How is cak doing with her recovery?
I know a lot of people are sending out their well wishes to a fellow jelly going through one of life’s toughest challenges.
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126 Answers
Could someone volunteer to be the official reporter of the Facebook updates?
Most recent update: “started chemo today. I’m miserable at this moment, so I thought I’d try to do things to occupy my mind. Tried knitting, I knitted a knot. Tried painting, that was just bad. I even tried welding…well, there’s some kind of metal sculpture going on….looks like the finger to me”
The sculpture sounds like an appropriate response to chemo to me.
I love that she is able to see the humor in all things! {hugs}
Goodnight Cak- and I bet you could sell that sculpture!
Oh dear cak, a sense of humor is the best thing for you now. Sounds like you’ll be the life of the chemo ward!
Latest status 3 hours ago:
Oh, you know it’s bad when homemade soup won’t make you feel better. Shouldn’t there be some kind of cosmic law…if you are going through treatments for something big, one should not have to deal with a cold or the flu? Ick.
Smoke a doobie @Cak. You have THE BEST excuse. :)
There should be a cosmic law about getting the flu while fighting cancer.
Hang in there Cak.
I had to figure out where to post! I’m heading to bed. It’s been a rough few days, between chemo and my daughter finally reaching her limits in dealing with this and the fact that my son shared his cold/bug/germs…whatever, with me…well, it’s just been tiring.
I appreciate all the thoughts and hope to be on here soon. This chemo is kicking my butt faster than it did before, so I’m just riding the waves right now.
Save a cookie for me when I can finally stomach some food!
I wish I had a fraction of your bravery and courage. You are a super hero.
Sorry things are so tough right now. We will all be thinking of you (and using lots of hand sanitizer – don’t need no cold germs here!).
@cak we are thinking of you and sending good thoughts!!!
our thoughts are always with you :)
love to you and your family, positive thoughts coming your way xx
Cookie? We’re past cookies. Time for pie. Or, better, peach cobbler with whipped cream!
Hang in there, girlie, you’re doin’ fine!
Keep fighting, Cak !
We’re all pulling for you.
Hey Cak, I just went to my son and daughters school and licked the door knobs. I should be joining you in at least the flu very soon.
Bri out!
@cak LOTS of cookies for you!
@augustlan BLASPHEMY! Never past the time for cookies!
I think you meant me, @avvooooooo. ‘S OK. Pie and cookies, then. :)
@aprilsimnel Yep, sorry. YOU’RE the blasphemer! Thought I clicked on you, but oh well! Pie and cookies will work just fine!
A feast of cookies! May you soon have the desire and stomach for them.
Goodnight Cak.
As you have been healing I have wished you well and prayed for you in three different states. California, Florida and now Georgia.
What other countries and states have well wishes come from?
I hope she’s doing great. I miss her.
Her latest facebook update: When you send your 1st grader to school saying, “No, today is not the day they make me into a toxic wast dump, one should really think about what they are saying. According to my son’s 1st grade class, I am a toxic waste dump and should really go green. I love 6yr old children!
Kids are great, aren’t they? Silly buggers.
Hope everyone is doing well!
The real question is, how you doin?
Worn out. Tired. Fatigued. Annoyed. Yeah…all of those. I’m still smiling and joking, though. No reason not to joke or laugh. It’s not like I’m dying (I refused to do that yet) and if I was, I’d still laugh.
I’m waiting for my hair to fall out. We need hair, it really does keep you warm! Why, oh why, do I only go through chemo in the cooler months?
My mother used a weird combo that kept most of it intact (mind you, she had plenty of it and very thick too, so maybe that’s why). She still wore a wig for a while though. I think it might make you feel better if you just shave it all off yourself and wear a wig (or beret or something) rather than watch it fall.
In any case, hope you’re feeling better by the day. Glad you’re back :)
<——- @cak ~ greetings!! if ya want, I’ll ship my orange hat to you to help keep you warm this winter!
@jack79 – I totally shave it, once it starts falling out. I’m in control, not the cancer!
@mcbealer – Absolutely!
Cak: Black velvet beret, red satin rose pinned on rakishly and big earrings. I agree with shaving it all. Sorry that everything is so nasty…temporarily, I am sure.
Or for a different take, mcbealer’s gnome hat, a Groucho mustache and a red clown nose.
Get one of those big russian fur hats.
then you could put on a fake accent when you go to the doctor: “Be careful what you shoot at, things in here don’t react well to bullets.”
Nice to hear from you cak.
I’m so glad you could post to us today! Yay, @cak!
Good to see you popping in for a little while. Positive thoughts still going your way to sustain you.
check out these hats they all look pretty funky!
Glad to see you on here!
Although I don’t know you personally, I can tell you are loved and admired by many. Know that there is plenty of love and positive energy and thoughts for you on here.
