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wundayatta's avatar

How much loss of privacy or security are you willing to put up with to give what you want to give to those around you?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) September 12th, 2009

I think many of us would like to contribute to our culture, our society, or even all humanity. The scope of that contribution might vary a lot. Some would aspire to give to their family, or a few close friends. Others might want to be able to give to hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

If you have something to give that people want, they usually appreciate it. If you are a performer, and you give, people can start to want it all the time, thus depriving you of privacy. There are consequences to public service and power.

Would you give up any private life if you could give a hundred thousand people at at time the gift of a transcendent experience, such as Michael Jackson and other huge rock stars could give?

Would you want to give anonymously? Do you even aspire to give anything to anyone besides those you are immediately related to? What and how much of it would you like to give, and how much imposition on your life would you put up with to give it?

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