go to another site! LOL
I had an improv teacher who used (a lot of) alcohol to loosen himself up when we all went out together after class, especially when he wanted to hit on students he didn’t have the nerve to while sober, which I thought was a contradiction; wasn’t improv supposed to loosen you up? Anyway.
I’m not much of a drinker. Probably one or two drinks twice a month if I’m out with pals. The only people I judge are the ones who drink to get drunk in order to behave obnoxiously or destructively. I’m not sure how far in vino veritas goes, at least when it comes down to people doing unsanctioned snogging (i.e. cheating), destroying property, beating people up… I wonder at those times, “Is that who they really are and alcohol frees them to give in to their worst impulses? Oh, boy…” It’s, like, where does that come from?
Those are the type I try not to be around. As for folks who have a glass or two, eh. People have a glass or two. That’s not drinking to get drunk. That’s a social drink. I believe that that’s OK.
I didn’t say lunatic but the definition of the word drunk means out of control. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called drunk.
I’m no telling you or anyone else how to live their life. I’m just stating that you are drunk I don’t want to be around you.
It doesn’t mean I would never want to be around you. But just not when you’re drunk.
I realize that you are young and still learning about how you choose to handle any one of many issues and choices that you will face throughout your life. Hopefully you can maintain a healthy balance about it.
BTW. Just a little helpful hint which may come in handy at some point. You were comparing the amount of your drinking to that of your parents. If you want to avoid problems with alcohol that’s not what one should focus upon.
It’s not how much one drinks, it’s why one is drinking.
But you asked a question and I answered it honestly. As you go through life you will meet others whose lives have been irreparably damaged from a loved ones alcoholism. It is inevitable that their viewpoint will reflect this. Trying to make an argument for responsible drinking is largely a waste of time.
Hopefully drinking will not get out of balance in your life. But just be aware that others have not had as happy a home life as you seem to have. And if that was due to alcohol abuse there isn’t a whole lot anyone can do to convince them how benign it can be because they know better.
Agreed with all. I was just citing my parents to show that people can stop drinking even if it was a habit before. That was a more a response to the other person who said that me saying I can stop is foolish.
Also, I would never drink alone and I never have. I drink in social situations. It has to be social for me.
I sure have no problem with people who drink to get drunk. If someone wants to drink themselves piss drunk, go for it. They just have to know their is always consequences for your actions, especially the day after! (Hel-lo Hangover!)
People who pass judgement on others are often insecure about themselves.
At the end of the day, it’s the person’s decision and there is nothing you can do about it, so why judge?
I judge, but I don’t think these people are less than. I don’t drink, and I am always surprised how much Americans love their alcohol.
From reading the question again, nothing about being an alcoholic was mentioned in it… There is a difference between drinking to get drunk and being an alcoholic. Just saying.
@Sampson That is true, but for some of us they’ve become linked together and it would be very difficult to separate them. In my case, people drinking make me wonder what kind of horrors are about to happen—even if I know the people who are drinking and know they have no history of doing anything stupid. But, you know, one bad apple ruins it.
It’s like you’re just “waiting for the other shoe to drop”
That’s why I just choose to absent myself. My close friends understand this and don’t take offense. The rest I don’t care about.
Here’s my two cents: there’s nothing wrong with drinking on occasion as long as you know and respect your limits. Don’t get shitfaced, don’t drink to the point of incoherence. Some drinks with friends, just enough to have some good fun…no problem at all.
It’s sort of like sex. Don’t abstain, just be safe and responsible.
And don’t do it too much, or it will lose its excitement!
I do if it is on a regular bases. If someone gets drunk twice a year, I would not think twice about it. I am also not thrilled with people who drink all of the time, even if it is just one drink, and not to get drunk. I have a low threshold for these things. Wine or beer everyday, must drink when out to dinner, the idea of a party or get together without drinking sounds ridiuclous to them, etc. When I get the feeling the person has to have the drink or they feel without, it bothers me.
I get unhappy with anyone who does anything to repeated excess. Which is not to say I get unhappy with really drunk people- just people who are constantly really drunk. The occasional binge in anything is cool with me- its the habitual people that piss me off.
No, cause I do it. If someone drank excessively every night or multiple times a week, I’d think that was a problem. But drinking to get drunk every once in a while or on the weekends isn’t a big deal at all to me. Honestly, I don’t see any other reason why people would drink. You don’t “like the taste” of vodka, or cheap piss beer, don’t give me that shit.