I have just lost my cousin to a brain tumour and at his memorial service we all talked about his unending positive thinking and how we really all truly felt we should take his example of living what life any of us have to the fullest.
I know all will be well for you and it is great to hear you being positive and refusing to give up. You are an insipration xx love to you and your family xx
There hasn’t been any activity here for a while, has there been any facebooking or updates anywhere else???
Good Question @rooeytoo – I have been wondering as well.
@KatawaGrey – thank you, it is pirate day so the Town Dog is dressed for the occasion.
@rooeytoo: Ah, that explains why Jeruba is sporting a one-eyed Cate Blanchett as well. :)
Sounds as if all the pirates have a frog in their throat!
Blast ye all. It be the 20th. Time to stow the bones and patches.
It’s pirate day where? On Fluther? On the Internet? All over the world or just the US?
Who decreed it as pirate day and by what authority? Am I that badly out of the loop?
@Buttonstc It is National Pirate Day in the island town of Szungumbiru, SE of Madagascar. And as a tradition, everybody who is either a pirate, or decendant of an exiled convict, or a dog (and I think rooey here is all 3) has to be dressed up. I thought everybody knew that! Well, pirates do, anyway :P
…now where did I put that eyepatch?
Thank you. That makes sense to me now. I knew I hadn’t been living under a rock for THAT long.
Happy Pirates day to all youz down under folk. And TD looks quite fetching with the eye patch. :D
@All; Should we talk about pirates elsewhere?This thread is about Cak. No news is bad news, to me. I have a close family member with the same blood cancer. His newest hope is a kitten named Nutmeg who just arrived.
[Mod Says] International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a different topic. One which I enjoy myself, but this thread is about @cak‘s recovery and we should keep it directed to wishing her well.
“Argh, aye hope ye is getting better, @cak! Make yer illness walk the plank, ya should!”
Does anyone have an update? Please?
Boy, when it rains, it pours.
From Chris’ Facebook update:
(not Chris – her husband) Chris has taken some time off due to a serious car accident her sister was involved in last week. She remains in ICU and is not out of the woods. Chris is also fighting chemo and it’s hitting her very hard. She’s… resting alot, which is what she needs to be doing. Thank you all.
wow, that is hellish, don’t know what else to say.
I am speechless.
Adding Chris’ sister to prayer list.
I can’t imagine complaining about things again.
My prayers go with you.
So sorry to hear of this latest development. Positive thoughts wishes and prayers will continue coming your way from me and many others.
Best thoughts going out to Chris and family.
Life sometimes throws curve balls and it takes a lot to cope, I am sure that I am not alone when I say that love and positive thoughts are still with @cak andeven more so now this terrible accident has happened xx
Oh no, I hope the sisters get well very very soon.
Guess we should keep those orange clothes on then (not that they seem to have helped much, have they though?)
Just positive thoughts!!! Keep up the positive thoughts!
sorry to sound ignorant here, but I was under the impression she had breast cancer?
@Jack79: Her primary and original cancer was Chronic Leucocytic Leukemia. The breast surgery indicated metastasis or Draconian precaution.
And her little boy had bone cancer during one of her earlier hospitalizations.
@Jack79: The orange didn’t help? They’re both still alive and considering the circumstances, that’s pretty amazing.
Ah ok, thanks for the info. Because I remember her talking about the mastectomy, didn’t know about the previous problems. This is probably why it went so bad. Mastectomy is a relatively simple operation nowadays, and I was surprised to find out how much trouble cak had been having with it, when my own mother (20 years ago and with the research still infantile) went back to work a couple of weeks after the operation. So things are actually tougher than what I had originally expected. Hang in there, cak! :)
Hi everyone. While I’m still awake, I thought I’d drop in. I’ve just started to feel better after a massive infection – what used to be the left one wasn’t happy about leaving, I guess.
My sister has improved and continues to improve. She will be in physical therapy for quite some time, but it’s better than other outcomes. She’s a fighter, my entire family is.
Thank you for the continued supports, laughs, and thoughtful words. They mean a lot.
So glad to hear you are getting better and your sister too. Again I say, you are a strong and brave woman, Zena could take a lesson from you!
Happy happy, joy joy, happy happy!!
@cak glad to hear you’re doing a bit better. keep up the good work! you’ve got at least one sexy monkey rooting for you, and how can that be bad?! ;)
@Darwin nah. i’m potty trained. i just throw mojo vibes now.
Thanks for the updates. We’re all still in an orange state of mind and wish you all the best.
I an so glad you’re feeling better. You had us worried!!!
I’m glad to know that you and your sister are doing better, @cak! We’re holding you both in the collective palm of our thoughts and love.
very very good news at the end of a weary day!! so glad to hear from you @cak !!
:) life is good! The sisters are improving!
