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jonsblond's avatar

Are pornographic photos allowed on Facebook?

Asked by jonsblond (44433points) September 11th, 2009

I’ve just started a Facebook account a few weeks ago and have enjoyed catching up with old friends from high school. I added a friend that I haven’t seen in years who is a bit on the eccentric side.

This morning I noticed on the highlights part of my home page a group of photos that this person posted with a woman performing oral sex with a man.

Is this allowed? If it is, how do I get this off of my home page? If it’s not allowed, how do I report this? I’m getting tired of looking at this every time I go to my home page.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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29 Answers

sandystrachan's avatar

Last i knew it was against facebook law , to remove it from your homepage i have no clue . To report it contact facebook and send them a link or picture of what you see . Maybe

MrGV's avatar

No. Don’t be an ass and report them just move your mouse over the pictures and choose Hide.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

no they’re not allowed – neither are breastfeeding pics, but I’ve posted those because I think that’s ridiculous

jonsblond's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I agree with you there, that is ridiculous.

casheroo's avatar

I’ve seen girls my age in barely any clothes, in lingerie all over facebook….but god forbid you post a breastfeeding picture.
Was it a picture someone posted, or did it go along with a quiz somone took? I know quizzes sometimes have rauncy pictures with them.

jonsblond's avatar

They are wall photos posted by this person. Nine very explicit, close up pictures.

edit: I just figured out how to report it. Thanks everyone!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No, that’s not allowed. I’m surprised they didn’t catch that, but maybe something has to be reported first before they see it.

Sarcasm's avatar

Regardless of whether or not it’s allowed.. Why would you WANT to post breastfeeding pictures? Honestly?

casheroo's avatar

@Sarcasm Because it’s a natural act of bonding with your child. People can post pictures of themselves feeding a child a bottle, why not feeding them the natural way? You no NOT see boobage when breastfeeding, the nipple is completely covered. And even implied breastfeeding is censored. I had a photo of me and my son removed because I labeled it “lunch time” and he was opening his mouth..but you couldn’t see me at all

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Sarcasm yes I would and I did – I think they’re amazing and I think they’re not posted enough – I think people shouldn’t have this be something they can’t look at and yes even if you can see the nipple and the eating – if you, personally, find something disgusting in that, I’d say you have a problem

Sarcasm's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t think it’s disgusting. I think it’s inappropriate for facebook (and for public places).
I think it’s also inappropriate to post birthing pictures on facebook (though I do think that is disgusting).

@casheroo Because feeding them the natural way has you exposed. Sure, nipple’s hidden, but the boobicle is there. Firefox suggests that instead of boobicle, I meant bookmobile, or bootless It’s natural for me to be naked, but that doesn’t mean I should walk around town naked.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Sarcasm why is it inappropriate? it’s not, at all. it’s not the same as you walking around naked – that has no use to anyone but breastfeeding is not there for myself or for you but for my kid and ignorance of people such as yourself makes it difficult for me on a daily basis to be a proper parent

casheroo's avatar

@Sarcasm You’re kidding, right? You’re comparing being naked to breastfeeding? Breastfeeding women are protected by the law, it is not indecent exposure, but apparently online it is.

RareDenver's avatar

@Sarcasm you surprise me there Sarcasm, I never had you down as a person that would shun breastfeeding in public places.

It’s never bothered me at all, when you’re out and about and your baby is hungry what are you meant to do? Just let it suffer because a few people might not be mature enough to deal with a woman feeding her child?


jbfletcherfan's avatar

Give him a break, folks. He has a right to voice his opinion,just as you all have. Just because he doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t make it ridiculous.

RareDenver's avatar

@jbfletcherfan but I can be of the opinion that his opinion is ridiculous and express that can I not?

Sarcasm's avatar

@RareDenver No I don’t think the baby should have to starve (not like it will if you don’t feed it for 20 minutes, just it’ll cry more). But I think it’s appropriate, if you’re at a restaurant, to bring the baby to the restroom. If you’re at someone’s house, I think you should bring the baby to a closed off room. Just as you would if you were to change the baby. You wouldn’t take off their diaper on the kitchen counter when you’re having a nice dinner, would you?
To be honest, though, I don’t even think you should bring the baby to a public place period. Because the baby will cry. And it annoys everyone. And if you think your baby’s cries aren’t annoying, you’re insane and shouldn’t have a baby.

@casheroo Yes, I am. Regardless of the legal status, it’s indecent to some people. There are plenty of things that’re perfectly legal but absolutely annoying.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Let’s be honest, my nudity has use to everyone. I’m just too sexy. But really. I’m not saying breastfeeding is bad. I’m saying you shouldn’t whip out your tit as you’re sitting at the DMV.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Sarcasm you’re clearly not a parent because those 20 minutes when IT will cry more are like hell to hear for all involved and my infant comes before you do, no matter how sexy you are and if you think it’s more appropriate to being a small infant with a barely there immune system to the restroom, I hope you won’t parent for some time…and again, try to understand that their poop is not the same as their need for sustenance…I don’t really get why you don’t see that, it’s not that difficult…moving on to your other problematic, for me, statements..I do think my baby’s cries are annoying and therefore will make them stop crying by whatever means possible not for anyone else but for myself and to satisfy this human I chose to raise…and if it is my poor luck to be stuck in the DMV with my baby as this wouldn’t be an ideal situation for any parent, then please be compassionate and understand that their lives might be more complex than yours…they are not above you but you are not above them

casheroo's avatar

I’m going to pretend @Sarcasm is being sarcastic and trying to yank our chain. No one is truly that much of an asshole.