@jbfletcherfan You brought up a good point about taste. I know that if a drink tastes bad to me (meaning it’s strong as hell) I won’t drink it. Most alcoholics and people who like to get drunk as hell will drink anything no matter how bad it tastes. Shots, hard liquors, beer even, none of that stuff actually tastes good.
i don’t really like the feeling of loss of control that comes with being drunk. I actually enjoy the taste of (most) alcohol, and want to savor it and enjoy. particularly since i buy good stuff. also, i have a high tolerance and don’t feel the effect of alcohol readily.
there are better ways to deal with your problems than drowning them.
btw, i didn’t read all the above responses. sorry if this is a repeat
My husband and I are always stunned at how much liquid people can consume. Forget about alcohol, I mean anything. Someone who drinks a six pack of beer? I would not drink a six pack of water.
@le_inferno I’m not giving you any shit about liking the taste, thank you very much! You picked the two things I can’t drink. I can’t stand the sour smell of beer, let alone drink it. And I got deathly sick on vodka many years ago & just the thought of it about makes me want to urp. But what I DO drink, yes, I like the taste of it. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t drink it!!!
Yes, I judge them.
I have no problem with people occasionally going out and getting drunk, even with that sole purpose. But to do it consistantly, or to do it because it changes who you are.. To me that’s just…weird. I don’t know how else to describe it. I know I like to smoke pot, but it’s never been to try to bring out different parts of my personality, because to me that means you have psychological issues with yourself.
I don’t mind, as long as they don’t do it constantly.
What @casheroo said hits the nail on the head, I really only mind it when people drink to become someone that they can’t be when they’re sober. Whether it be to get with a girl or for a girl to have an excuse to be a skank, or whatever. I think it’s sort of pathetic and I tend to not be able to have respect for those people.
Otherwise, drinking is fine, I do it on occassion, but I prefer pot over alcohol any day of the week.
absolutely I do. I don’t particularly see the appeal of alcohol in general, though.
Well, it’s interesting to know how many people prejudge on this. Now I know who couldn’t be my friend in real life. :)
A lot of good answers, guys. Thanks for answering the question.
@DominicX You shouldn’t take it so personally.
@DominicX I think judge might be the wrong word for me? I don’t like to be around it, I have friends who drink quite a bit and I don’t judge them, I just would not want to live or be married to them.
What I meant was that I don’t think I could be friends with someone who thought less of me because of something I do and enjoy. I can understand if they don’t prefer it, just like I don’t prefer when my friends blast loud rock music. I don’t prefer to be around that, but I don’t think less of them for it. My boyfriend is not a big partier and so he doesn’t always want to go to them as often as I do. But he doesn’t think less of me because I like it more than he does. Obviously it’s been working out. I wanted people to be honest in this question and they were; I’m not criticizing anyone’s answers.
It’s just a matter of preference.
I haven’t gone out “drinking to get drunk” for years and years now. In college, that sort of thing was more acceptable—even expected to a certain degree. We used to have such a routine, going to certain bars on certain nights of the week so we could get the most booze for our money. If we were going to a party instead of a bar, we’d “pre-party” before leaving our apartment and show up at the party already tipsy. However, I didn’t like getting hammered or having a hangover and would stop drinking if I felt like I was getting to that point. My friends were the same way. I knew people who seemed to not know or care what their limits were and would continue to drink until they were incapacitated. In general, these were people I didn’t much care for even when they weren’t drinking. It would be hard to say if I judged them for the drinking to excess, or if that was just another reason why I thought less of them. However, there was this guy from Ireland who got himself trashed every single night, and I did like him quite a bit. The accent probably gave him an unfair advantage, and those blue eyes didn’t hurt either.
My father-in-law is an alcoholic, and I still like him a lot. He typically starts drinking with lunch and doesn’t stop until he passes out each night. He’ll drink anything, mix anything, and doesn’t care at all what anyone thinks. He isn’t out driving around, still manages his business fine, and is always willing to help out in any way possible. Once in a while he will drink to the point of becoming very annoying. He’ll say things to our kids that are inappropriate. When he gets like that, we go home. He’s a likable guy until that point. I sure wouldn’t want to live with him though.