Yay cak! very happy for you. hope you continue to mend til you’re in tipppy top condition. love x
So glad to hear the better news. Hang in there !
Great update, CAK. Thanks for taking the time to keep us in the loop!
Sending lots of lurve to you, your sister and your entire family….Gary/wtf
This in facebook on Tues. night.
Chris Anne wrote: I need to gain weight. Funny, that is what the doctor is telling me. I have my head in the toilet half the freakin’ day. Gain weight…my not so big butt!
And this last night:
Chris Anne: I’ve decided I don’t have cancer. I have the Pain in the A$$ syndrome. It is a royal PITA!
Jeez it all makes me feel so sad and helpless. But doesn’t she have amazing spirit and attitude.
Good on ya Cak!
Firecracker! Firecracker! Sis Boom Bah! Chris Anne, Chris Anne! Rah, Rah, RAH!
@gailcalled….Thank you for the update…that does so sound like our @cak…she is very remarkable! See ya….Gary/wtf
@whatthefluther: Granted that @Cak is remarkable, but she is not the only one. You are both tied for Gold Medals (or a stuffed mouse, if you like. The taxidermist has been busy here.)
Can somebody please tell me what this means? In that quip, she said that “If I listen this time, I won’t make it till Christmas”. I sent her a PM about it, but she hasn’t replied me yet. I’m really worried…
@Saturated_Brain – Several times in her earlier fights against cancer, cak was told in no uncertain terms to get her affairs in order. At one point her doctors gave up on her so she switched doctors and hospitals. I suspect she is referring to that and has been given yet another deadline, one that she is determined to beat.
Whether she will prove the doctors wrong yet again I do not know, but if anyone can it will be cak. She is certainly in the hearts and prayers of many people.
@cak When you get o read this, know I am sending you love, lurve and hugs. Keep fighting, skinny girl.
@cak I am sending my love as well! You are in my thoughts.
@Darwin Thanks for that. That makes me feel somewhat better.
@cak Fight the good fight cak!
@all If possible, do you think it would be a good idea to put majorrich and cak in contact with each other?
@Saturated_Brain Not a bad idea… you could PM both of them, and provide a link to the other’s profile.
Or to this thread and the one where majorrich told us about his diagnosis.
I just PMed them both with a link to each other’s profile. I think I’ll do what @Jeruba said too.
Having been partway there, my strong sense is that to introduce two strangers in real medical crisis to each other makes no sense at all. It is an unnecessary and energy-consuming distraction.
@gailcalled – Possibly, but @cak has been very supportive to others who had been in the midst of difficulties, and I know that she has also asked for and gotten advice from people who have also been in crisis. Note: I first met cak on Askville and have both gotten and given support. She may have some words of wisdom for @majorrich that will help him get through the process. At the very least she can share how she manages to remain sane when in the hospital for long periods.
She might also know how to talk to the son.
But @gailcalled has a good point: it might be a lot to ask of someone whose focus of energy has to be his or her own immediate concerns.
True that… Okay… I told them both that they should contact each other only if they’re feeling up to it…
But yeah.. This is terrible news… Sigh….
I saw on facebook that @cak made an appearance here on fluther recently. Does anyone know where? She has been heavy on my heart today.
I’m working on finding a doctor to take my case on. I’m kind of in limbo. I still have an active oncology team, but they pretty much have resigned to the, “there’s not a whole lot left to do” theory.
I’m still kicking, just had a rough stay in the hospital. An extended one, at that. Blah!
@cak…...I missed you! Keep fighting sweetheart. I love you…..Gary/wtf
@wtf – it’s always wonderful to see you, my friend! I’m still kicking – so I’m still fighting!
Oh, @cak, it is so, so, so wonderful to see you here again.
Have you talked to City of Hope? I hear they are doing a lot of experiemental stuff.
Oh cak! Good to see you!
You seem to be hanging in there like a spider monkey. I’m happy that you are. :)
Said it on the other thread and I’ll say it again, “It’s great to see you, cak!”
@Judi – that is one of the places we are looking at right now. We’re also looking overseas. It’s a process and we have good people helping us out. Lots of calls, lots of pleading and every now and then, we here “yes.”
If you end up at City of Hope or anywhere near California, please let me know. I would love to come visit you!!
@Judi – that would be wonderful! I’ll let you know if I head that way. :)
how lovely to see your friendly giraffe, I was thinking about you today :)
It took me forever to find this, and I’m not even sure if it’s the most “up to date” Cak thread.
Cak’s Facebook status today included this update: “I’m completely in remission; however, had a ruptured cerebral aneurysm in the summer. Clipping surgery has been a slow recovery, but I’m ok.”
I am so thrilled!
I was so worried…. I would randomly post to her FB hoping for the best and this is THE BEST!!!!
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