Social Question
If you knew someone had mentioned wanting to commit a felony, how would you feel? (see details)
Someone said to me tonight that they would like to go to Washington DC and put a bullet between Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Harry Reid’s eyes. I would assume he meant three bullets. Now, I doubt this person would actually do it, and I am pretty sure that he was just expressing his conservative righteous indignation at having the Democrats in control of the country, but people using language like that is disturbing. You really never know what people will do if pushed to the wall. This guy is a friend, so I would assume he was just blowing off steam.
As a nation where we are allowed freedom of speech, where does one draw the line? The conservatives seem to hate Obama even more than they did Clinton, which I find almost unbelievable. I’ve heard several people say similar things, and I just wonder, should this be allowed as free speech at all?
Where does free speech stop and hate speech or threats begin?