It always makes me wonder why they do it. Is it a choice or a compulsion? Is it a compulsion but they think of it as a choice? What does it do for them? Does it help ease some pain? If so, is there a better way of dealing with that pain?
If someone can answer those questions and are self-aware enough to understand their drinking to get drunk, then I don’t judge them. But if they drink to get drunk and have no idea why, other than “it’s fun,” I think of them as not very introspective. I wonder if they are hiding from something. I wonder if they are trustworthy. It makes me a lot more cautious around them.
Any type of addiction, alcohol or other is used as an escape. Escape from what is something that each addict must answer for himself.
That’s basically what rehab programs are about at the core. The addicts begin the process of learning how to deal with the reality of their without escaping into the fog of booze or drugs. It’s a lifelong process.
Why do they do it? I don’t know personally, but obviously it works for them. That is until the point that they realize that they were not escaping their problems but just posponing the inevitable. And making everything worse and damaging the lives of others in the process.
And some may never get to that point and the only thing that breaks the cycle is death.
It depends. Is he/she wearing a Crimson Tide/NASCAR shirt when they try?
I do not condem drinking, but I don’t condone it either. I could careless if you want to drink. But if you do it in excess, then it’s a problem.
There really isn’t any point to drinking except to get drunk. I mean, yeah, it taste’s good. And a buzz is fun. Generally, though, I plan to get torched if I am going to the bar. Unless I am the DD…
@madcapper Why not just stop at a buzz and save yourself the health problems, embarrassment, etc.
@DominicX I think you said you are 19 previously. I think most people don’t judge 19 year olds for partying with their friends. They just hope you are not drinking to the point that you endanger your health, aren’t driving, aren’t getting into unwanted situations, basically that you are safe. But, as people get older they may view adults as compulsive, addicted, wreckless, to name a few, Age matters.
Actually, I just turned 18 this August, and I’m not doing any of those things. I don’t plan on it. Believe me, I’ve seen people my age get into trouble with alcohol. No car accidents, but I’ve seen other things. I want to avoid stuff like that.
I used to do this when I was younger in college, i daresay most people that age do. Drinking has become more of a social calling now. To go out and get a drink is to meet up for conversation and getting together, not who can beer bong twenty beers haha. I didn’t judge at the time, and I don’t judge so much now but I do see how it is not really that great in some cases. I dated a guy who did this every time we went out, and it’s not fun to deal with someone like that on an every week basis. Once in a while to go out and let loose is awesome, but someone who does it all the time I do think should rethink how they are spending their time, and what they are actually gaining by getting “wasted” all the time. I’ve learned it’s much more fun to grab a few drinks after the game and not be hung over in the morning than slamming ten shots.
@jbfletcherfan I know, I wish his parents were on here, so I could tell them how impressed I am with their son.
@JLeslie They would probably be more impressed if he didn’t do any of this stuff.
@J0E I’ve watched this kid on here for several months. He has more common sense than a lot of adults I’ve seen on here, & I’ve told him so.
@JLeslie I agree with that! :-)
Joe and I have known Dominic for a lot longer than a few months. Just sayin’.
@J0E I agree, but he is young, so I give him a pass for now. I never drank or did drugs (well I was drunk about 3 times in my life, I’m 41, and I have drank alcohol probably 20 times in my life total). I HOPE he doesn’t drink because he has that genetic thing in his brain that makes him LOVE it so much he is compelled. I really think a lot of alcoholics are predisposed, and are better off never drinking. But, he is obviously very smart, can argue a point, is willing to discuss topics, interested in learning. Many other teenagers I know do not impress me like he does.
@JLeslie Well, I’m only two years older than him and somehow I’ve managed to stay away from the stuff. Age is no excuse.
Staying away from it doesn’t make you better than me. Where are you getting that idea?
You think everyone needs to follow your example. There are people who believe that eating meat should be illegal and they look down on every single person who eats meat. This is no different in my opinion.
@DominicX When did I ever say I was better than you? She said you are young so she gives you a pass, I made the comparison that I am also young yet I don’t drink.
Well, you implied that my parents would like me better if I didn’t drink. They probably wouldn’t. They know I drink and I couldn’t imagine them being more impressed with me if I didn’t drink. You don’t even know my parents. I’ve only lived with them…let’s see…for 18 years.
@DominicX No, I said they would be “more impressed”, implying that they are already impressed with you.
And knowing my parents, I disagree.
