General Question

scotielee's avatar

How can I print remotely?

Asked by scotielee (117points) September 10th, 2009

The facts:
-I live in Indiana.
-I work for a firm that is located in Houston, TX.
-My job requires a lot of documentation.

The problem:
Currently, all my documents are sent to our receptionist at the Houston office via email in PDF format. She then opens the emails, prints them and files them when she is finished.

Respective to productivity, I would like to skip that step. Here is my question; how can I print on the office printer in Houston from MY office computer, when I am in Indiana?

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7 Answers

se_ven's avatar

Here are a few options for a fellow Hoosier:
– Setup a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Logmein Hamachi (VPN like)

I’m sure there are others out there as well.

YARNLADY's avatar

We use Logmein and it works just fine. What about a fax machine? My computer can print out faxes on our printer.

Jeruba's avatar

I can send jobs to the printer in my office from anywhere that I have a virtual private network (VPN) connection through my company laptop. When I worked offsite for six weeks, I made good use of that. When one of my office colleagues traveled to Chennai, India, he logged into the VPN from there and printed out a document a few feet away from me.

The only tricky thing is if you print something by mistake. You’d better have an onsite friend who will rush to the printer and pick up your confidential report for you when you realize you’ve just hit the wrong button.

grumpyfish's avatar

Yep—I use Hamachi as well to plot from 3000 miles away.

BBQsomeCows's avatar

email to kinkos

OR print to kinkos virtual printer

have documents delivered to office

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dabbler's avatar

some great answers already, basically to reach a printer in the Houston office you have to be on that network somehow.Some VPN is the most natural/easiest as the printer will look to your machine as it’s local.
You might ask the IT people in that office what is their preferred method to do that so you conform to their security standards.

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