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As a kid, did your parents enforce gender stereotypes on you (to what degree)?
Inspired by Jamielynn2328’s comment
Obviously, I wore boys’ clothes and baseball hats and junk, but I’m referring more to classic “negative” things, such as your parents discouraging you from participating in certain activities because they weren’t “feminine” enough or telling you that boys don’t cry.
Personally, my parents didn’t do any of that. I had an EasyBake Oven and a baby doll, for crying out loud. I loved playing “house” and I had pink plastic sunglasses. (I liked a bunch of boys’ things too; I was just highlighting the more girly things). I was never taught not to cry or express emotion either. Maybe that’s what made me gay… :P kidding
But I’m curious. I ask this question on every site like this and I can’t believe I haven’t asked it here yet.
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