@DominicX Your parents would not be more impressed with you if you were not breaking the law as you are now? Hmmmmm
@DominicX I guess it’s too late to find out anyway.
Maybe impressed is the wrong word. They would probably be relieved, it might cause them some worry.
I don’t think my parents equate “right” and “good” with “American law”. And I agree that it could lessen worry because of that, but I don’t think they would be more impressed with me.
Do they equate “right” with “stupid”?
@Ivan and your point to me is???????.............
@DominicX: why did you ask the question you just asked on Fluther?
To find out what people thought and I did. What’s your problem?
He asked it because on another site I told him “drinking to get drunk is flat out stupid” and because I disagreed with him he accused me of judging him.
Yes, and then I realized you were not. But I knew that there would be people who thought less of people for drinking to get drunk and there were as evidenced by some of the answers on this question.
@DominicX: you posted this question knowing that you would get at least a few responses asserting that, yes, some people have prejudice against people who drink to get drunk. you must have anticipated this and at the same time you come off as not liking the answer. you knew that some people would say so, why offend yourself on purpose? I can think of a few reasons why you would do this. still, I won’t pretend that I can read your mind. so I asked.
Yes, and I did expect that. What are you even talking about? I said “now I know who couldn’t be my friend in real life”. That wasn’t a joke, I meant it. What’s wrong with me telling the truth about the way I feel?
You told the truth about the way you felt in your answer, so why can’t I?
@DominicX Because your “truth” makes you sound butt hurt about the answers you received.
Too bad. I can say what I want.
I don’t feel like he is hurt. Maybe a little on the defensive right now. I don’t think we should criticize him for asking the question. He wanted to know, and now he knows.
And now bratty. Way to go.
I find the majority of answers you give on this site to be bratty. (You attack me personally, I attack you).
You know what? I am sick of this. You all tell me what you want to hear and I will say it to please you because that seems to be the only way out of this.
@ DominicX: I didn’t say you couldn’t or shouldn’t do anything. and did understand that you meant what you said seriously.
I think those people that are saying that they’ve never been drunk but judge those that do should get drunk and see what it’s like.
I think those people that are saying they’ve never binged on heroin for a week but judge those that do should binge on heroin for a week and see what it’s like.
@Ivan Nah, it’s not really like that at all. Alcohol is legal for those over 21, and although it’s not a healthy activity it has no where near the negative effects of heroin. Also, it’s not addictive for most people.
Wasn’t comparing the effects of the drugs, I was analyzing the argument.
@Ivan It’s not an accurate comparison, so your analysis is incorrect.
what I would be concerned with is that sometimes with excess drinking things happen…you say something you regret, get involved with someone (hurting someone you really love) just in general use poor judgement…any time you are using something that causes you to do something that you will regret or that may hurt you or cause you to not care about the things important in your life….be careful…I am sure there are many people who care about you greatly and you have many wonderful things ahead in life, have fun but be safe
@Ivan When it comes to things as such, they should truly be taken on a case by case basis.
And yes, you were comparing the two.
Substitute any word you like for ‘alcohol’. The argument isn’t valid.
@Ivan Sure. Totally ignore what I said. Note in my above statement, “case by case basis”. Not every drug is the same as every other drug. Nor is every crime the same as every other crime. Nor is every legal activity the same as every other legal activity.
@Sampson I have no desire to get shit-faced to see if people will judge me. I already know they would, therefore, I avoid that. You recommending people do so makes no sense.
You’re not understanding what I’m saying. “You’ve never done it so therefore you can’t talk about it” is not a valid argument, whether it’s used in relation to alcohol or whatever.
@Ivan I wasn’t saying that no one could talk about it. Judging a person’s character and talking about something are two totally different things.
So if I told you I participated in some activity, you wouldn’t judge me until you had participated in that activity as well?
Because I’m a flawed human, it would depend on the activity. But I would try to refrain from it.
Don’t knock the extermination of 6 million jews until you try it.
Misleading vividness seems to be the logical fallacy of choice lately.
Yeah this thread has gone downhill fast.
I know. :(
It seems every 30 questions I post (this is my 30th), I get 2 that go downhill. That happened on my old account too.
Well it really had nothing at all to do with you. Once a few trollish comments were made others just jumped on the bandwagon instead of ignoring them so they would just give up and go away.
Btw. Is that new pic your bf?
