General Question

curiousk's avatar

Does anyone know how to use doodle?

Asked by curiousk (128points) September 10th, 2009

I’m trying to set up a meeting for several organizations, but because the members all have different schedules, coming up with the right time that would be ‘ok’ with everyone is very difficult. I thought using Doodle would alleviate my problems because my professor used it once and it looked really simple to just click “OK” on what ever time slots you were available. However, now that I created my Doodle account, I can’t seem to get my Poll options to look like what she sent us. Her Poll invitation had the month, the day and date plus two different times for each different option. I can’t get passed step 2…How do I set it so that I can add about 12 different dates with at least 2 time options for each…can anyone help?

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1 Answer

andrew's avatar

I just kept adding times when I set it up. Perhaps you need to click the + button?

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