RareDenver's avatar

@casheroo Sarcasm is not an asshole, but I think he is being serious on this point

Sarcasm's avatar

@casheroo I’m an asshole for not wanting to hear babies cry and for not wanting to see such an intimate act in a public place? I totally am! (See, that is sarcasm, cause, I’m not an asshole, get it)

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m clearly not a parent? Oh, I didn’t know. Guess I’ve gotta get rid of my “World’s best dad” mugs :(
“those 20 minutes when IT will cry more are like hell to hear for all involved” wat?
“if you think it’s more appropriate to being a small infant with a barely there immune system to the restroom” You’d bring it to the restroom for a change, wouldn’t you?
their poop is not the same as their need for sustenance I understand that. But both acts are things I don’t want to see.

If I was a parent (and let’s all pray to our pretend gods that this never happens), instead of dragging my baby to the DMV (or wherever else) I’d have my wife take care of it for the few hours. If she’s unavailable, a close relative or close friend. Surely you have some friends out where you live.

casheroo's avatar

@Sarcasm It’s really not that simple (and I have been in huge fights with DMV workers over them yelling at me for my child…you do NOT achieve anything by attacking a parent with a child who is impatient) I honestly don’t even notice kids crying or throwing fits in public anymore, and if I do I just think “thank god that’s not me” and the noise doesn’t even phase me. Once you have a child, you realize….shit happens. You can’t control every aspect of life, children are impatient and need to be taught how to behave..they only leave from experience.—this is different than forcing a child to be out during a tantrum, I would not do that. But, I will finish what I’m doing (like grocery shopping, but I’ll buy what I’ve gotten)
Also, I would never breastfeed in a bathroom, that’s disgusting. You don’t serve people in restaurants in the bathroom, why make an infant eat in there?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Sarcasm if you’re a parent, that’s too bad, imo…shrugs I would bring it to the restroom to change because in case you don’t know we all go to the restroom to change when we poop – but we eat outside the restroom….and just because you don’ wnat to see something doesn’t mean I have to agree to it…I don’t want to see the group of construction workers every day on my way home that cat-call me and harass me, but so what? I don’t want to see that woman I work with who’s a mega bitch every day but so what? I don’t want to see scientologists or jehova’s witnesses near me ever! but so what? there are lots I don’t want to see…but of all the things you don’t want to see, a baby nursing can’t be so uncomfortable..maybe you should examine why you have these issues, it’d be good…and yes all my friends are available, you’re right ‘cause they aren’t adults with jobs or kids of their own…and my wife, her, yes, she’s lovely and imaginary…if I had to go to the DMV my husband can watch the baby but if I have to go to the WIC Office or for food stamps my baby has to go with..sometimes that’s what hte offices require..and just as a side note, why isn’t your wife working? or are you one of those where clearly she doesnt have a job after the baby?

RareDenver's avatar

@Sarcasm sorry I got you bullied by girls, lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@RareDenver I am not bullying him as a ‘girl’ – I am expressing my reality to him as a grown parent, but thanks anyway

Supacase's avatar

@Sarcasm I can’t slam you because I handled breastfeeding exactly the way you described. That doesn’t mean I think everyone should do that. I did what I was comfortable with, which is what matters. Making other women or La Leche happy was not on my mind. Neither was making a statement. Neither was making others comfortable or uncomfortable. It was between my daughter and me and I preferred it to be private.

One think that is important to keep in mind is that a mother can begin to lactate or “leak” simply by hearing their child cry. Dealing with that for 20 minutes would not be fun for anyone involved.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I’d report the the photo. That clearly goes against the Facebook terms of service.
They have mods too.

@Sarcasm I’m with you on the screaming baby at the restaurant. Parents shouldn’t bring out children that aren’t ready to be brought out. Yes sometimes kids will have fits. That’s when parents take the kids outside. To let a child just wail away while others are trying to have a peaceful dinner is very disrespectful.

Garebo's avatar

I don’t believe you. But if they are really, really, I mean a really big porn star, then you will never get it off your page, and if you do, it will leave a very foul and nasty virus.
That’s one of many reasons, why I stopped, and don’t plan on ever joining again.

sandystrachan's avatar

@Sarcasm To go to a rest room to feed a baby , hmm would you eat in a shitty toilet ? ?
Breastfeeding is more natural than you using a fork and knife , if YOU don’t want to see a baby feeding look the other way .

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