Yes, it’s true. Oh well. Compared to the amount of questions that don’t go downhill, it’s not bad. Also, doesn’t mean that plenty of the answers weren’t good. I got the answer to my question from various people.
And no, it’s me. I know it makes my hair look darker and we have the same nose, but it’s me. :)
@Buttonstc I apologize if you consider me a troll. I was merely speaking my perspective.
I made a reference to COMMENTS as being trollish. I did not reference any specific person.
It’s really not too difficult to see when things started to deteriorate and by the time it reaches “don’t knock the extermination of six million Jews until you try it” it’s obvious that rock bottom has truly been reached.
I look and see if that person has a serious problem, but otherwise, nah, it’s all good.
How did this deteriorate? I’ve only witnessed a discussion. People get passionate about their beliefs. Some get snarky and defensive, others hold their composure.
If you like to drink, that’s fine. If you’re an ass when you do I will probably judge you and stay away from you. If you know your limit and can control yourself I have no problem.
I use to judge a people.I dont know why but it is propably myself. I judge myself this time to be ferplay.
Whoa. First Dominic was cool, then not cool. WTF?
That’s my assessment of the wayward thread.
Yep. I always start threads that turn out like this. Anyone remember a certain college-themed thread from my old account?
What in the…?
I think it was a reference to the off-topicness and the not so subtle insults.
How did this deteriorate?
Are you familiar with Godwin’s Law? When someone has such a paucity of originality in debate that they feel the need to GRATUITOUSLY drag in references to Hitler, Nazis, the Holocaust, etc to a thread which obviously has no logical connection, they have effectively ceded their position. And they have effectively brought that thread to it’s nadir.
“Don’t knock the extermination of six million Jews until you have tried it. ”
Come on now, seriously? Of course not and how does that answer anything? Purely gratuitous, imho.
@Buttonstc I guess I’ve seen worse here at fluther, that’s all. No need to “come on now, seriously?” to me.
Jesus Christ, can no one see the difference between making analogies in attempt to malign one option and substituting options in order to demonstrate the validity of an argument?
As I have said, you can substitute anything into “You haven’t tried [x], so therefore it isn’t logical to judge people for doing [x]”, and the argument would be equally as invalid. I am using ridiculous values of [x] to demonstrate that. Of course the most ridiculous thing I could think of was the holocaust. That was both my entire point and the humorous part of the joke; you have failed to understand either part.
So I guess that you seem to think that you should be given a pass on Godwins Law because of your “superior” (in your eyes at least) reasoning skills.
Well, I for one, am not reluctant to call “Foul” on that play. Somehow I doubt that my opinion is an isolated one.
Get back to me when you grow up a little. But you’ll have to send a telegram as I’ve just pushed my own personal ignore button for any of your posts.
Man, if I could just put this question into a black hole, I would…
Only when I am not drunk.
Yes, I’m aware you can do that, but I’m not interested in not following it. I was simply lamenting what happened to it.
“you seem to think that you should be given a pass on Godwins Law”
Uh, no.
Me: “It would be humorous and educational if I used the most ridiculous and outlandish analogy I can think of in this situation. The most ridiculous and outlandish analogy I can think of is the holocaust”
You: “Zomg Godwin’s Law!”
Me: ::facepalm::
Analogous situation
Me: I’m going to intentionally say something offensive to prove a point.
You: I’m offended!
Oh, and “More people agree with me therefore I’m right”, “Last word! Last word! nananana Ignoring you!”, and “you need to grow up” all being spoken in the same comment is fairly humorous.
@Facade I suppose because I only get drunk like once a week so I’m not stressing the health problems and I have yet to be embarrassed by my actions! haha
~I don’t know of any other way to get drunk than to drink!
Anyone here that knows me, I’m looking at you @DominicX (figuratively speaking) knows that I sometimes drink to get drunk. Sometimes I drink to relax, sometimes just the one cos I like the taste or to be social, and sadly sometimes out of boredom.
I also find I (sometimes) write my best music when drunk.
I judge more harshly the person who drinks in order to pass out than the person who drinks to get a buzz. I’ve been the person who drinks to pass out in order to go to sleep and I know people who drink to pass out because they are too overwhelmed by sadness. That behavior goes beyond goofing off with your friends and getting sloppy.
Yes. Period. Don’t think much of people who drink to get drunk.
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